Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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Graveyard farming is simply a part of this game and it's not going away whether you like it or not. Though, people who don't know why graveyard farming is the strategy being used (quack) should not attempt to argue for it since they're practically arguing against themselves. Read the few posts clarification made on the subject and you'll grasp the idea.

Whatgoesup, while I do agree with you on some parts, not everyone plays this bracket in order to become better at the game. There are many reasons to play it but it seems most people play to have fun and because they are a tad nostalgic. Sure, some players find improving to be fun but the ways people are forced to improve in this bracket are not necessarily enjoyable for them.

Alliance is still in a fragile state, despite the current activity. Unbalanced WSG games will only cause demotivation and even if WSG pops are better for the bracket than in-guild wargames in the short run, this might be a step that alliance has to take in order to build up greater activity that will benefit the bracket in the long run.

TL just try their best to win, and obviously shouldn't restrict themselves to worse classes in order to balance games. Though, they shouldn't really expect people to queue into them instead of doing in-guild wargames. If people prefer doing in-guild wargames, let them. I'm sure you can take a night off without panicking.
Tbh it works both ways, you can make the gaming experience unpleasent for me and I will exploint against you like I did prior summer playing 0-0 vs your premades after all you choose how you want your games to be played
Tbh it works both ways, you can make the gaming experience unpleasent for me and I will exploint against you like I did prior summer playing 0-0 vs your premades after all you choose how you want your games to be played

Sori en nähny sun viestii aikasemmi, oon skypes ny

OT: Que up tomorrow yey
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wow this thread exploded, what was all the fuss about exactly? usual containment qq or something else?
wow this thread exploded, what was all the fuss about exactly? usual containment qq or something else?

You'll be VERY interested in translating the finnish in this late page.

Hint: Secx.
I'm fine with Everstride or Hawkit too tbh

Hawkit looks like a owl IRL, you wouldn't want it.

I vote for the tranny who was stalking Mesi over facebook.
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