Raidbots/simming won't work. Show me the big dps


Edit- Simming doesn't work and won't work for us. There is some unexplainable interactions to the point that simming will never account for it. Scroll down to post #2 and join the contest to see who can do the most dps. Maybe someone has an even better setup!

I modified the simcraft apl for lvl 11 fury warrior abilities, so the priority is charge-execute-bloodthirst-whirlwind. The results look pretty reasonable and show pretty much as expected. It ends up using charge-bloodthirst-ww-ww-bloodthirst-ww-ww repeating.
But thought i would post it here if anyone wanted to play with it, just paste the text from file in the custom box at bottom, also uncheck all the lvl 80 buffs and potions/food/flask etc
Notes- this sim doesn't have lifestealing so that would bump up the dps quite a lot.

Here is my sim for reference, this is a dungeon slice sim so it includes single target and aoe. To sim for pure aoe insert a # in front of bloodthirst(aoe on 5 targets is slightly higher without it 345 versus 337 for me) in the text file then choose patchwork, 5 bosses, 1 1/2 minutes

Edit-For the stat debate here is my stat weights- I currently have 17% haste

Off Hand Weapon DPS 1.51
Strength 1.2
Haste 0.62
Critical Strike 0.52
Versatility 0.51
Mastery 0.22
Weapon DPS 5.46

So strength is worth twice as much as secondaries, haste>crit=vers>>mast

Here is a random warrior off the list that has haste over the "cap", Thanks Toofast

Off Hand Weapon DPS 1.61
Strength 1.28
Critical Strike 0.60
Haste 0.55
Versatility 0.52
Mastery 0.24
Weapon DPS 5.81

So here haste losses the slightest value but is still very good crit>haste>vers>>mast

For those that haven't used raidbots, download the simulationcraft addon, open it in game and copy the wall of text(will have your toon and all gear in bags), go to, top gear, paste text in the box at the top, paste the contents of the text file below in the custom apl box at the bottom, turn off all the lvl 80 buffs, consumables etc, scroll back up and select all the gear you want to compare and run sim

i take no responsibility for the accuracy of this information and you should take it with a grain of salt


  • warrior_fury1.simc.txt
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Edit- Ignore the sim discussion. Here is the contest! Show us your 5 minute dps on the 4 target dummies in either Boralus or Zuldazar( no buffs other than Battle Shout). Synko/Kefirchik is back at the top with a 24% haste build that dropped some haste on a trinket swap and still rocked it. Note that the top 2 are both using Cannonball Runner(which I don't have because I ignored that boss in my runs, silly me) and Vigilance Charm. It's probably down to lucky trinket procs but maybe somebody has a better stat distribution that just works. Level 11 has some buggy/wonky interactions which is why the sim just didn't work.

I am going to try excluding the damage proc portion of trinkets in a second number to steer this back to hopefully researching the best stat distribution. It is pretty obvious that just having more stats (having perfect gear) is the most important thing. But i also don't want to discourage others from participating just because they don't have the best gear. That information could still be useful.

Deducted trinkets-CR Cannonball Runner, MoD Mark of Dargul

ss=total secondary stats (crit,haste,verse)

Synko/Kefirchik728, 683(no CR)Crazy DPS! 22% haste, 31% crit, 8% verse, (171ss) 140 str
Rahn/Bladewing739703, 674(no CR)29% haste, 23% crit, 12% verse, (182ss) 134 str
Zly/Fotm75767315% haste, 31% crit, 15% verse, (178ss) 127 str
BudLightning/Lowup672, 630(no CR,MoD)20% haste, 25% crit, 12% verse, (164ss) 126 str
BudLightning/Lowup67224% haste, 28% crit, 12% verse, 127 str (no run speed)
BudLightning/Lowup66324% haste, 25% crit, 13% verse, (176ss) 135 str
Kastafall/Nowak65515% haste, 29% crit, 21% verse, (193ss) 120 str
VHSForever/Letsgoblast64015% haste, 27% crit, 13% verse, (155ss) 134 str
Rahn/Bladewing63635% haste, 15% crit, 17% verse, 113 str (TW gear, no run speed)
BoatsandHoes/Eleven638, 620(no MoD)25% haste, 16% crit, 25% verse, 105 str (TW gear, no run speed)
Zly/Fotm63515% haste, 27% crit, 13% verse, 135 str
Rahn/Bladewing62921% haste, 26% crit, 19% verse, 116 str (TW gear, no run speed)
BoatsandHoes/Eleven62125% haste, 13% crit, 25% verse, 111 str (TW gear, no run speed)

Thanks to Kaxle, I have lifestealing working close to what we are seeing in game on the 4 target dummies that are clumped together in either boralus or zuldazar
It's at a point where it matches what i am seeing in game and what BoatsandHoes posted in his weapon comparison thread for him.

Don't change the override values, it is just a made-up number that approximates the contribution of lifestealing for 4 targets

Use this if you want to just search for your toon from the armory
Hit back to quick sim at top left, input your toon, and run it

Use this if you use the simulationcraft addon and want to compare the gear in your bag
Hit back to quick sim at top left, input your toon, add gear you want to compare and run it

Edit: adding this in here as i didn't know the sim links went away in time, if the links are expired, paste the contents of the text file in post 1 into the custom apl box at the bottom, click on expert mode and paste the following in the first box(this is to simulate lifestealing on 4 targets)


Note some of the trinkets we use are not working. I assume these are the ppm trinkets. For instance Greka's Dentures work, Vigilance charm doesn't, cannonball runner doesn't.

So here is the Contest! Who can sim the highest on their level 11! Post your results and I will try to keep the list updated

Conclusions- The sim dps is not working because lifestealing is scaling off both crit and verse and right now i am just using an approximation of lifestealing. This explains why for some the sim dps matches in game and others it doesn't. Nowak is the one to beat, he has perfect gear and found a great stat distribution. I still do wonder if it can be improved upon, we will see.
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Lifestealing doesn't work because they have sorta kinda stopped supporting the ppm enchants. They still check to see if the enchant has a ppm set and if so would convert it to proc chance anyway but it doesn't look like they store the enchants ppm value anymore. You can re-enable it by overwritting the spell prop to give it a flat chance that reflects the proc chance of your weapons. If you enable expert mode you can put the below in the header and LS should start proccing.


However the actual damage portion doesn't seem to reflect the base 29 + vers% scaling. I also add the settings below to get it kinda close but hte numbers still aren't quite matching my in-game values. Doing it this way though kinda downplays vers in any stat weight calculations you'd get back from raidbots

override.spell_data=effect.11122.ap_coefficient=.1894 #REPLACE WITH YOUR VERS %

If you want to be extra nerdy you can also check out and try to see if you can sim a dungeon run based on how youd actually do the pulls

Personally not super happy with what I have yet but OSRS Leagues came out so I haven't really had the motivation to keep digging

Edit: Note I have really only tried this with the Simulationcraft app not sure how supported these overrides are on raidbots
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Thanks, thats really good info. On the lifestealing enchant the guru's said it was pretty janky when they had it enabled so i didnt chase that any further as its just added damage and fairly easy to guess how much. But, I will see what it does with your override
I will mess around with the verse thing to see what i can do there, but you are obviously much better at this, i am just muddling along.
Yeah its super janky, even with the % set its still not proccing as often as I would have expected or that matches up with what im seeing in game and the damage doesn't line up at all without the additional settings. But by using those additional settings it introduces a damage range instead of a flat value which doesn't reflect actual behavior so those overrides are just a janky workaround. Ideally can find the actual values and get a closer look at how the damage is being calced but osrs is more appealing than simc source code atm.

I am by no means an expert, just got curious and peeked around the source code a bit and played with some overrides. Just figured I'd share where I left off with you since you seem to be interested in in trying to get the sims working
Kaxle, I knew before clicking on that was going to be MDTsim :), not doing that for a twink lol

I tried the override for lifestealing, it did'nt do much, added 6% dps. But i get the general idea there so can play with that

On the second set of overrides, i tried that, i am assuming you meant replacing the .1894 with my verse % which would be .066 for 6.6%?
This didn't change the numbers, so possibly fixed?
Yeah that maybe a raidbots thing as I'm definitely seeing a difference in simC



Checked in raidbots and got different results as well
Sorry i was unclear, i meant that replacing your .1894 with my verse% there didn't change my sim from without any override.
Or are you saying that you came up with the .1894 number to make the sim match in game closer?
the .1894 was my vers percentage, when I replaced that number with the .066 to reflect your percentage I saw a change in lifestealing damage
Edit: Yeah I did misunderstand you message. Going from no override to your % didn't change anything on raidbots for me either unfortunate but oh well thats what I get for only testing with higher verse values
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Youre welcome XD. Yeah I have a new twink that still has too much haste. So What would our stats look like min maxed? Does anyone have a close to min maxed 11 fury?

This is the one Im using on my alt account to boost all my main account alts

So basically what Im understanding is. Get at least a 1.3s GCD with haste, Then 130+ str, then stack crit not vers even though its overall damage %? Ive been doing 3 ww 1 bt on bosses. BT crits for over 600 damage and over 300 no crit for me.
Youre welcome XD. Yeah I have a new twink that still has too much haste. So What would our stats look like min maxed? Does anyone have a close to min maxed 11 fury?

This is the one Im using on my alt account to boost all my main account alts

So basically what Im understanding is. Get at least a 1.3s GCD with haste, Then 130+ str, then stack crit not vers even though its overall damage %? Ive been doing 3 ww 1 bt on bosses. BT crits for over 600 damage and over 300 no crit for me.
I finally managed to farm Rivendare's sword as well as 2x Grand crusader hammers today, and finished my ring crafts last night -

Sitting on 1.3s gcd (15.6%), this setup has 18% crit 18% vers but i can shift some gear around to go 1.3s gcd with 21% crit and 16% vers by swapping ring to the crit/haste one which I have already. Can also swap weapons around since ive got every weapon in bags to test, got a lot of TW gear as well. Edit: I think i can swap my glove enchant to crit or Attack Power, takes me to 14.9% haste which i think? still rounds up to 15% and 1.3s gcd - Id be interested in seeing a min-maxed setup and trying it out.

Changing to 2x Waveslicers, ring to crit/haste, and boots to recovered reliquary and I can hit 26% crit, 12% vers and 14.59% haste - 1.31s gcd (idk if this rounds to 15% and 1.3s)
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I don't know where the +4 str gems came from but if available they would be a nice damage upgrade.

My answer will always be to sim it because every time you change one stat, the weights of the others change. But, my answer also is secondary stats only add 1 dps or so, so it probably doesn't matter too much how much of each you have. You just want more, excluding mastery since its only worth half as much. More important is main hand weapon dps and strength since it likely worth 3 times as much as secondaries. I am thinking stat weights are probably double what i have above due to damage missing from lifestealing and possibly elsewhere. i plan to do some testing in game and in sims to refine it but havent had time for that yet. Had to let queen ansurek kill me a whole bunch of times.

also Toofast, even with your haste at 24.4 its not enough for the sim to change to 3ww-1bt, i would stay with 2-1. Even aoe that is still roughly equal to ww spam even at 5 targets.

VHS, you have a lot of stuff you could sim, especially weapons. I would love to see if the Grand crusaders end up being the top weapons as BoatsandHoes concluded in his thread. i don't have them yet to sim
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I don't know where the +4 str gems came from but if available they would be a nice damage upgrade.

My answer will always be to sim it because every time you change one stat, the weights of the others change. But, my answer also is secondary stats only add 1 dps or so, so it probably doesn't matter too much how much of each you have. You just want more, excluding mastery since its only worth half as much. More important is main hand weapon dps and strength since it likely worth 3 times as much as secondaries. I am thinking stat weights are probably double what i have above due to damage missing from lifestealing and possibly elsewhere. i plan to do some testing in game and in sims to refine it but havent had time for that yet. Had to let queen ansurek kill me a whole bunch of times.

also Toofast, even with your haste at 24.4 its not enough for the sim to change to 3ww-1bt, i would stay with 2-1. Even aoe that is still roughly equal to ww spam even at 5 targets.

VHS, you have a lot of stuff you could sim, especially weapons. I would love to see if the Grand crusaders end up being the top weapons as BoatsandHoes concluded in his thread. i don't have them yet to sim
yeah ive got a load of weapon & stat combos to test that ive got planned, going to take several hours- i got delayed because i didnt have a 2nd rockslicer so i had to farm one real quick. Will probably make a separate post
@Zly When i tried on dummies with my own armory setup it comes out lower than others ive tried- its a very middle-ground setup.

edit: i relogged with different armory setup, but ill get this sim addon and fiddle around with it see what i can come up with

I've ran a couple of sims but im not sure if im using it wrong, getting like 215 with this setup i tried:
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I don't know where the +4 str gems came from but if available they would be a nice damage upgrade.

My answer will always be to sim it because every time you change one stat, the weights of the others change. But, my answer also is secondary stats only add 1 dps or so, so it probably doesn't matter too much how much of each you have. You just want more, excluding mastery since its only worth half as much. More important is main hand weapon dps and strength since it likely worth 3 times as much as secondaries. I am thinking stat weights are probably double what i have above due to damage missing from lifestealing and possibly elsewhere. i plan to do some testing in game and in sims to refine it but havent had time for that yet. Had to let queen ansurek kill me a whole bunch of times.

also Toofast, even with your haste at 24.4 its not enough for the sim to change to 3ww-1bt, i would stay with 2-1. Even aoe that is still roughly equal to ww spam even at 5 targets.

VHS, you have a lot of stuff you could sim, especially weapons. I would love to see if the Grand crusaders end up being the top weapons as BoatsandHoes concluded in his thread. i don't have them yet to sim
if crit and verse is more important then haste, Then wouldnt the axe from Wrath TW off ingvar be better? same main stats (dmg str dps) as the skull clad cleaver but has verse on it . Also, wouldnt at least the 1 ring from NW first boss be BIS since you can put 2 gems on it? Wouldnt the 6 str out weigh secondary stats from the mechagon rings?? If not I guess I need to go farm that and the crit gem but you dont have the crit gem either, so would that 12 crit be pointless over 3 str?

The logic behind 3 ww and 1 bt and excecute on cd is that even with a gcd of 1.19 that Id have to not hit anything for a second. Bt is still on cd after 2 ww.
I was a 25% haste and 124 str and swapped out 7 +2str/+2haste gems for str. This took my dps from 324 to 317 with losing 6% haste to 7 more str. I think the 2/2 gems are more valuable than 3 str.
Sorry, i got distracted with PoE2 coming out yesterday. I am going to edit post #2 with what i worked on today and a contest of sorts to see who can become #1.
Ghank, they are really close with strength being worth twice what haste is. 3 str is 3x1.2=3.6 and 2 str/2 haste is 2x1.2 +2x0.6=3.6, but these weights aren't set in stone anytime you change one thing they change. This is why at high level stat weights are not a thing anymore and the only answer is to sim possible upgrades. I am surprised the move to more strength didn't net more dps because it is looking a bit stronger. I have done some more tweaking so if you would, run a sim again after i get post #2 updated

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