Questions & Answers

Does the sea turtle come from pools or open water fishing? If open water, what fishing skill do you need? Thanks so much for all this great info! =)

The Sea Turtle can only be fished from pools, not open water. The skill level necessary depends on where you're fishing - if you're at Darkmoon Faire you'll have a decent shot at any skill level. For higher level zones (Wrath, Cata, etc.) you will probably want near-maximum fishing skill to avoid fishing up junk most of the time.
Does the sea turtle come from pools or open water fishing? If open water, what fishing skill do you need? Thanks so much for all this great info! =)

It only comes from pools. It is a secondary loot pool item like the rare fish in the fishing tourney, therefore any fishing skill (1+) will be sufficient. Run along the coast looking for pools, and if you're feeling adventurous you can find more dangerous pools in the zone along the shore and river. It's possible to outrun a lot of the dangers in the world, which is also how groups have gotten all the flight points in the Outlands too, if you're still looking into that.
I also got mine from around one hour farming on the Icebergs in Borean, no mobs to kill you and lots of pools! Might have trouble getting there/between the bergs though!
how many arena masters do they need for achievement?

I mean, I know the achievement you get for the first one and for AGM with 12, but this specific 100s have hundreds of them, I've seen them picking it since september lol

Then he's probably a tryhard type with "THESE LOW LEVELS CAN'T HAVE FUN ON MY WATCH!" in his mind
how many arena masters do they need for achievement?

I mean, I know the achievement you get for the first one and for AGM with 12, but this specific 100s have hundreds of them, I've seen them picking it since september lol

There are a lot of players in this game that do not have the achievement, they just do it for fun, and there are newbies as well, witch just want to know whats IN the chest...
There also are people that want to ruin everything, and just want to make you mad by getting the chest for no reason. ....
This is the main reason at this point. Most achieve hounds should have it by now.

If you think there will be a way to fix those kind of people i mentioned , nope, no one can fix a child.
And thinking about other reasons :
Well, considering that WoWs subscribers have grown, there are players coming back, and with that --- many "Re - Joining " players want to do it for Nostalgia(maybe 1 or 2 times).
What is the most overpowered lvl 20 class at the moment and why is it? And do you think it will change with 6.1 patch?
What is the most overpowered lvl 20 class at the moment and why is it? And do you think it will change with 6.1 patch?

Feral druids are BM monks, Ret paladins, ferals just because their damage is insane and they have a stun now...
Monks because they have an insta 1k+ damage ability. Rets because of the OP healing.

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