Raiding Music


rip fishin buddies
Is it weird that my lucky song is Party in the USA, and I have to be listening to it to be on my game for Anub?

What is a song you listen to while you raid, a song that HAS to be playing for the raid to be successful (in your mind anyway :rolleyes:)
Meh I dont listen to the GM / Raid leader. Im usually OT healer so if MT goes down its not my fault, if the raid goes down its not my fault, if the OT goes down I say I had bad lag (which I usually do anyway, and he won't go down if ma song is playing). Healing shamans are so much fun.

Although I did successfully MT heal a reg 25 ToC in a PuG the other day... :rolleyes: We cleared the beasts, impressive as hell for a PuG on my realm.

I pretty much have a song for every fight, like Faction Champs I listen to Queen - We Will Rock You, Twins I listen to Kotov Syndrome... good stuff =]
If someone isn't listening to me, they get the boot or get an ear full to fix vent.

Music is fine, but vent needs to be in the background, with at least the raid leader on.

If the raid/mt goes down, its EVERY healers fault, healers heal as a team.

If a healer dies/goes oom, you need to be able to hear the raid leader to know who is taking over healing that healers assignments.

In the easier fights, you might not need vent, but in harder/progressive fights, its critical at times.
Naturaltalnt said:
If someone isn't listening to me, they get the boot or get an ear full to fix vent.

Music is fine, but vent needs to be in the background, with at least the raid leader on.

If the raid/mt goes down, its EVERY healers fault, healers heal as a team.

If a healer dies/goes oom, you need to be able to hear the raid leader to know who is taking over healing that healers assignments.

In the easier fights, you might not need vent, but in harder/progressive fights, its critical at times.

I know healers work as a team, I always get us a team name before we go, its different each week. I wasn't really serious about letting MT / Raid die because I heal the OT, but a lot of the time the OT and I just chill in the corner with a couple mobs, its fun stuff right there.

Pisses me off when people run out of range as I'm casting though ._.

I am always in vent with the raid group, they know I need ma tunes, thats just how we work =]
LoL. Yes, alot of the guilds I have been in from vanilla to LK usually have group channels; tank, healer, melee dps, range dps, etc. Healers usually seem to have the most fun out of all of them.

Yes, when people are idiots and run away from tanks/healers then try to blame them for dying ... ugh.

I have always had a rule, IDC if you ignore every single person on vent except the RL & GM, but you better be listening to those 2.

OT/OH are fun, your important but don't have nearly the amount of responsibility the MT/MH have.
Naturaltalnt said:
LoL. Yes, alot of the guilds I have been in from vanilla to LK usually have group channels; tank, healer, melee dps, range dps, etc. Healers usually seem to have the most fun out of all of them.

Yes, when people are idiots and run away from tanks/healers then try to blame them for dying ... ugh.

I have always had a rule, IDC if you ignore every single person on vent except the RL & GM, but you better be listening to those 2.

OT/OH are fun, your important but don't have nearly the amount of responsibility the MT/MH have.

I used to always be on Raid, then I started volunteering for OT / MT on easier stuff (shaman MT heals arent the greatest 85% of the time). OT is much easier than raid, important yet less responsibility like you said =]

The healers have the most fun thing is so true. DPS are always like "Hey blah blha blah rotation blah blah mage better than rogue? blah blah rotation", tanks are always like supr srs "If we tank him in the left corner, the angle could cause the blahblhalbahlhbalhba", but us healers are like "All right, I got us a team name, Powder Puff Dino-Super Squad.." Then theres always the stereotypical Emo Priest, Stoner Shaman, and Egotistical Pally / Druid.

Good stuff
Can't forget the classics, such as ... healer 1 - Hey guys, lets not heal the douche rogue. other healers - ahahha ya, let the bastard die.

Lets not forget the Epeen contest DPS have 24/7, ahah #1 on dps bitchs!

Na, from my expierence tanks are generally laid back, although alot of the times it seems like alot of GM/RL/Officers are the tanks, perhaps thats whats making them on edge.

GM & RL have a crap load to deal with, ugh ... but its all worth it after you clear that boss/hardmode for the first time, etc.
Personally i need to hear the sounds of a white slut being pounded in my earbuds. I dont have to watch it. But weirdly it keeps me focused.
Twinkzruz said:
Personally i need to hear the sounds of a white slut being pounded in my earbuds. I dont have to watch it. But weirdly it keeps me focused.


How do you know if she is white if you cannot see her?
That statement will be forever preserved in my signature.
when i was playing on my DK i always listenned to SFIV sound track...

the music i listen to that gives me the will to go with my DK is The Exiles - The Next Door

just because i feel exactly like that when i play with my DK, invincible and my spirit will never go down, THE LAST MAN STANDING !!!!!!!!! *sings the song* it really gets my heart up and running. that or i'd listen to adrenaline... you know the tripple XXX sound track at the end of the movie !

otherwise any epic musics is good to go !

as for vent, i never go down there... the leaders must be able to type in before the fight, during the fight, every one is already supposed to know what to do. i did the four horsemen once on my DK and all i had to do was hold onto the main tank ass. his words... and thats all i needed to know.

same for healing on my shaman, they tell me what to do and i do it. keeping the tanks alive and all. besides that i never go into a raid without knowing what to do, there is youtube to learn and there is wowhead comments that helps as well !

reason being i dont have time to hear what the leadeer say during raid, i am concentrating on my healing or my DPS and thats all. blame my multitasking problem if anything goes wrong ! but usually i'm not the problem.
My raid music is Point/Counterpoint - Streetlight Manifesto

For raiding? deadmau5.

For sleeping? deadmau5.

For programming? deadmau5.

For breathing? deadmau5.

No seriously, I have a serious problem at this point.
Naturaltalnt said:
Lets not forget the Epeen contest DPS have 24/7, ahah #1 on dps bitchs!

so true, always makes me happy to top ze dps =]

number 1 yesterday, broke 6.5k in 25 ony and hurricane was my #3 attack...unlike mages and hunters with their AoE the #1 damage contributor.

hurricane sucks ass. costs too much mana!!! /rant
Falkor said:
so true, always makes me happy to top ze dps =]

number 1 yesterday, broke 6.5k in 25 ony and hurricane was my #3 attack...unlike mages and hunters with their AoE the #1 damage contributor.

hurricane sucks ass. costs too much mana!!! /rant

I'm a mage and have one question: what fucking retarded mage does whelps when theres a bigass dragon flying around? unless it's a guild run and further specified, youre fucking yourself. I do 43k AoE and 7.7k single target in 25m ony, so yes AoE cap is really gonna fuck with my mage.
For me, its gotta be anything by A Day To Remember, Rise Against, Anti-Flag, Evergreen Terrace, Dead By April.....

Or tbh, i'll go club mode and stick on some Calvin Harris, Chase and Status, or some random club mixes :D
Deadhed said:
I'm a mage and have one question: what fucking retarded mage does whelps when theres a bigass dragon flying around? unless it's a guild run and further specified, youre fucking yourself. I do 43k AoE and 7.7k single target in 25m ony, so yes AoE cap is really gonna fuck with my mage.

Umm, if you don't get the whelps down the tank dies and the healers D/C from all of them standing in the middle =P

We usually have the mages and hunters take them down, takes about 10 seconds tops, then pop BL to catch up.

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