the argument for 10s not being as good as 19s is a valid argument.... however i love how 19s only yell at 10s for being less viable and not 19s who play unviable specs.... i get more praise then hatred for playing windwalker monk at 19 and i guarentee a level 10 arms warrior would be more beneficial in a warsong gulch game then a 19 windwalker monk of equal skill... if people are going to complain about stuff being less viable they should complain across the board and not just complain about 10s...
just my 2 cents PMd so i wouldnt ruin the thread even more then it already is
Healsatin, I respect your point of view and your style of writing.
I feel that skill > gear and level.
The more educated in the, " Art of Warsong" one becomes by looking at all angles, the more successful a team will be.