Quick Tips


There's a lot of freaking stuff to learn about WoW. I started playing about 8 years ago and I'm still finding new things. You learn a little at a time.

This thread is for posting Quick Tips for anything useful to F2Ps. Don't you start thinking that I'm trying to be helpful. I'm just bored and I know if people start posting things I'll probably learn something that helps me. You wouldn't believe how slow of a learner I am. That's why my avatar is Forrest Gump. Took me probably 2 years to figure out what people meant when they said "keybinds" and 2 more to figure out "macros".

Feel free to post anything you've learned recently, or things you've known about for a while that you see other people not doing. Even if it seems like common knowledge to you, it isn't to somebody else...

Here's a few of my Quick Tips:

- You have some control over which way your enemies run when you use Psychic Scream on a priest. If they're behind you and you're running away from them, they'll usually run the opposite direction. If they're standing still and you're running towards them, they'll usually run away from you when you Scream.

- When you're guarding a flag in AB, stay about 20 yards from the flag so that rogues can't sap you and immediately cap the flag. They'll be able to cap the flag and restealth before sap breaks... or else you have to waste trinket.

- Get your lazy butt to Bloodmyst Isle and farm some Small Venom Sac - Item - World of Warcraft to make Anti-Venom - Item - World of Warcraft. You get 3 Anti-Venom per venom sac. It's worth it.

- ^ While you farm your venom sacs you'll also get Irradiated Crystal Shard - Item - World of Warcraft which you can turn in to Vindicator Boros - NPC - World of Warcraft (if you're Alliance) and receive either Crystal of Vitality - Item - World of Warcraft, Crystal of Insight - Item - World of Warcraft or Crystal of Ferocity - Item - World of Warcraft which counts as a special extra buff and doesn't take up your Battle/Guardian Elixir slots.

- I just found out recently that at the top right of your Map you can minimize it so that it doesn't take up your whole screen. Yeah, really, I just found out about that.

That's Richard Sherman, the best corner in the game. Go hawks.

I like spoilers cause you never know what's inside them. Kind of like a box of chocolates..
Kind of like a box of chocolates..


Fun read.
Reminds me of a similar thread in the 19's section. I think it'd be awesome to have a thread where everyone's tips are put together. You could have tips for playing a class and beating it too.
simple macros that can be used for any spell.

friendly focus macros

/cast [focus=target] (insert spell name)

harmful focus macros

/cast @focus (spellname)

macros always took me forever to learn
Great idea Izac! Looking forward to learning some useful things. Right on about anti-venom. Here's probably my favorite shammy macro for those pesky rogues. Kind of an all-at-once crippling poison trinket with 195% speed burst.

#showtooltip Anti-Venom
/use Swiftness Potion
/use [@your name] Anti-Venom
/cast Ghost Wolf

Of course you can change the tooltip name around depending whether you want to track swift pots or anti-venom.

edit: Doesn't always work, but worth using for bacon saving.

Male pandaren hunter animations are amazing, the jump and landing animations are especially cool and are featured heavily as you disengage around, as well as a great run animation (featured when using posthaste talent).

Make sure you tame all the pets on the wandering isles before finishing your quests there and taking the port to Org, because as far as I know you cant return and f2ps cant get those species of pets anywhere else so completionists beware. Because of their starting zone Pandarens have access to crane and turtle pets, and maybe some others that i dont know about, that no other races can obtain.

Pandaren come equipped with the unique situation of having your hearth set to duelotar when you finish the wandering isle quests. So if you have the patience/discipline not to set your hearth elsewhere, you can keep this as your hearth location, as far as I know there's no other way to do this but if you like hanging out in the duelotar area its pretty cool.


Everybody should use Bgtargets, Lets you know who you're up against in WSG or AB, I feel naked without it.

Decursive addon is massively helpful for classes with cleanse-like abilities, no matter how good or aware you think you are this will turn you into a cleanse bot with no effort.

Enable target of target options, turn on enemy unit frames.

An addon like "capping" or DBM i think has options for useful timers like flag respawn, WSG port time etc.
I got some but it isn't Bg's related but i'l still say it

1- If u ever fall down in Stormwind canals, try mounting a Drenei mount, it will make u walk instead of swimming

2- When u put up a cooking fire , use White Smoke Flare - Item - World of Warcraft , it will make it look cooler

3- If u run enough fast while mounted inside Goldshire inn, u can actually remain on the mount, it will not dissapear
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I got some but it isn't Bg's related but i'l still say it

1- If u ever fall down in Stormwind canals, try mounting a Drenei mount, it will make u walk instead of swimming

2- When u put up a cooking fire , use White Smoke Flare - Item - World of Warcraft , it will make it look cooler

3- If u run enough fast while mounted inside Goldshire inn, u can actually remain on the mount, it will not dissapear

4- If u are a warrior and dueling rogues at Goldshire, charge a chicken(If they are still alive) when they open, then, do warrior thingy
Seeing things I want to try already. :D Thought of a few more that I like.

Zooming - For zooming out camera to maximum just type /script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax", 50) and hit return. Sometimes the max is then too far for some situations, but with others it's tremendously helpful.

Will have to try decursive addon. Some of the addons I love are below. Some are shammy-centric.

1. Mage Nuggets - shows purge-able spells that your target has on them in a little box right in the center of your screen. Excellent for fast purging.

2. Vial Cooldowns - shows enemy cooldowns over their name plates. Great for keeping track of kicks, shears, avenger's shields, thunderstorms, etc. Default setting is to display them on top left of frame, but this can sometimes interfere with other spell tracking, such as that with tidy plates. This can be changed in the lua by inputting TOPRIGHT instead of TOPLEFT in a couple of places.

3. Vuhdo - Raid frames. I like them because they are massively customizable. Big thing for me in regards cleansing is that you can set a frame to turn a certain color for any spell. This helps if you want to save your cleanse/purify spirit for things like Hammer of Justice, Fear, etc. For me frame turns red for HoJ and Orange for Fears.
FCing tip:
Don't just blindly run through mid and hope for the best, instead go tot (top of tunnel) and tell your teammates you need assistance, try to make a path in your head before you jump off and start the run to cap. Also learn tot jumps, they can keep you alive sometimes if done correctly and it can buy you huge amounts of time.

i find some settings in WoW more important than some addons.

Interface Options:
  1. COMBAT - Target of Target - Always
  2. RAID PROFILES - Display Class Colors & Display Health Text Health Remaining & No Borders
  3. COMBAT - Class Colors in Nameplates & Cast Bars on Nameplates
  4. (Shift + M ) or Shift + Scoreboard Click to open the Minimap
  5. CAMERA - Max Camera Distance
and set the VIEWING DISTANCE in the Graphics options as high as your PC can handle it.

I'm still surprised when i see a screenshot and someone that plays without class colored nameplates. I feel half blind without that option.
I'm still surprised when i see a screenshot and someone that plays without class colored nameplates. I feel half blind without that option.

are you sure it is needed? With bg targets on the enemy team +quickly looking over or inspecting your own team gives me enough to know what im with and against

with that being said

-it is easy to be able to know the outcome before the gates open. Simply count how many sub 1200 hp players, hunters, druids paladins,24s(not necessary sometimes) each side has and viola! works in every twink bracket

-be able to identify when is the next wave of respawns going rez. That can be achieved by simply watching when the first one fell, already counting down that 30 seconds and monitoring everything around you n stuff(since you have /set cvar cameradistance 40 gives you some view) so you almost never get caught with your pants down in a clusterfuck of 6+ rezing people. haven't seen any addons

-only addons I use were vialcooldowns, bg targets, saysapped. Of course those rogue sap macros ,tab targeting the enemy(keybindings , and set tab to target enemy player) hunter find stealth macros but im sure they have been posted in the guides, but here again

#showtooltip Hunter's Mark
/cast Hunter's Mark

/cast Sap
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1: get bgtargets- most helpful pvp addon

2. show health of nameplates- absolutely NO reason not to show it.. No idea why so many people don't

3. show target of target- helpful to see if you're being targeted

4. keep mini map on at all times- EFC locations as well are your teamates

5. class colors nameplates- to know what class is a healing class and to learn target priority

6. Learn jump turn disengages as a hunter. Can become deadly when FCing- Hunts CAN fc :eek:

7. Take off all reputable titles/mogs so you can blend in. Being noticed in this bracket is NOT a good thing- just take my word for it

8. No matter if you use them or not, learn every jump/exploit in wsg. Discipline is knowing when it is or isn't allowed to cheat- ex being farmed by 24 premade or making a match as even as you can

9. Every class should have a: FC set, Stam set, Hit set, Crit set, Regular set, Maxx (agi/str/int) set for pvp and one for pve, optional Swag set- if you don't you aren't BiS. Sets are a must

10. Learn where you are needed when you're needed. If there are 5 people on D and there are only 1-2 inc consistently DON'T waste a spot on D, go O- Too many people are always in the wrong spot. Don't be that person standing in mid left while FC is running through mid right

11. Keybinding is optional for being a skilled player (dc what anyone says) however there is ONE bind everyone should have. Make interract with mouseover your mouse scroll wheel up and down. A quick return/repick can make SO many games outcomes change- self explanatory. Can be mostly helpful for wars/rogues/Fdruids but ranged classes can take advantage as well

12. Fight near flags in AB. Everyone always says fight on flags however the best spot I've found as a hunter is 25-30 yards away. For melee I'd say 10-15 would be optimal- rogue saps are tricky and sometimes you are just completely overlooked if you're not standing on top of the flag

13. Learn how to heal if you have the option. Sometimes if there is a rogue/hunt/arms next to you and you're about to die it's best if you top that high bursty class off so they can try and finish off whoever you're fighting.- burst rules this bracket. If you can't kill or help kill someone make sure the person that can stays alive

14. Learn macros. Imo macros are much more important then binds at this level as you can cram multiple things into one macro that definitely comes in handy depending on the spells.- Multi purpose macros. Learn em and make em

My last tip because I'm growing bored and can't think of anymore.. Learn your opponents. You already know how you play so there is nothing to learn. Once you can be one step ahead of your opponent and remember where they ALWAYS go while FCing or know where they always stealth or their gameplan each and every bg you have the upper hand. There aren't loads and loads of new skill coming into this bracket (mostly just new 24s) so there aren't too much people you have to try and remember about. Experience if the biggest factor in this bracket, moreso then class/race/comp/faction/whatever
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Probably all common knowledge/useless stuff but these are some things I discovered randomly while playing.

-The addon REPorter gives you a little more control over how the minimized map displays. The addon RETabBinder toggles your tab targeting so that you will only tab target enemy players rather than pets, totems and such in pvp and automatically switches it back to normal when you leave.

-One of the buff/debuffs that attacking the toads in Wailing caverns gives you is a temporary speed increase.

-You can mount the sea turtle mount at level 1.

-1 out of 5 cata cooking dailies gives 2 epicurian awards instead of 1 in each city, and each (as well as the fishing ones) give 250 rep for the city you are in.

-For alliance there is a boat that will take you from Menethel harbor in the wetlands to the Howling Fjord if your business is on that side of Northrend. I seriously thought the stormwind boat was the only one until really recently.

If you have a linked account and captured an unborn valkyr, it will rez dead nearby critters. This might actually be useful with some of those tricks you guys have posted using critters, not sure though.

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