Here is a mixture setup. Kept the 3 socket pieces, did rest TW + im a bozo and didnt enchant rings
Yea I left enchants off the rings + a SL haste gem in the legs as a "You could swap the 2+2 gems for SL gems and a few 2+2 for +3 str and enchant rings to balance it out" but gem prices are a little nutty these days and I've already spent upwards of 200k regemming/enchanting. I think if someone with the mecha rings recreated my stat distribution w/ the SL gems in their other pieces (since they probably already do that), it probably wouldn't be too far off. That said, vigilance charm can do a heavy carry on these tests. It doesn't appear to have any internal CD. I've seen it proc multiple times before it ever even fell off, or go ~2mins without proccing once.Ask and you shall receive. Thanks everyone for putting in the work! This is a lot of data to sift through. Interesting that full out tw loses enough strength to have ww fall below lifestealing but has enough secondaries to prop up the damage with the lifestealing. i am surprised that the damage is as good as it is. The problem of course is lack of run speed which is a no go.
I think this is enough of pure tw data for now so lets get back to at least requiring enough sockets to have max run speed. I will get the chart updated after i get through all this data. We need to find someone with a PHD in statistical data to sift through this.
@Rahn Thanks for trying to take the procs out of it but I wouldn't worry about the amnesia neck, that proc is 1% or less so its only about 6 dps, pretty worthless
@BudLightning That isn't a terrible setup, picking up run speed would cost you probably another 8 str which is going to hurt a lot, you would pick up 8 secondaries from ring enchants but that won't outweight the str loss.
That makes a lot of sense, and helps answer for my tests where lifestealing far outpaced whirlwind! Yea I picked up MoD over legion TW and loved it ever since.It shouldn't be too hard to have enough sockets for run speed cap in TW gear (or even a comfortable amount) since you only need 7 sockets to achieve it. https://www.wowhead.com/item=200210/amnesia is 3 of them by default due to how easy it is to get. https://www.wowhead.com/item=27715/circles-stalwart-helmet is also easy to get and that's another 3. Which means you can get 6 out of the 7 sockets you need in basically a half hour.
DPS gap between these two setups was 23.3 DPS (7000 damage difference)
Took the opportunity to collect some data on https://www.wowhead.com/item=137357/mark-of-dargrul which is probably the BIS trinket for any class that uses lifesteal for damage. Whenever I use it with my normal setup lifesteal damage ends up matching whirlwind damage due to the extra procs landslide provides.
In the TW gear there was 2700 more lifesteal damage + 4900 landslide damage. (25.3 DPS)
In my socketed gear there was 2400 more lifesteal damage + 5200 landslide damage. (Coincidentally also 25.3 DPS)
When compared to the https://www.wowhead.com/item=56345/magnetite-mirror Mark of Dargul does 20 DPS and 16.6 DPS more.
Don't know how much the RNG will factor into this, but since landslide procs pretty frequently I imagine it would be somewhat minimal.
View attachment 25523
TW gear + 8 sockets
195k damage (650 DPS)
View attachment 25524
24 sockets
202k damage (673.3 DPS)
That makes a lot of sense, and helps answer for my tests where lifestealing far outpaced whirlwind! Yea I picked up MoD over legion TW and loved it ever since.
Just curious, but why 7 SL gems? Isn't 5 the sort of go-to (close to max), with 6 being over max speed?