TC 2016 - The Story
After last years succes, I'd like to try making a tradition of giving Twink Cup reflection posts. I'll do my best to give my take on the journey till this point, clearing some air, revealing the masked criminals and giving a whole lotta shoutouts to all these massive and incredible people who truthfully deserve more than just a name on a post, on a site, that some weird homeless guy has written.
BUT, it's what I got, so you'll just have to deal with it!
Despite the tl;dr, I'll have to stick with what some of the predecessors have said; "I assume you won't read this" -like attitude, but like many others I'd like to get some things off my chest.

People you may or may not give a crap about, but I am a man of my word, and some of theese clowns deserve such credit, despite being either considered toxic jerks, underrated rats or invisible spirits.
I'm gonna asumme, that mentioning, that my own team won, my words will have less value. As naturally, anything positive I say will be biased and masked in the fact that I won. But... did I really?
Coming into this season of TC, I returned to the twinking scene to find Myrm being dethroned. The hero that last year was one of the soul reasons for my journey, and the epic of twinking tales I could tell following it.
And without getting too much into it I guess Myrm had bought a cake he couldnt quite eat by himself?
This brings me to the first topic I'd like to touch.
This site. Now like it or not, I cannot stress how awesome it was seeing people from each side of the river, gather up to do what they considered - was for the better - of the bracket - or even the community as a whole. Even 'back then', where it was considered frowned upon, as well as that, it is always hard to move forward. I know, and i get it.
But here we are... And I'm quite, - infact very, pleased with the result? 'Like' the journey over there or not, but you must admit that this is x10 more, not just organised, but managed? It certainly feels that way to me at least.
You came here for how 'good' fought and defeated 'evil'?
So let me tell you...
For this story, did not start coming into the tales of this year.
But where all stories start...
At the beginning.
One year back before last years Twink Cup had even started.
In the beginning there was nothing.
THEN... shadow. As I took my first steps on the soil of Bleeding Hollow I quickly discovered that evil had laid rest here. A corrupt world. Malicious, as a foul shade covered the ceiling and ground in TOTAL DARKNESS.
... SO THERE WE WERE with a rotten gust of Taco Bell breathing down our necks - we fought our way through the army of washedbrains into the region of Kermit the Frog...
Right... Sorry. I got carried away.
This is not the right story to tell.
Ur a bitch
Leading up to the TC I was embaressed with the more or less finger that had been given by the 'community', to the people in management.You may have heard this before, and I'm probably just preaching to the choir, but wtf?
Personally? I thought Lindenkron at times, or quite often overstepped his lines, wether it was agression or felt he was the only one with a mind of its own, and that both him and Conq do not play the game, and thus should not have a say in things that to a degree affect the gaming, - if that makes any sense.
But hello? They are NECESSARY. I sure as hell aint complaining, not only now, when the aftermath has hit, and the tourney was awesome, but prior to it happening aswell.
I ain't able, or capable of doing a better job, so I'll just zip my mouthpiece.
And what was with this moaning; 'waaaah, waaaah' "my team doesn't have a person on the round table", "I feel mistreated", "this sucks, I don't want to compete anymore"!
Pfft. Aslong as the right outcome finalized in the end, who the hell cares? Or more so, who would want to make such a big deal out of it and handle it how it was handled? And I may get misunderstood now, because I was one of the people within this 'comitee', but to tell you the truth I was barely part of it. I let them do their thing and raised my concern if there were holes. Couldn't have cared less if I was not part of it even, would have been the same outcome.
It's not so much which situations that you get yourself into, but how you handle those situations that make you what you are.
And holy smoking titties, you guys handled that shit like a bunch of saggy bitches.
People felt their dicks weren't being stroked hard enough or what?
THAT is when Justice was created. THAT moment. Regardless of what fairy tale I was living in before with my homedawgs, and naturally wanted to beat the defending champions. That shit defines character. And I ain't cool with bitches running the show.
So shame on you.
I know not everyone must have had a say in it, but yeah...
I was gonna say "no offense, but...". But no, you take that dick and you sit on it and think about it.
Real talk.
Realest of talks.
About 2 years ago this fall. I left everything I knew or might even go as far, as to call 'home', - to venture out in the world in search of purpose. That may sound a tad bit harsh and dramatic though? I guess in real world - world to Dan - that I was killing time or looking for answers? Answers to questions I didn't even know the question to. Does that make any sense?A week before the Twink Cup, I had to make ways with my past home on the lovely and beautiful islands of the Caribbean. Because for once, there were more important places for me to be. So I left.
Returning to my 'home'country, a place I may have grown up in, but felt no loyalty towards. To come back to 3 dead family members I never got to say farwell to, and new members I never got to say hello to.
That's life I guess?
And I have not even come here to preach, or to tell you I know everything, for I do not. But if there was one thing that MY journey throughout MY life has taught me this far, it's that: It doesn't matter where I flee, what climate I visit and what superficial things I may wish to aquire.
- But the PEOPLE within that space that I spend my time with who matter.
In the end, I never got to play Twink Cup, so I am not talking to you as a winner.
And I'm quite the tryhard, certainly getting into this year. - So it meant alot not having an impact on the actual field. And with death behind me, and more death to come, I stand here infront of you, I guess because I'm weird.
... But I have fallen more or less in love with some of the people within this community.
Or atleast the idea of the community itself. A chosen family. One that has its offsprings, the goofballs, and the people who try to sabotage it. But they are also part of it, and would not be the same without. And even though family members may fall off here and there, it's important now, more than ever; instead of getting bitter over their derparture, I learned to value and celebrate their time spent. Not their time not spent.
If you consider me worthy. - I chose this family. Because my own is running out of members.
And now... Now, I feel like I've won. Firstly, winning is a state of mind, and winning to me might mean something else to someone else.
But yeah... Winning. Not because the team which tag I go under officially 'won', but because, at the end of the day everyone could shake hands afterwards and see the bigger picture. As Phobia said: "this is a game afterall, and the purpose of the game is to have fun".
Wait, just kidding? What was this I heard, about people deleting shitters off their btag, hello? (RIGHT after the finals?)
Maybe, Justice was served after all, if the people who were so used to smashing everyone else, couldn't take one beating themselves.
I hope that's not the case, though.
For I grew much respect and admiration for alot of these players.
Also, I never got to find out who was hitting me and the crew off? Like this person literally dedicated his weekdays to doing this? Knew when we were doing inhouses, had schedules of exhibition practice matches, even with streams off?!
What ever I or we did making you want to do this, I'm... sorry?
But stop jacking off, I wanna know now.
Reveal yourself, coward.
Fight me you f*cking b*tch!!
Seriously though, fight -

Oh, and I don't believe I got to say this... but the tourney was AWESOME. All things considered, I did not play, I had a shitty week, followed by a shitty life and I'm a sad piece of crap. But having buddies, NOT FROM THE WINNING TEAM, but from "A-Team" say this was one of their best experiences ingame. AAAAND, seeing people like Repulsed mention this was his finest twinking moment to date. Like.... ARRRRRH that stuff makes my inner fire rise. - In that amazing way.
So good job people.
Last but definitely not least, the soul reason for my tl;dr thread, was to show some love for the masked criminals who fought with honor. Win or lose, real men fight for what they stand for. So say what you want about the people below, but they ain't no bunch of sissies, I'll tell you that.
The Crew
In order to compete for this years TC, we gathered and recruited up to 36 players and a total of 43 people.We set up schedules and did inhouses nearly every week.
GSC: Justice
The squad of Justice was handpicked by the team, starting with Myself, Chase(HB) & Saxx(Daniel).Where as we progressed; grew larger, and the trusted team thus-far, helped along.
While we were recruiting we were asking a list of different questions. One of which, was the kicker, that most people fell off by:
"There's alot of players here, this is going to be a big roster, and you're gonna have to accept that you may not get to play all the time".
Wether this was the case or not was not the point. Since in the most cases, it was NOT. - The point of this was to find those who were worthy, not in it for themselves, but for the team. For once you have a group of people with the same motive, and everyone is willing to sacrifice, then... Well, Justice is created.
TC Participants
Disc: "Shámañ" = Partygirl(Rasmus)
Disc: "Shàmañ" = Smull
Rsham: "ßm" = Drcooper(Ryan)
Rsham: "Warríør" = Partygirl(Rasmus)
Rdruid (FC): "Boomïe" = Hunnybuns(Chase)
Rdruid (FC): "Boomíe" = Mvp(Andreas)
BM: "Prìést" = Saxxon(Daniel)
Warrior: "Prìêst" = Lukenukem(Lucas)
Boomie: "Hùñtér" = Nature
Mage: "Shãmân" = Hunnybuns(Chase)
Mage: "Shamåñ" = Razqt(Sebastian)
Warlock: "Shãmåñ" = Flamer(Andrew)
Hunter: "Éfc" = Stabilt(Alex)
Hunter: "Êfc" = Hardbass(Ashley)
Poison runs through his veins. An alien disease intoxicates his mind. Everyone sees it. But I smell and see something different. For underneath there is something else, there is more. It isn't insecurity in the flesh that drives rude comments and ego. It can't be, if one is aware of ones remarks and the definition of insecurity is uncertainty, how would it fit this person?
What I see is a kid, he is our kid - still defying and finding himself. Infact, I take that back - now a young man. As he celebrates his 18 years of age in new waters.
The witty geek, who keeps the team in place with his young and unexhausting mouthpiece, who makes sure to keep his priorities in check and does his homework on time.
But when the gloves come on and the mask is in place, is one unstoppable force. Who despite his height and depth, may just have the biggest strength to size ratios on the roster.
For as I realise this young man is slowly discovering, that with great power, comes great responsibility.
Sharp, agile and quick on his toes with that 5th sense. I give to you;
kid - Partygirl.
What I see is a kid, he is our kid - still defying and finding himself. Infact, I take that back - now a young man. As he celebrates his 18 years of age in new waters.
The witty geek, who keeps the team in place with his young and unexhausting mouthpiece, who makes sure to keep his priorities in check and does his homework on time.
But when the gloves come on and the mask is in place, is one unstoppable force. Who despite his height and depth, may just have the biggest strength to size ratios on the roster.
For as I realise this young man is slowly discovering, that with great power, comes great responsibility.
Sharp, agile and quick on his toes with that 5th sense. I give to you;

Another calm and collective Swede.
I've started to grow jealousy towards them. Maybe soon... Hatred? But honestly, there is nothing to dislike about this grownup. Maybe he is too grown? He reminds me abit like a fine vine. An aged vine that unlike other liquids, gets better with the years.
Smull is a protector. But also a predator. A silent one that waits for the right time to strike. Do not take his silence for shyness or the lack of confidence, for it is not. Smull keeps his allies protected with heals but also defends them with aggression as he is one who has mastered both.
Much to say about this man, but he has been around lurking throughout time and has seen it all. At times, could be considered 'bit of a lonewolf, that keeps to himself & his wolfpack... Just untill that moment when an old man rolls up to shake his hand inviting him to a special team with unique people and a unique set of skills.
I've started to grow jealousy towards them. Maybe soon... Hatred? But honestly, there is nothing to dislike about this grownup. Maybe he is too grown? He reminds me abit like a fine vine. An aged vine that unlike other liquids, gets better with the years.
Smull is a protector. But also a predator. A silent one that waits for the right time to strike. Do not take his silence for shyness or the lack of confidence, for it is not. Smull keeps his allies protected with heals but also defends them with aggression as he is one who has mastered both.
Much to say about this man, but he has been around lurking throughout time and has seen it all. At times, could be considered 'bit of a lonewolf, that keeps to himself & his wolfpack... Just untill that moment when an old man rolls up to shake his hand inviting him to a special team with unique people and a unique set of skills.
In a world full of supernatural powers, one man manages to stand out. Not by brawn but by brain.
With backup plans incase any of the league's members would turn against him. This masked vigilante awaits in the shadows and watches over the weak whilst you're asleep.
He keeps tabs on enemies and friends alike, as he goes under the radar with his unique playstyle unrecognized by his foe. Protecting the team with technology to ensure the safety of everyone involved, he also has the burden of assisting me on my quest to unlocking lifes big secrets.
Dr. Ryan. The most loyal of comrades, the shade that is always in your back ready to do what no other human could do better; cover it.
But in a world of darkness, it's often hard for true colors to be reflected.
Just remember, that it's not who you are underneath, but what you DO that defines you.
I give to you... Ryan.
With backup plans incase any of the league's members would turn against him. This masked vigilante awaits in the shadows and watches over the weak whilst you're asleep.
He keeps tabs on enemies and friends alike, as he goes under the radar with his unique playstyle unrecognized by his foe. Protecting the team with technology to ensure the safety of everyone involved, he also has the burden of assisting me on my quest to unlocking lifes big secrets.
Dr. Ryan. The most loyal of comrades, the shade that is always in your back ready to do what no other human could do better; cover it.
But in a world of darkness, it's often hard for true colors to be reflected.
Just remember, that it's not who you are underneath, but what you DO that defines you.
I give to you... Ryan.
The one man to rule them all. The Rock of this community. Captain of the squad.
Ahh.. What to say..?
I think I wished more than most things that you were my protegé, maybe because part of me wishes to be part of your past and future accomplishments? But either way, I'm not. Even if I'd like to be. And no, John is not even remotely close.
But don't get that twisted either. This does not mean you have outgrown anyone, BUT YOURSELF. In which case you have. You are your own protegé, your own master. Still a young Jedi, don't misread the books mister. But stick to the path your mind, body and spirit takes you - and you shall become what you seek. You will become that master - ruler of all. And no. - I naturally don't just mean that ingame. At all, actually.
But till that point, you must stick to your place on the brick wall, which - as for this society goes - is the Cap'n'.
Infact, the best of leaders ingame. Not a leader outside, just yet. But may you wish to become that too, you will.
I imagine even if you end up walking away after the fairy tale that may be put on pause for now. Which is, JUST THAT - on pause.
- Wouldn't be suprised if someone 70 years down the line wakes you up from your cryostasis - to have you do what no other man can do better; defeat evil. Because, at the end of the day, that is what you do, and that is your place on the wall; The supersoldier.
The man who outlives us all, the core of justice, the guy who does the right thing.
Be that guy.
I give to you, not one of them - but the greatest. - Chase
"On your left Cap'n'".
Moneybuns on the beat!
Ahh.. What to say..?
I think I wished more than most things that you were my protegé, maybe because part of me wishes to be part of your past and future accomplishments? But either way, I'm not. Even if I'd like to be. And no, John is not even remotely close.
But don't get that twisted either. This does not mean you have outgrown anyone, BUT YOURSELF. In which case you have. You are your own protegé, your own master. Still a young Jedi, don't misread the books mister. But stick to the path your mind, body and spirit takes you - and you shall become what you seek. You will become that master - ruler of all. And no. - I naturally don't just mean that ingame. At all, actually.
But till that point, you must stick to your place on the brick wall, which - as for this society goes - is the Cap'n'.
Infact, the best of leaders ingame. Not a leader outside, just yet. But may you wish to become that too, you will.
I imagine even if you end up walking away after the fairy tale that may be put on pause for now. Which is, JUST THAT - on pause.
- Wouldn't be suprised if someone 70 years down the line wakes you up from your cryostasis - to have you do what no other man can do better; defeat evil. Because, at the end of the day, that is what you do, and that is your place on the wall; The supersoldier.
The man who outlives us all, the core of justice, the guy who does the right thing.
Be that guy.
I give to you, not one of them - but the greatest. - Chase
"On your left Cap'n'".
Moneybuns on the beat!
Whats up DJ? Got any new tracks for us to listen to?
I liked the track "Kill Everybody".
Andreas, quite the oddball, who played last year under the same tag and won the award - not the tc, but our individual moron of the week award. But to see him a year later, was... different.
From quickly creating trouble in the 39 bracket, to indefinitely becomming UNANIMOUSLY HATED, by nearly the entire community. Wether it was for abnormal behavior, his way to strut in the gulch, or just the way he handled social aspects of the game.
And now here we are, a year later, and I'll have you know, regardless of what you bunch of pansies say. As it did not take long for us to realise - that this right here, is in the pure sense the best FC we had dealed with, ever.
In result we ended up taking him in - without even having to pay 30 pieces of silver. There was however a mix of different emotions to it - to be honest. Partially because he had no other place to go, but also for the factor, that if he was playing with us, he was not playing AGAINST us. Seeing as he had nowhere to go, this didn't bother my concious too much. But theese are the facts.
Andreas also with hard work and tons of dedication went into improving objective parts of the team, and excelling them beyond what I could have helped with.
And from what I heard John said something I could never have agreed with more; that he was glad you were on this team, because you DESERVED to win. And you did.
So notes to anyone in the future hesitating to pick him up - don't.
Mvp carries himself and his team, as he's now become what he wanted to be; one of the greats.
I give to you the creative, obnoxious but however - original; Mvp.
I liked the track "Kill Everybody".
Andreas, quite the oddball, who played last year under the same tag and won the award - not the tc, but our individual moron of the week award. But to see him a year later, was... different.
From quickly creating trouble in the 39 bracket, to indefinitely becomming UNANIMOUSLY HATED, by nearly the entire community. Wether it was for abnormal behavior, his way to strut in the gulch, or just the way he handled social aspects of the game.
And now here we are, a year later, and I'll have you know, regardless of what you bunch of pansies say. As it did not take long for us to realise - that this right here, is in the pure sense the best FC we had dealed with, ever.
In result we ended up taking him in - without even having to pay 30 pieces of silver. There was however a mix of different emotions to it - to be honest. Partially because he had no other place to go, but also for the factor, that if he was playing with us, he was not playing AGAINST us. Seeing as he had nowhere to go, this didn't bother my concious too much. But theese are the facts.
Andreas also with hard work and tons of dedication went into improving objective parts of the team, and excelling them beyond what I could have helped with.
And from what I heard John said something I could never have agreed with more; that he was glad you were on this team, because you DESERVED to win. And you did.
So notes to anyone in the future hesitating to pick him up - don't.
Mvp carries himself and his team, as he's now become what he wanted to be; one of the greats.
I give to you the creative, obnoxious but however - original; Mvp.
Daniel,.. Danny... my bretheren. A bretheren to all of us actually, - being quite frank. Wether it was an older, or a younger brother to some. He was what he needed when he needed to be, for the team. Because the team is all that mattered, and Daniel understood that every piece had its place.
But when that's said, he also partook that role because he either conciously or subconciously knew it was where he needed to be, and that he truthfully shares no blood with anyone here. For he is not like the rest of us. We are all different in each our ways, but Saxx has a special set of tools. Immortality. An alien from a different side of what we may call home. Daniel is the Superstar of the playing field; the Kobe, the Jordan of our generation, within our sport, our ballcourt. For when the dust from our bones settle and disappear, his will remain. A guardian in the sky that watches over all of you, who sincerely belongs to no side, but the side of justice.
And justice picks no sides.
Daniel, the never-aging pale Kiwi, who's synergy with the sun and unending power fuels any world he steps foot on.
Now, go give Vang that D.
I give to you*:
*Saxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooon - "HE SHOOTS and he SCORES!!!!".
But when that's said, he also partook that role because he either conciously or subconciously knew it was where he needed to be, and that he truthfully shares no blood with anyone here. For he is not like the rest of us. We are all different in each our ways, but Saxx has a special set of tools. Immortality. An alien from a different side of what we may call home. Daniel is the Superstar of the playing field; the Kobe, the Jordan of our generation, within our sport, our ballcourt. For when the dust from our bones settle and disappear, his will remain. A guardian in the sky that watches over all of you, who sincerely belongs to no side, but the side of justice.
And justice picks no sides.
Daniel, the never-aging pale Kiwi, who's synergy with the sun and unending power fuels any world he steps foot on.
Now, go give Vang that D.
I give to you*:
*Saxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooon - "HE SHOOTS and he SCORES!!!!".
The Luke-'m' to the Nuke-'m'. Lucas, this years top contestant for the most insecure person on the roster. Or so I thougth? Lucas with a dark past behind him, who's unanimously known as this badmannered mapple leaf. Who either out of self-doubts or cruel intentions has the need to kick a person when they're down. A volcano on the battlefield, but a volcano as likely to erupt on his own team than his opponents. With the only physical force capeable of taking down the emperor, there were doubts...
Would he conquer, raise to the challenge and stick to light? Or would he fall by his destiny in joining the darkside?
But real strenght comes not from doing what others consider challenging, but overcoming fears and defeating struggles YOU find challenging.
And let me tell you, this f*cking egg ROSE to the challenge, OVERCAME tilting to the darkside and empowered the force as he went against all odds and found his inner chi.
Who I now know, that when push comes to shove, regardless of what past and future images may say, this son of a b*tch has earned my value. Not just for ingame stabil mechanics, but for outside stabil psychological ones.
I bring to you a dark protector, whos true colors shall come out not for when wished for, but when needed.
The Luke-'m' to the Nuke-'m'. Lucas, this years top contestant for the most insecure person on the roster. Or so I thougth? Lucas with a dark past behind him, who's unanimously known as this badmannered mapple leaf. Who either out of self-doubts or cruel intentions has the need to kick a person when they're down. A volcano on the battlefield, but a volcano as likely to erupt on his own team than his opponents. With the only physical force capeable of taking down the emperor, there were doubts...
Would he conquer, raise to the challenge and stick to light? Or would he fall by his destiny in joining the darkside?
But real strenght comes not from doing what others consider challenging, but overcoming fears and defeating struggles YOU find challenging.
And let me tell you, this f*cking egg ROSE to the challenge, OVERCAME tilting to the darkside and empowered the force as he went against all odds and found his inner chi.
Who I now know, that when push comes to shove, regardless of what past and future images may say, this son of a b*tch has earned my value. Not just for ingame stabil mechanics, but for outside stabil psychological ones.
I bring to you a dark protector, whos true colors shall come out not for when wished for, but when needed.
Does him winning and not having lost a TC mean he's the best boomkin in the world John? Or how do those things work?
I didn't know much about Nature returning to the scene early 2016. Atleast nothing but shallow impressions. Nature was a known EU hero with his recognizeable feet in the arena and equally as recognized was his attitude much like many others of his skill level. I came to find him and the steady shooting Stabilt, amongst my other students aswell as some new faces - teaming up to take over and write their own names in the sand.
But something had changed. This was not the Nature I had seen and heard of.
As we progressed through recruitements, practice sessions, 'strat devlopments' and eventually signups. We were to deal with a close to mute boomkin. Who caught fire and demolished the battlefield, whom could not be replaced. But a quiet player none the less.
Till eventually I realised it was not sound missing, but the right sequence to catch him on.
Much like Mother Nature, she is unpredictable and moves in unexplained ways.
And much like Mother Nature, she NEVER loses. SO WHEN THE PLANETS ALIGNED and the elements gathered to strike lighning into this individual; magic was created.
Pre-bear forming every single swap, 10 steps ahead of you literally and mentally, as technical on the drawing boards as mechanical on the field.
I give to you; what happens when the elements gather, light itself, an unexplained force of... - Nature.
I didn't know much about Nature returning to the scene early 2016. Atleast nothing but shallow impressions. Nature was a known EU hero with his recognizeable feet in the arena and equally as recognized was his attitude much like many others of his skill level. I came to find him and the steady shooting Stabilt, amongst my other students aswell as some new faces - teaming up to take over and write their own names in the sand.
But something had changed. This was not the Nature I had seen and heard of.
As we progressed through recruitements, practice sessions, 'strat devlopments' and eventually signups. We were to deal with a close to mute boomkin. Who caught fire and demolished the battlefield, whom could not be replaced. But a quiet player none the less.
Till eventually I realised it was not sound missing, but the right sequence to catch him on.
Much like Mother Nature, she is unpredictable and moves in unexplained ways.
And much like Mother Nature, she NEVER loses. SO WHEN THE PLANETS ALIGNED and the elements gathered to strike lighning into this individual; magic was created.
Pre-bear forming every single swap, 10 steps ahead of you literally and mentally, as technical on the drawing boards as mechanical on the field.
I give to you; what happens when the elements gather, light itself, an unexplained force of... - Nature.
Prince of the 20-29 bracket in his spare time, and champion of the arena at endgame. Raz is one of the most entertaining people on this roster. Atleast to me?! I'm not sure wether it's amusing one-liners within context or the fact that he just doesn't give a f*ck. Young bloke, but seamlessly mature when it matters, and it does.
Not a cookie to crack under pressure, who with his casual persona keeps everyone cool. A real goon. But also a loyal teammate, an excellent player, and a worthy & deserving TC Champion.
For Raz, truely is one of the great.
I give to you, real Danish slim shady - Razqt.
Not a cookie to crack under pressure, who with his casual persona keeps everyone cool. A real goon. But also a loyal teammate, an excellent player, and a worthy & deserving TC Champion.
For Raz, truely is one of the great.
I give to you, real Danish slim shady - Razqt.
A man whos destruction reigns Havok over the world as we know it. Known as a 'senseless sociopath', and I quote. A man known to fight for his own one-man army. A skilled assasin, as skilled as it gets actually. And now I am here to tell you all these stories are false?...
But in order to make an omelette, you're gonna need to break a few eggs. And in order to fight wolves, you need to bring a beast. THE beast. Hunted specifically for a purpose, Flamer burns up the gym aswell as his foes in the gulch. But his set of skills cannot be taken away from him, like him or not. With his witty humor, and his ability to break walls, sometimes combining both of those. Andrew is someone you want on your side. Someone?... Something perhaps? Considered from many to be cheating by using bøts as he claims. Maybe a test subject?
Regardless. If anyone had the abilities to destroy this world as we know it, he would be the one to do it.
He's got a big mouth! F*kin forum troll.
I bring to you; asian sensation - Andrew.
"With great power comes great irresponsibility"...?
But in order to make an omelette, you're gonna need to break a few eggs. And in order to fight wolves, you need to bring a beast. THE beast. Hunted specifically for a purpose, Flamer burns up the gym aswell as his foes in the gulch. But his set of skills cannot be taken away from him, like him or not. With his witty humor, and his ability to break walls, sometimes combining both of those. Andrew is someone you want on your side. Someone?... Something perhaps? Considered from many to be cheating by using bøts as he claims. Maybe a test subject?
Regardless. If anyone had the abilities to destroy this world as we know it, he would be the one to do it.
He's got a big mouth! F*kin forum troll.
I bring to you; asian sensation - Andrew.
"With great power comes great irresponsibility"...?
Straight ouf of Swedens school for perfect people with annoyingly perfect lives; Alex. With ladykiller hair, obnoxiously relaxing attitude and money in the bank, Alex aka Stabilt is by far the most calm and NORMAL person on this roster. - Next to all the other nerds that we cannot deny exist. But not only is the Swedish hunk good on the field, but also a minor genius behind the desk as he rockets himself into the scene completely prepared from head to heels with his close to A.I. sidekick Yapah. Min/maxing becomes latin to us others as they discover and rediscover the perfect builds.
Captain of the skies and a dear friend of mine, that I one day hope to have the pleasure of meeting.
But maybe that is just hopes and dreams, as I am aware, he lives in an alternate reality. I can merely hope for him to build an empire just like his father, but with his own touch.
Stabilt. - One of the smartest minds of our twinking generation, and one of the most popular heroes of all time.
I give to you; Philanthropist, Playboy & soon to be billionaire - Alex the steady shooter.
Who btw, always gets the girl.
Captain of the skies and a dear friend of mine, that I one day hope to have the pleasure of meeting.
But maybe that is just hopes and dreams, as I am aware, he lives in an alternate reality. I can merely hope for him to build an empire just like his father, but with his own touch.
Stabilt. - One of the smartest minds of our twinking generation, and one of the most popular heroes of all time.
I give to you; Philanthropist, Playboy & soon to be billionaire - Alex the steady shooter.
Who btw, always gets the girl.
This is Ashley, and regardless of how I formulate these next lines, it may come out in the wrong way or get misinterpreted. But this has to be said: Ashley is an angel amongst men. An angel of the purest, and the clearest gem within our team of heroes. A person whos only limits are from his imagination.
But where there is power, there is also weakness. As we practiced throughout the season, Ashley became more and more unsure wether he was worthy. Wether he was the right person for the job, wether he had what it took to conquer flight side by side with Alex.
And I am here to tell you, Ashley - that YES, YOU ARE WORTHY.
The only thing hindering before was his mind, but as soon as he released those mental shackles, and went into the field without fear - nothing could stop justice from happening.
I bring to you Ashley, who's light could save a million lives.
The fundamental bass of sound, but with a rough edge along the sides - Hardbass.
But where there is power, there is also weakness. As we practiced throughout the season, Ashley became more and more unsure wether he was worthy. Wether he was the right person for the job, wether he had what it took to conquer flight side by side with Alex.
And I am here to tell you, Ashley - that YES, YOU ARE WORTHY.
The only thing hindering before was his mind, but as soon as he released those mental shackles, and went into the field without fear - nothing could stop justice from happening.
I bring to you Ashley, who's light could save a million lives.
The fundamental bass of sound, but with a rough edge along the sides - Hardbass.
The bacon of the my life. Disgustingly annoying, but... part of my life.
Like family, is he this shitty f*cking brother I can't seem to get away from. Maybe it is not meant to be?
I realised, regardless of how much pain this person inflicts to me, he also assists me when need be. And most importantly, his blood runs through my veins, as do mine to his. For many things can be said about this troll. But Jamie? He fights for justice, more than ANY other person I know. A jerk, but not one afraid to be the jerk just so that others won't have to take that role. A true hero
he is, but he does not need to wear a mask6. For Jamie fights for the guy lieing down, and despite classic teenage habbits, the lack of discipline, and unfortunately respect. This man does more than half the men I have met. So when the day comes that Jamie shall grow out of his cocoon. He shall be the greatest, maybe ever.
But untill that point, he is still a rat.
See you next year, goon.
Like family, is he this shitty f*cking brother I can't seem to get away from. Maybe it is not meant to be?
I realised, regardless of how much pain this person inflicts to me, he also assists me when need be. And most importantly, his blood runs through my veins, as do mine to his. For many things can be said about this troll. But Jamie? He fights for justice, more than ANY other person I know. A jerk, but not one afraid to be the jerk just so that others won't have to take that role. A true hero
he is, but he does not need to wear a mask6. For Jamie fights for the guy lieing down, and despite classic teenage habbits, the lack of discipline, and unfortunately respect. This man does more than half the men I have met. So when the day comes that Jamie shall grow out of his cocoon. He shall be the greatest, maybe ever.
But untill that point, he is still a rat.
See you next year, goon.
Part of the crew, part of the ship.
Part of the crew, part of the ship.
Who, despite being planned to play in this years TC, under rough circumstances - had to leave.
But once you join the league, you are part of the league till I say so!
Scott is one of a kind. A rare gem that's as humble as he is strong on his own feet. Intellect fills his body as he works smart not hard. And fast and effecient, not slow and enduring.
A person who I believe everyone on the team grew to admire, who's sense of humor and loyal backbone would have carried us to a quicker victory would he have played. But he was there in spirit, and that seemed to be enough.
A shoutout to Scott Marshall. From me and the crew.
Hope all is well.
Part of the crew, part of the ship.
Who, despite being planned to play in this years TC, under rough circumstances - had to leave.
But once you join the league, you are part of the league till I say so!
Scott is one of a kind. A rare gem that's as humble as he is strong on his own feet. Intellect fills his body as he works smart not hard. And fast and effecient, not slow and enduring.
A person who I believe everyone on the team grew to admire, who's sense of humor and loyal backbone would have carried us to a quicker victory would he have played. But he was there in spirit, and that seemed to be enough.
A shoutout to Scott Marshall. From me and the crew.
Hope all is well.
F*CKING FANCY. Although this young aussie did not get to participate ON the field for THIS group. He is still PART of the team. Maybe even more than the most.
But a new project was underway, and it was important for me to test the limits of this young Australian, who last year carried us with breath and energy. This was not Fancy's war to fight, and thus wasn't ready.
Despite being known as the annoying cocky little SHIT in our circles, Fancy is one of my favorites.
And after I heard how he had rose BEYOND what I had hoped in this years TC. Filling an important spot on the A-Team. I got teary.
Rumors have it, that after when the full moon peaks and the monkey gets out of its cage, from calm and collective to: "THEY'RE FUCKING SHIT!!!!! DIVE ON THIS FUCKING PRIEST LOOK WHERE HES FFUCKING STANDING!!
Who once again, overdid my expectations, but this time.. Made me proud.
My protegé, who I expect big things off in the future.
But a new project was underway, and it was important for me to test the limits of this young Australian, who last year carried us with breath and energy. This was not Fancy's war to fight, and thus wasn't ready.
Despite being known as the annoying cocky little SHIT in our circles, Fancy is one of my favorites.
And after I heard how he had rose BEYOND what I had hoped in this years TC. Filling an important spot on the A-Team. I got teary.
Rumors have it, that after when the full moon peaks and the monkey gets out of its cage, from calm and collective to: "THEY'RE FUCKING SHIT!!!!! DIVE ON THIS FUCKING PRIEST LOOK WHERE HES FFUCKING STANDING!!
Who once again, overdid my expectations, but this time.. Made me proud.
My protegé, who I expect big things off in the future.
Blizzcon contestant, multi rank numero uno. Filip this Swedish son of a c*nt. Who despite not playing was ready for action incase there was need. A real hero and possible one of the coolest 'strangers' I've had the pleasure of meeting. A young man, but despite age in numbers, the mental age is someting completely different.
A hero unmasked or masked, doesn't make a difference. This Ikea is part of the team. Who could have played but gave his spot away without a hassle, for he knew that his place would have been fitted elsewhere; cheering on the sidelines.
Now it's time for us to cheer on the sidelines as you dropkick some m*fkin aholes on your way to Blizzcon.
Also you're a nerd.
A hero unmasked or masked, doesn't make a difference. This Ikea is part of the team. Who could have played but gave his spot away without a hassle, for he knew that his place would have been fitted elsewhere; cheering on the sidelines.
Now it's time for us to cheer on the sidelines as you dropkick some m*fkin aholes on your way to Blizzcon.
Also you're a nerd.
GSC: A Team
Desperate times lead for desperate measures. And thus, this team was created. To assist Justice staying in its optimal shape we needed people. After recruiting so many souls, it only made sense to have some of these beyond awesome people participate. And THUS - Friendship was created!
TC Participants
Priest: "Chïna" = Livingforce(Josh)
Priest: "Dániella" = Honeychild(Andrea)
Rsham: "Gobknobberx" = Daddy(Kyler)
Rsham: "Unplayable" = Tacochampion(Lane)
Rdruid (FC): "Praelahuraga" = Marblea(Triston)
BM: "Snck" = Snack(Oskar)
BM: "Qunz" = Kunz(Thomas)
Warrior: "Yndigo" = Yndigo(Andreas)
Boomie: "Eclìpsis" = Eclipsis(Matt)
Hunter: "Ashlür" = Fancy(Robert)
Hunter: "Zalé" = Zale(Michael)
Words from Yndi.
Two days after TC
TC Participants
Priest: "Chïna" = Livingforce(Josh)
Priest: "Dániella" = Honeychild(Andrea)
Rsham: "Gobknobberx" = Daddy(Kyler)
Rsham: "Unplayable" = Tacochampion(Lane)
Rdruid (FC): "Praelahuraga" = Marblea(Triston)
BM: "Snck" = Snack(Oskar)
BM: "Qunz" = Kunz(Thomas)
Warrior: "Yndigo" = Yndigo(Andreas)
Boomie: "Eclìpsis" = Eclipsis(Matt)
Hunter: "Ashlür" = Fancy(Robert)
Hunter: "Zalé" = Zale(Michael)
Ooooooo Living. The glamorous and well respected Australian is at it again. As Josh works his way deep in the dark mines. his attitude and the aura he brings is quite the opposite of where you might find him working. For this shredded Aussie has not a heart of coal but as if he had broken the outter layers - finding GOLD. Pure. The purest of kinds. Sometimes not just on the figuretively kind of heartwarming gold, as the expression goes. But literally gold as if I'm not mistaken Josh has been the top donating/contributing person towards this community(atleast for what goes the cups) - NEXT to Myrm ofc.
Yeah yeah... He might have the money, but it wouldn't mean a thing if he wasn't as genuine and kind as he is.
For Josh is a true champion. Not just the arenas, but for us, and the community.
I believe I speak for the rest of the crew, but more so, the whole bunch of d-bags this society is filled with, when I say
Ooooooo Living. The glamorous and well respected Australian is at it again. As Josh works his way deep in the dark mines. his attitude and the aura he brings is quite the opposite of where you might find him working. For this shredded Aussie has not a heart of coal but as if he had broken the outter layers - finding GOLD. Pure. The purest of kinds. Sometimes not just on the figuretively kind of heartwarming gold, as the expression goes. But literally gold as if I'm not mistaken Josh has been the top donating/contributing person towards this community(atleast for what goes the cups) - NEXT to Myrm ofc.
Yeah yeah... He might have the money, but it wouldn't mean a thing if he wasn't as genuine and kind as he is.
For Josh is a true champion. Not just the arenas, but for us, and the community.
I believe I speak for the rest of the crew, but more so, the whole bunch of d-bags this society is filled with, when I say
My dearest friend Andrea.
One of the oldest that are still around I believe.
On the surface she's that "b*tch" I pretend that I pretend to argue with, and act as if she's from Scotland and not Ireland, because it's funny.
But beneath it... There is more. For to tell you the truth. Andrea means a whole lot more to me than what meets the eye. She is intelligent, witty and has that grit you can't find on Malibu dolls. But what fascinates me the most, and what I value the most, is her honesty, & sincere sense of compassion. But in that rugged way. It's a rare sensation that I cannot describe further if you do not know what I mean.
It almost gives her the outter touch of beauty without having to see her face.
For all jokes aside, this Scottish- i mean Irish skank, is no skank. She's a loyal, justified and well she told Chase that he had to cut that mop off his head.. SO YEAH BOYS? JUSTICE?
Okay, enough nice talk. You're also sort of a prick. And you smell funny. And stuff.
Also, send nudes.
One of the oldest that are still around I believe.
On the surface she's that "b*tch" I pretend that I pretend to argue with, and act as if she's from Scotland and not Ireland, because it's funny.
But beneath it... There is more. For to tell you the truth. Andrea means a whole lot more to me than what meets the eye. She is intelligent, witty and has that grit you can't find on Malibu dolls. But what fascinates me the most, and what I value the most, is her honesty, & sincere sense of compassion. But in that rugged way. It's a rare sensation that I cannot describe further if you do not know what I mean.
It almost gives her the outter touch of beauty without having to see her face.
For all jokes aside, this Scottish- i mean Irish skank, is no skank. She's a loyal, justified and well she told Chase that he had to cut that mop off his head.. SO YEAH BOYS? JUSTICE?
Okay, enough nice talk. You're also sort of a prick. And you smell funny. And stuff.
Also, send nudes.
Dig Bick Kyler. Big Daddy, who went from active top dog shaman on Harvest, to spreading buttcheeks in a chocolate factory producing Mars bars. Who's got a better grip on the game mentally than sometimes physically. But it's all good. Why?
Because Kyler is a top dawg homebwoi. A real ninja. - And no that is not censured. For off the field, outside of the game, Kyler spends his time touching sweaty men inside a ring.
Martial arts; as Big Daddy is practicing perfection with his soon to be famous "triangle-choke", and even sooner to be his known feat, as he chokes his opponents in the ring - and just as they're about to pass out - whispers: "I know who's swallowing tonight.".
*and the crowd goes wild!!!*
Because Kyler is a top dawg homebwoi. A real ninja. - And no that is not censured. For off the field, outside of the game, Kyler spends his time touching sweaty men inside a ring.
Martial arts; as Big Daddy is practicing perfection with his soon to be famous "triangle-choke", and even sooner to be his known feat, as he chokes his opponents in the ring - and just as they're about to pass out - whispers: "I know who's swallowing tonight.".
*and the crowd goes wild!!!*
Yung tink.
In the land of the trolls and home of the nerds, Taco aka the Lane - is the youngest of them all.
A young man, soon to grow up and take over the world. Who I personally, not just in this game think he has massive potential to have everyone bow down to - but also outside of the game. Lane is something abit special, and I realise whilst writing this, that he may just be if not THE one, then atleast one of the ones that has given me the most impact this year. From good and bad episodes... in the end... they are all the same. What you remember looking back, are the episodes. The more impact they've had, the shinier the memory is.
From the moment we took him in, there were some troubles with some of the elder twinks. For as with all young ones, they are fresh out of the catalog, and they suck knowledge and influences in like a sponge. Which at times, can be both good and bad.
What I hope for yungtink here, is to differ the good and the bad, for - out of everyone I have written a note too, you are the one capable of evolving the most.
I wish you luck on your journeys, and more than anything - shall I return. I will look forward to seeing how much you've grown.
I believe in the Taco, I believe in the Lane.
Reach the skies young one.
A Jedi you shall become.
You must.
In the land of the trolls and home of the nerds, Taco aka the Lane - is the youngest of them all.
A young man, soon to grow up and take over the world. Who I personally, not just in this game think he has massive potential to have everyone bow down to - but also outside of the game. Lane is something abit special, and I realise whilst writing this, that he may just be if not THE one, then atleast one of the ones that has given me the most impact this year. From good and bad episodes... in the end... they are all the same. What you remember looking back, are the episodes. The more impact they've had, the shinier the memory is.
From the moment we took him in, there were some troubles with some of the elder twinks. For as with all young ones, they are fresh out of the catalog, and they suck knowledge and influences in like a sponge. Which at times, can be both good and bad.
What I hope for yungtink here, is to differ the good and the bad, for - out of everyone I have written a note too, you are the one capable of evolving the most.
I wish you luck on your journeys, and more than anything - shall I return. I will look forward to seeing how much you've grown.
I believe in the Taco, I believe in the Lane.
Reach the skies young one.
A Jedi you shall become.
You must.
Fucking hell.
I don't even...
Self proclaimed genius Marblea. Supposedly - once again - self proclaimed - best WW in the world. After the NWL season 2 finale, and I quote: "I don't think I could have played better". - Humorous updates wether its in the fanatic curse 19's chat, or on skype.
- Seeing him document his daily life by sharing food pictures or bragging what brand his new shorts are... Well. Many things can be said about this, 'not always so serious' character. Suposedly a troll at times? Maybe always?
BUT, when we called for assistance, initially just to help fill roles for inhouses, and then later on asking wether he was interested in a spot to play TC. He WAS THERE. For the TEAM.
Because when all is said and done, he's got your BACK DAWG.
And I believe, despite whatever image he runs with back and fourth, that this so called genius has more to him than what scratches the surface.
You little sneaky beaver - Triston.
I don't even...
Self proclaimed genius Marblea. Supposedly - once again - self proclaimed - best WW in the world. After the NWL season 2 finale, and I quote: "I don't think I could have played better". - Humorous updates wether its in the fanatic curse 19's chat, or on skype.
- Seeing him document his daily life by sharing food pictures or bragging what brand his new shorts are... Well. Many things can be said about this, 'not always so serious' character. Suposedly a troll at times? Maybe always?
BUT, when we called for assistance, initially just to help fill roles for inhouses, and then later on asking wether he was interested in a spot to play TC. He WAS THERE. For the TEAM.
Because when all is said and done, he's got your BACK DAWG.
And I believe, despite whatever image he runs with back and fourth, that this so called genius has more to him than what scratches the surface.
You little sneaky beaver - Triston.
This political non-sensical forum prick. Who spends long nights argueing with the true reigner of the streets: Allybobea, or w/e the fk that jackass' name is.
And Oskar, he's better than you. Because at the end of the day the person who has the most value is the guy who has the loudest voice, and that nerd is like centuries more annoying than you are, despite you might be up there.
So get rekt.
But when that's said. Oskar is a gentlemen, and he was one of the main reasons this team could stand on its own feet.
Which, even I, will have to take my hat off for. A real man. Despite being an above average multi-noob. This is my n*gga. Our boy, and he's going nowhere. For I cannot begin to elaborate over how endlessly in need every team needs a ... - well sensical person at hand.
My hat, good sir. Take it.
- Oskar.
This political non-sensical forum prick. Who spends long nights argueing with the true reigner of the streets: Allybobea, or w/e the fk that jackass' name is.
And Oskar, he's better than you. Because at the end of the day the person who has the most value is the guy who has the loudest voice, and that nerd is like centuries more annoying than you are, despite you might be up there.
So get rekt.
But when that's said. Oskar is a gentlemen, and he was one of the main reasons this team could stand on its own feet.
Which, even I, will have to take my hat off for. A real man. Despite being an above average multi-noob. This is my n*gga. Our boy, and he's going nowhere. For I cannot begin to elaborate over how endlessly in need every team needs a ... - well sensical person at hand.
My hat, good sir. Take it.
- Oskar.
THAT'S his name!!
For a long period of time I was struck with the name Christian. I'm not sure where that came from? I wanted so badly to have a personal relationship with this hero, but what was the point, and how shallow was I actually if I did not even know his true colors.
After going back and fourth between teams, as there was no true spot for him on the Justice team. Waka ditched out of the tourney and Kunz was left for dead. But true justice babies were made that day, as he was quickly sniped for our A-team and went on to carry this bunch of monkeys on his back.
And together with his previous teammate Daddy aka Kyler, they both seemed to get out of the cup - what I was hoping. A non-stressful experience, but with joy and excitement.
Kunz the righteous.
THAT'S his name!!
For a long period of time I was struck with the name Christian. I'm not sure where that came from? I wanted so badly to have a personal relationship with this hero, but what was the point, and how shallow was I actually if I did not even know his true colors.
After going back and fourth between teams, as there was no true spot for him on the Justice team. Waka ditched out of the tourney and Kunz was left for dead. But true justice babies were made that day, as he was quickly sniped for our A-team and went on to carry this bunch of monkeys on his back.
And together with his previous teammate Daddy aka Kyler, they both seemed to get out of the cup - what I was hoping. A non-stressful experience, but with joy and excitement.
Kunz the righteous.
Drunk Uncle Andy. Lmfao.
Yndi started with the name Yndigo, but he drank the 'go' away.
As much as it tears me apart to see him do this, I wanted more than ever for him to partake in this little adventure; hopefully coming out on top. For he is this family crew's uncle, at times... even my uncle! He's the goodtime at party'still you discover you've lost him back at the previous house, for only you to discover he has left YOU - and is having his own party elsewhere.
Coming into this, Andreas liked the idea of having to create a second team. But as time progressed was like pulling teeth to have him show up for games and assist where assistance was needed.
Till the right time?
Where I disappear, and all my expectations are down, to have me coming into their teamspeak, semi-drunk during TC - hearing THEM PLAY. My god.
My face lit up.
And when all is said and done, that son of a b*tch actually enjoyed himself.
I give to you the bear that'd carry every player on his back- if need' be; Yndigo.
Yndi started with the name Yndigo, but he drank the 'go' away.
As much as it tears me apart to see him do this, I wanted more than ever for him to partake in this little adventure; hopefully coming out on top. For he is this family crew's uncle, at times... even my uncle! He's the goodtime at party'still you discover you've lost him back at the previous house, for only you to discover he has left YOU - and is having his own party elsewhere.
Coming into this, Andreas liked the idea of having to create a second team. But as time progressed was like pulling teeth to have him show up for games and assist where assistance was needed.
Till the right time?
Where I disappear, and all my expectations are down, to have me coming into their teamspeak, semi-drunk during TC - hearing THEM PLAY. My god.
My face lit up.
And when all is said and done, that son of a b*tch actually enjoyed himself.
I give to you the bear that'd carry every player on his back- if need' be; Yndigo.
Matty boom boom. Or 'Pool' as the inmates call him. Is one of a brit. A very special snowflake, whom sometimes feels a bit misplaced, and not always welcomed with opens arms. Due to him at times perhaps being misunderstood. For I can asure you, if I had one thing to tell the world and it was my last breath, it would be that THIS SON OF BRIT is one genunely nice person.
Who I at times have caught myself just wanting to give the biggest of hugs.
From entertaining maybe just me? - By teasing some of the main team players, to showing humility, honor and respect to his friends AND foe alike.
I can truely say I admire this individual. A humble, noble, intellectual, kind and sympathetic human being.
Who I at times have caught myself just wanting to give the biggest of hugs.
From entertaining maybe just me? - By teasing some of the main team players, to showing humility, honor and respect to his friends AND foe alike.
I can truely say I admire this individual. A humble, noble, intellectual, kind and sympathetic human being.
The veteran.
The Mike Tyson of where we come from. Not for Tyson's persona, but the image of him being one of the heavy hitters; "A legend Mr Wayne". Zale's impact is beyond measure, and cannot be explained in a brief paragraph.
But Zale is and was also along the lines of being a retired hero. Who has fought alongsides all the different GSC teams in the past, and was a main factor of our succes last year.
Who participated in this years tourney, not for the competitive aspect, but for... friendship?
Maybe even to get that ol' kick of having the energy running through your body.
But Mike walks on his own paths, and takes things in his own pace.
Who knows... Maybe Zale will be back to conquer Kingdoms, for I can asure you, he is worthy.
The Mike Tyson of where we come from. Not for Tyson's persona, but the image of him being one of the heavy hitters; "A legend Mr Wayne". Zale's impact is beyond measure, and cannot be explained in a brief paragraph.
But Zale is and was also along the lines of being a retired hero. Who has fought alongsides all the different GSC teams in the past, and was a main factor of our succes last year.
Who participated in this years tourney, not for the competitive aspect, but for... friendship?
Maybe even to get that ol' kick of having the energy running through your body.
But Mike walks on his own paths, and takes things in his own pace.
Who knows... Maybe Zale will be back to conquer Kingdoms, for I can asure you, he is worthy.
My dear buddy Adam. Now newly graduated: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER!!
THIS WHIPPED JERK WAS SUPOSED TO PLAY ON THE TEAM. But... In loss of a family member had to drop out.
Which meant more than ever that this bunch of washups had to stay together.
Who I believe now is time for atleast myself, to release those chains I've had on this wonderful person, once and for all. Wether that means him running into the sunset with his lovely better-half. Or switching crew to a more civilized one.
I wish you the best of luck with life, girl and job.
Old man.
Also he's super whipped, LIKE SOOOO WHIPPED!!!
Like honestly.
Okay bye.
I love you.
No homo.
THIS WHIPPED JERK WAS SUPOSED TO PLAY ON THE TEAM. But... In loss of a family member had to drop out.
Which meant more than ever that this bunch of washups had to stay together.
Who I believe now is time for atleast myself, to release those chains I've had on this wonderful person, once and for all. Wether that means him running into the sunset with his lovely better-half. Or switching crew to a more civilized one.
I wish you the best of luck with life, girl and job.
Old man.
Also he's super whipped, LIKE SOOOO WHIPPED!!!
Like honestly.
Okay bye.
I love you.
No homo.
Words from Yndi.
Two days after TC

& Jenna!!

Aoitsaka, Muskie, Blackout, Lindenkron, Conq, Iggy, Snug, Manny, Robby, Ephidel, Pizza, Sputnick, Slacknul, Sketchbag, Randy, Camo, Skeezin, Geno, Roula, Grizzle, Albinocow, Diddleme, Myrm, Superstylin, Tanner, Ko, Duddley, Phobia, & THAT KID Simka,
& FKIN EBEAVA!!!! , and gosh... Ben, f*cking Tiley? & Everyone - NOT necessarily supporting us, but ANY TEAM - THAT SERVES JUSTICE.
So here we are...
What now?
Is this the end...?
As Bilbo closes the book and takes a seat.
With a smirk on my face... I tell you, that this is not the end.
Aoitsaka, Muskie, Blackout, Lindenkron, Conq, Iggy, Snug, Manny, Robby, Ephidel, Pizza, Sputnick, Slacknul, Sketchbag, Randy, Camo, Skeezin, Geno, Roula, Grizzle, Albinocow, Diddleme, Myrm, Superstylin, Tanner, Ko, Duddley, Phobia, & THAT KID Simka,
& FKIN EBEAVA!!!! , and gosh... Ben, f*cking Tiley? & Everyone - NOT necessarily supporting us, but ANY TEAM - THAT SERVES JUSTICE.
So here we are...
What now?
Is this the end...?
As Bilbo closes the book and takes a seat.
With a smirk on my face... I tell you, that this is not the end.
A long chapter has been ended and is about to be rounded up. With sad and cheerful moments behind us the book has been written and it is now time for a new story to be told.
An untold and unwritten chapter. With new heroes of a new era.
And those heroes will determine where to go from here.
However before that last page has been turned, and my spirit departures away from this realm.
We the crew of Justice, in correlation with Myrm, bring to you with part of our TC winnings, a fundraiser for the community.
A fundraiser for the community to decide and do with it as they wish. Wether it's site payments, future NWL seasons to spike activity, an early pool for next years TC - or ANYTHING the 'community' could collectively decide to want to purchase.
500 bucks and counting.
500 bucks and counting.
We had such a blast doing this, and it only seemed fair to give back, in order and in hope to continue another experience. - B'cuz justice!
All my life, it seems like I've been chasing cars. And I'm not even purposely trying to make Joker references here, but it's almost the case. Everytime I end up catching one, I don't know what to do with it. It seems to be some kind of distraction, that I must have in my life for it to have a reason to keep the wheels spinning.
Harvey Dent is dead, and there is no longer any reason for me to keep this image.
I now understand what must be done.
Because every brick has its place. And when one breaks, a new one must take its place.
... So you must chase us.
Because we are not heroes, and certainly not what the community needs right now. So you'll hunt us, because we can take it.
We are your silent guardian, a watchful protector,
we are... JUSTICE