Useless. On my 13 Survival Hunter, heirlooms were 36 ilvl. Base Artifact was 20. 1 upgrade went to 34 and 2nd relic it stayed there. This eas only to see how it scaled. I got epic polararm anyways by solo.can legion artifact weapon relics proc ilvl 87?
mine is ilvl 54, it has both artifact relics in ilvl 61, but I want to know if you can proc ilvl 87 to farm both and raise the ilvl a bit more for obviously more damage (I'm f2p, I can't cross him some of current ilvl 87 and upload bfa enchantment seems an extremely complicated task)Useless. On my 13 Survival Hunter, heirlooms were 36 ilvl. Base Artifact was 20. 1 upgrade went to 34 and 2nd relic it stayed there. This eas only to see how it scaled. I got epic polararm anyways by solo.
your artifact weapon will be ilvl capped regardless of the ilvl of the relics you put in it.raise the ilvl a bit more for obviously more damage
oh yes I have that clear, what I want to know is if the artifact relics can give epic proc to cultivate them and put them on my current weapon with crusaderyour artifact weapon will be ilvl capped regardless of the ilvl of the relics you put in it.
yes, relics can proc ilvl 87, but they will not make your artifact ilvl 87.what I want to know is if the artifact relics can give epic proc to cultivate them and put them on my current weapon with crusader
yes, relics can proc ilvl 87, but they will not make your artifact ilvl 87.
so every MID SL twinkIIRC You got the relic gift wrap exploiters to thank for it
so every MID SL twink
Yes, but as I said, ilvl is capped. Wish it have gone to ilvl 87 with ele force on it.
In other words, even if you put higher ilvl relics on it, it will always be ilvl54? How sad haha
Exact. Capped at ilvl54. Should at least go up to 61 imho, but hey epics from av are still ilvl29