The easiest allied races to unlock would be the Lightforged Draenei since there are a lot of "Army of the Light" world quests. They are scattered around Argus and a good amount are boss kills that give a decent amount of Reputation.I want to unlock an allied race just to skip 20 levels, doesn't really matter which one. Any ideas which would be quickest. Any tips/hacks on rep gain?
Now that i did not know, i had already completed everything in legion over time so i didnt need to rep grindBuh. Dont listen to that nonsense. Highmountain is the fastest. You do the quest line, spam all the world quests and emissary quests (duh) but then you can also farm the last boss of Nelths Lair which gives 250 rep through to exalted. On a mage or DH, you can take a speed run route shown the below video.
I got Highmountain finished in like 48 hours.
Buh. Dont listen to that nonsense. Highmountain is the fastest. You do the quest line, spam all the world quests and emissary quests (duh) but then you can also farm the last boss of Nelths Lair which gives 250 rep through to exalted. On a mage or DH, you can take a speed run route shown the below video.
I got Highmountain finished in like 48 hours.
Its required yes, regardless you still need to hit 110 to unlock the World QuestsI havent played any endgame since level 100 so completely out of the loop with emissary and world quests etc. Is it worth doing the quiest line, emiss and wq's if you can just do the method in video?