question about jumps


Some quick questions about certain factors that may effect being able to do certain jumps more effectively if at all.

1) movement speed (normal 108% vs 140 from drood/shaman)

2) char model size (gnome vs tauren, etc)

do these effect jumps at all or no?
Is this a real question?

could be the fact that over where I am its 3 in the morning and my brain is derping
yes it all effects, while trying jumps always have minor speed incr

being a tauren makes them 100 times easier

not sure if male/female effects it but for BE females jumps just suck
yes it all effects, while trying jumps always have minor speed incr

being a tauren makes them 100 times easier

not sure if male/female effects it but for BE females jumps just suck

Blood elf females are awesome jumpers. Definately one of the best ones.
i'm embarrased to say this, but i miss 90% of the alliance tunnel jumps on my female gnome :$... works fine on my worgen druid, and even my worg. warr.. :S
The only Horde jump I can't get on a Blood Elf female is the right side of Horde tun, I can jump to the rock but then getting up onto the big tusk thing never works, I could be just messing up though.

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