sorry to hijack the thread, but what are your guys views on a 19 ally warriors race? currently night elf, not sure if shadowmeld charge is rly of much use nowadays due to then changes in MoP, would human or dwarf be better off\?
I'd still run as a night elf for shadowmeld ambush
For warrior, I think Gnome is also good as well, if you get engineering. From the engineering racial bonus you get access to instant bombs, and escape artist is nice as a warrior as well. Plus, you can get a light saber transmog!
Not gona lie am slightly upset, dwarfs look sexy in a LFH hands doooown. Would help smacking glacial maces around too
ah well, ill wait till I actually start playing first
Appreciate those taking time out to reply, thanks
I am currently a gnome rogue and I am not finding the racial very useful in most situations. So what race should I change to?
I was thinking human but getting another AGM is going to take awhile with cross realm. So what are your thoughts? Thanks for your time!
me and my bearpaws would disagree with you especially with an fc at 10 stacks.also being able 2 see stealthies for longer/easier i think its prety easy 2 get ontop of a nelf quick enough to catch them when they move out of the smeld, assuming that there smelding while ur both in combat u will still be in combat and wont be sapped, can usually get into the general area of there smeld and see them scattering off/see them trying 2 hit ur back
thts my 2 dollar coin