Question about grandfathered item recoveries


Not quite sure where to put this thread. But since it involves GF'd level 19 items I suppose its rightful home is in this section. Anywho, I was wondering if you could get a Gm to restore a pre-shattering item to you. I've done aquatic form on my druid and am hoping I can get the belt back eventually, with some GM nagging. I was arguing with a GM recently over this issue due a past conversation I had with another GM. He said I could restore my furbolg rod upon returning back to alliance(I filed a ticket upon fac switching, I didn't really think about the fact the rod was an ally quest, so I would lose the item on horde). However, this current asshat is telling me I can't, and refuses to acknowledge if the other GM was lying to me or not(They seem to be repulsed by the requirement of a straight answer). He was obviously implying I was mislead(or lied to). But honestly I don't believe him, so I was wondering what the forums have to say about this conundrum. :Horde::Alliance::US:
If it can be proved that you did the quest then they should restore the belt/rod to you, otherwise I strongly doubt that you will get any grandfathered gear.
YouGottaDoor said:
GMs will not restore any pre-shattering items, even if you have 100% solid proof that you completed the quest.

Yes they will. a GM took my Gutterblade away and accused me of exploiting. Then another GM gave it back because he realized the first GM was an idiot and i didnt exploit at all
Dutchman said:
Yes they will. a GM took my Gutterblade away and accused me of exploiting. Then another GM gave it back because he realized the first GM was an idiot and i didnt exploit at all

You got yours back because the first gm was tarded. That's a very special circumstance. They will not restore pre-shattering items under normal circumstances. I tried many many times, and I had absolute proof that I had completed the quest.
My attempts at pre-shattering item recovery were within the last few weeks, so (and nothing against you personally here, of course) I think I'm right here.

Also, proof:


I was trying to recover Kimbra Boots (pre-shattering), but the GM (and quite a few others before him) would not recover them, even with 100% iron-clad proof that I had completed the quest (I had the secondary reward equipped).
Yeah, but did you try with one GM only? For instance; I've wrote several tickets regarding transfering my BoAs to a different server, all of the GMs that have answered said it was impossible, though I've seen SS here on TI with ppl who have succeeded.

The moral of the story is that you shouldn't trust what any GM says, atleast regarding gear recovery and such. But, you could be right, I am not 100% on this. But GL anyway.

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