Random EU Talk

lol u so bad mejt delet twink plz, also ur guild is bad and ur clueless lol im 3k MMR get @ me

naaa mate deletin tink isnt enough punishment for bein bad... imma commit suicide eu like all bad wow players shud do srsly.... l2p videogames omfg... eu
Here is my random talk.. it may include Zimt:

Zimt is Oldschool and he is > Newschool
Zimt is playing again, so the state of the bracket is okay. It must be :eek:
Zimt is in the bg's I queue to, and that's good.
Zimt is have an alt in my guild, to get heirloom legs!
Zimt is actually from Germany, and like Asian stuff. - At leats my sources tell me so.

lol im getting TI hyped!
but only true words here, xpect I allrdy got the legs :)

also about the asian thing: I do have indeed an asian fetish^^ I'll study 1 year in japan after i finish my bachelor of science ;)
sure, you suck at it

idd,.im thinking about shaving my pubic hair, getting my virginity, back and acting gangsta. that should bring me to your lvl :eek:
idd,.im thinking about shaving my pubic hair, getting my virginity, back and acting gangsta. that should bring me to your lvl :eek:
can't really connect that to anything ingame, but yeah man while you're at it, you might aswell join TL since those are the listed requirements ;o could flame you irl for being a grown-up man with children still sitting on a videogame forum discussing with "kids", but you'll just end up crying again and I'll get banned(again)

edit: typo
can't really connect that to anything ingame, but yeah man while you're at it, you might aswell join TL since those are the listed requirements ;o could flame you irl for being a grown-up man with children still sitting on a videogame forum discussing with "kids", but you'll just end up crying again and I'll get banned(again)

edit: typo

you're right, i should feel bad about playing wow after i've dropped the guys off that work for me, but i can live with that.

being in my late teens with nothing better to do than worry about my arena rating, on the other hand would play on my mind....
you're right, i should feel bad about playing wow after i've dropped the guys off that work for me, but i can live with that.

being in my late teens with nothing better to do than worry about my arena rating, on the other hand would play on my mind....
you do realize that your children doing childrenwork doesn't count as the "guys" that "work for you"
and ye damn man you really got me, I never go out and socialize, everyone knows this

you do realize that your children doing childrenwork doesn't count as the "guys" that "work for you"
and ye damn man you really got me, I never go out and socialize, everyone knows this

did i touch a nerve? im sorry mate, we know you're not a 19 year old virgin that spends every night working on there rating. forget i said it....

gn m8 <3
did i touch a nerve? im sorry mate, we know you're not a 19 year old virgin that spends every night working on there rating. forget i said it....

gn m8 <3
no no I'm cool with all this, need something to do in the queues RIIIITE :D
I think however that I touched a soft spot when I said "u suck" considering you started to talk about irl for no reason. I'd gladly exchange irl pics and info if you're really that interested in me <3
Oh well. :(

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