Questions about 10s stats~

Healsatin, I respect your point of view and your style of writing.

I feel that skill > gear and level.

The more educated in the, " Art of Warsong" one becomes by looking at all angles, the more successful a team will be.
the argument for 10s not being as good as 19s is a valid argument.... however i love how 19s only yell at 10s for being less viable and not 19s who play unviable specs.... i get more praise then hatred for playing windwalker monk at 19 and i guarentee a level 10 arms warrior would be more beneficial in a warsong gulch game then a 19 windwalker monk of equal skill... if people are going to complain about stuff being less viable they should complain across the board and not just complain about 10s...

just my 2 cents PMd so i wouldnt ruin the thread even more then it already is

(Marblea, 2015)

Wise Marb speaks truth. Technically speaking, like he said, Arms warrior can do a lot more front line work than a WW can since warriors (at level 10) have rend and def stance.
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Healsatin, I respect your point of view and your style of writing.

I feel that skill > gear and level.

The more educated in the, " Art of Warsong" one becomes by looking at all angles, the more successful a team will be.

That makes sense but i see being lvl 10 as not even being able to see all the angles you speak of. I agree that skill is more important than gear and your level to a degree, but i think it limits your ability to be as effective as a 19 of comparable skill level and the skill level of some 19s is quite high which is why i wouldn't want to limit my capabilities. Like godcomplex said some level 10s miss out on absolutely crucial abilities like fear for locks, pruify spirit for rshams, flash of light for all pallies ect (there's something important that 19s have that 10s don't for virtually every spec). 10s are missing absolutely essential abilities that are in most cases the reason that spec is viable in the first place
At Chantale, my point is just that 10s are worse than 19s in wsg and that you would do significantly better every time on a 19 compared to a 10 for the simple fact that you don't have thunder clap which is one of the major reasons arms is good right now. Maybe i will start yelling at ww's now that you mention it, but i won't because he at least has the capacity to do the best the spec can do in his chosen bracket. I'm not going to tell people what class they should play because people should play what they enjoy, my point is that people who want to play 10s should have a 10 and a 19 of a class one for world pvp and whatever else you do on 10s and the other for wsg and arena. I just don't get why most 10s are absolutely 100% against the idea of ever even considering making a 19 to play wsg with to play to the best of their abilities instead of being limited by your level. I personally would break the dust off my 10 or remake one if they ever actually became more viable than 19s in wsg (however unlikely that is) in order to be bis, and don't understand why 10s are so adamantly against rerolling a 19 to be bis. The point of 19s since xp on and off bgs has been to have competitive games (although that doesn't usually happen) with a bg full of equally geared and enchanted twinks instead of some bis twinks and some non twinks, that's what 20-29 and xp on is for (even tho i'd be all for pretty much any activity in 19s wsg right now). What initially drew me to 19s was that everyone was on an equal playing field. Everyone was lvl 19, and everyone was bis or damn near it which added an increased level of competition to the bracket. Playing 10s is contrary to what 19s have been all about since xp was added to bgs which is everyone being on an equal playing field. If xp on and xp off got merged no one would care at all if you played a 10 or 19, but for now we have been striving to keep fairly competitive pugs happening as often as possible and i'm sure 10s would get less hate if they actually contributed to getting games to pop but alas they don't. Sorry for my walls of text, i'm just an extremely rational person and i literally don't accept "because" as an answer. I want everyone to know the facts of the situation so they can make their own informed decisions instead of just doing things "because." People are going to play whatever the hell they want to, i just think they should be entitled to all the information about the bracket in it's current state.
10s used to have their advantages In the gulch, 10s were never gimped much at all until WoD
lost stat scaling now that everyone scales to 19
lost gear scaling now that all gear scales to 24 in 10-19

basically now that you don't have anything to give you a leg up the lack of abilities shows through

also marb ww monks aren't gimped at all fists is insane damage.
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