Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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keep it popping
Ally have 4 people with no gear. Horde have ranged dps + 3 heals as usual. Give it an hour for the none-geared people to stop queueing.
Get rid of the 1k'hps and we might get some quality games. Also, people, don't AFK after the first cap. You'll just waste the time of people who are pushing for pops.
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Alliance like being farmed?

TL seem to enforce the "GY camping" rule. thus more ranged faction = gy camped. = no pops.

Sad state 19s have turned in to. the whole of cata horde got GY camped the fuck out of french bads( not directed at nick) and we kept queueing. cause when we won legit without gy camping it felt million times better than playing premade fotm vs horde pugs and winning :)

remember Atoma 10man had french on farm for 3 months <3 good times.
will que when i get home at 7.30
queued 48mins and did't get the pop cuz blizz said so -.-
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