Question about artifact weapons

Useless. On my 13 Survival Hunter, heirlooms were 36 ilvl. Base Artifact was 20. 1 upgrade went to 34 and 2nd relic it stayed there. This eas only to see how it scaled. I got epic polararm anyways by solo.
mine is ilvl 54, it has both artifact relics in ilvl 61, but I want to know if you can proc ilvl 87 to farm both and raise the ilvl a bit more for obviously more damage (I'm f2p, I can't cross him some of current ilvl 87 and upload bfa enchantment seems an extremely complicated task)
your artifact weapon will be ilvl capped regardless of the ilvl of the relics you put in it.
oh yes I have that clear, what I want to know is if the artifact relics can give epic proc to cultivate them and put them on my current weapon with crusader
yes, relics can proc ilvl 87, but they will not make your artifact ilvl 87.

Excellent, I have to assume that ilvl 87 doesn't do it since they can't put the 3 that should be able to be placed (come on, if they scaled the legion content, why not open the relic slot), but I assume that it will go up a little more of current ilvl 54 that he has and that suits me with the warrior
IIRC You got the relic gift wrap exploiters to thank for it, blizz knee jerk reaction removed a component from the legion xpac as their soloution to fix it, basically turn them into heirloom type gear.
so every MID SL twink

The wrap bug should have never been shared with anyone on NA.

any problems we are currently facing in the 20s bracket is a direct result of the stupid public abuse of the NA vet playerbase.

individual 20s were never the issue. The abuse of exploits like that and other things in pvp just could not go unnoticed.

Abuse of premades (especially fotm premades)

abuse of wrapping relics/BOEs

abuse of mythic bfa dungeon gear

seriously what do you think levelers are gonna do other than report when they step into a 10 man hunter premade all using the same weapon that’s 3x as high as anything available.

we did this to ourselves.
Exact. Capped at ilvl54. Should at least go up to 61 imho, but hey epics from av are still ilvl29

What a bad feeling, I was hoping to go up to at least ilvl 61 (at 54 its stats are the same or very similar to an ilvl 61 weapon, I was hoping that raising it would get more stats :C)

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