Rate My 24 Rogue!

Guys seriously agm is nothing in this bracket. Anyone geared can kill agm with one hit, and stam stacking is noob for a dps class. agm is swag points, and a mild upgrade for an FC to use one along with boa insig.

I like curlex's set up except for the pants. And of course if you are too lazy to get the BiS proff previously mentioned then definitely skinning.

While we are being vague and Hß is in the thread, why are only a few of us using that proff when it clearly gives the most flexibility for itemization. If they wanted to fix it they could have, like every other thing that comes along.
You took the time to make an email and copy my profile pic sorry no epic purple name, fanboy

all you wanted for Christmas was to be Honeybadger , fanboy

Dealt with, was not online for Christmas. ^^ Hope you all are having a merry one. :)
Rate my twink please, btw, I haven't been able too get a enchanter with Healing power, so don't point that out.. :)
I think there is room to approve stat wise, but with what I have heard your a great player so you must have your reasons!

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