Queue times

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Average Wait Time is thoroughly unreliable. No matter what it says, you might be in queue for 5 minutes to over an hour to forever for random or specific bg's.
Oceanic Servers - usual Queue Time 14 - 16m

Actual wait time 30 - 150m

Sad state of affairs. I'm hoping in Legion they'll put locked XP Twinks in with the levelling mob as it appears gear doesn't affect us all that much in PvP. That would help this bracket a lot, and will make F2P and P2P and Vet all on a similar level, which will be good.................. if you can get a game that is :mad:
Yep, horrible queue times for the past far too long is pretty much why i stopped playing f2p. I think skirmish arena's where everyone could queue had a big impact on ruining the fast casual bg queues. Don't know if arena's are still going or not, but that was pretty much the start of the end for me.

casual fast simple battlegrounds were the lifeblood of this bracket, and we don't have that anymore :( I hate to be so negative... Also Yasueh loss is extremely sad, only just saw he disappeared.
Yep, horrible queue times for the past far too long is pretty much why i stopped playing f2p. I think skirmish arena's where everyone could queue had a big impact on ruining the fast casual bg queues. Don't know if arena's are still going or not, but that was pretty much the start of the end for me.

casual fast simple battlegrounds were the lifeblood of this bracket, and we don't have that anymore :( I hate to be so negative... Also Yasueh loss is extremely sad, only just saw he disappeared.

2s queues are only a minute, so that's probably why BG queues are so long. A lot of people are queueing for 2s instead.
Are ques generally better for Alliance or Horde?

Doesn't matter honestly. Queue times are really erratic, they range from 5 minutes to 45 minutes. It'll be quicker obviously around prime time when people come home from work, have dinner, etc.

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