Q times are bs


Okay, so obviously we have all noticed that q times suck. Well, what can we do? Sit around and hope things change is an option. Taking an active stance and doing something about it is another. Obviously queuing for skirmishes and AV are the two killers. Another is people being fed up with slow times and quitting/taking a break.

At this point, I believe the best solution is to ONLY Q for WSG. Obviously, there are way more people out there that don't visit TI than do, but I think there are enough readers out there, that would help affect the bracket to pop way more often. Sure, some of you want AV rep, EotS is cool except for the glitch. But, this bracket is dying outside of skirmishes, because there is simply too much available right now.

Stop queuing skirmishes. Stop queuing AV. Stop queuing random. Queue WSG only. Eventually, us TI users can coordinate days and times for those other awesome things.

I call out to everyone that can to use the F2P Mumble while they are actively online, so that we can coordinate with each other. Too many Alli? Go Horde, and vice versa. I believe that being able to chat with and just seeing how many of us are online waiting, will encourage others to group up, coordinate and/or just wait for q pops.

I'm open for as much dialogue as possible. These are just my thoughts on the current situation. And I'm tired of logging in every now and then hoping Blizzard fixed my issues for me.
Yeah, I think everyone is fed up with these ridiculous Que times.

Personally, I think blacklisting AV and SS vs TM is the best way to get better times. From my understanding, even though skirmishes don't take too long, they can still interfere with your bg Que times. So if you're looking for something to do while in a bg que, if you want to wait a minimum amount of time, don't Que for arenas.

A lot of people also Que for random bgs separately and then a specific bg separetely as well, I think that's a good idea. Sometimes after you finish one game, that other Que you were in will pop immediately.
Yeah, I think everyone is fed up with these ridiculous Que times.

From my understanding, even though skirmishes don't take too long, they can still interfere with your bg Que times.
As much as i like skirmishes, they are the main reason for slow pops. You CANNOT get a bg pop during a skirmish. Most people, I gather, q skirmishes cuz they are bored in q, and skirmishes are instapop. Well... guess what. When you get an insta skirmish pop you enter, and therefore do not get bg pops while in. So the group waiting for bg, has to wait for a few more people. And when they get those few more people, other people have taken skirmish pops. Hence the call fo NO SKIRMISHES.

So are P2Ps.

Either quit or adapt.

I don't understand to what you are referring. I'm calling out everyone to adapt. Stop queuing randoms. Stop queuing skirmishes. They interfere.
If skirmishes are the current fad, why is that a bad thing? If so many people are doing skirmishes that BG queues aren't even popping, then maybe skirmishes are fun and more people should try them.

Everything in the world comes and goes in cycles. If we're going through a BG lull right now because people are messing around with their new distractions, eventually it will come back. Outside of smart strategies like blocking AV except on the designated times that the community is queueing for AV (which is Sunday after the fishing tourney, in case anyone hadn't heard) I think what's really called for in this situation is more blinkin' patience. Stop to think about what queue times must be like in any twink bracket other than the F2P bracket, and count your blessings and be patient.
I seriously dont get this whine? I think que times are good O.O 5-10min wait time at max untill like 11 in the night or smth... this week I have also been geting alot of instant pops... I just que random exclude AV and single WSG I que aswell.
2s are boring and take no skill, need more WSG qers plox! Thats where the real skill is at! *cough*
Okay, so obviously we have all noticed that q times suck. Well, what can we do? Sit around and hope things change is an option. Taking an active stance and doing something about it is another. Obviously queuing for skirmishes and AV are the two killers. Another is people being fed up with slow times and quitting/taking a break.

At this point, I believe the best solution is to ONLY Q for WSG. Obviously, there are way more people out there that don't visit TI than do, but I think there are enough readers out there, that would help affect the bracket to pop way more often. Sure, some of you want AV rep, EotS is cool except for the glitch. But, this bracket is dying outside of skirmishes, because there is simply too much available right now.

Stop queuing skirmishes. Stop queuing AV. Stop queuing random. Queue WSG only. Eventually, us TI users can coordinate days and times for those other awesome things.

I call out to everyone that can to use the F2P Mumble while they are actively online, so that we can coordinate with each other. Too many Alli? Go Horde, and vice versa. I believe that being able to chat with and just seeing how many of us are online waiting, will encourage others to group up, coordinate and/or just wait for q pops.

I'm open for as much dialogue as possible. These are just my thoughts on the current situation. And I'm tired of logging in every now and then hoping Blizzard fixed my issues for me.

WOD has brought a lot of positive changes to the bracket, but for me personally it killed my fc built prot warrior, and wsg was my baby, and with these ques its just not worth my time =(

sorry Bison but no warrior this patch.
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WOD has brought a lot of positive changes to the bracket, but for me personally it killed my fc built prot warrior, and wsg was my baby, and with these ques its just not worth my time =(

sorry Bison but no warrior this patch.

Aw, well no Bison this patch either.

If skirmishes are the current fad, why is that a bad thing? If so many people are doing skirmishes that BG queues aren't even popping, then maybe skirmishes are fun and more people should try them.

Skirmishes for the most part are not balanced. The only reason I queue them most of the time is because I get bored waiting for BG pop. I am not alone in this.

Everything in the world comes and goes in cycles. If we're going through a BG lull right now because people are messing around with their new distractions, eventually it will come back. Outside of smart strategies like blocking AV except on the designated times that the community is queueing for AV (which is Sunday after the fishing tourney, in case anyone hadn't heard) I think what's really called for in this situation is more blinkin' patience. Stop to think about what queue times must be like in any twink bracket other than the F2P bracket, and count your blessings and be patient.

As far as I know AV doesn't even pop on Sunday's. Smart strategy. What's wrong with trying to come up with a new strategy for the present being instead of "being patient" and passively waiting for things to maybe return to normal? When so many people are taking a break/quitting because of their impatience, what's wrong with calling on people to use the empty mumble to connect the community more?

I don't need to stop and think about queue times for other brackets. I don't care about other brackets. And they at least use strategies like only queuing WSG at x hour on x day to get pops. I don't need patience. I've had patience waiting in queues for a couple hours a night a couple times a week.
As far as I know AV doesn't even pop on Sunday's.

Might I politely suggest then that you actually try it on Sunday, that way you'll know and won't have to guess.

What's wrong with trying to come up with a new strategy for the present

Because the strategy of telling people to only queue for WSG is counter to your goals, despite what you may think. The vast majority of people in the F2P bracket aren't on TI and you'll never reach them, and I can guarantee they are still going to be queueing randoms due to the honor bonus, which (in my experience) will include a lot of games of EotS. If you get people to only queue for WSG, then their pops per hour are going to be less because they will miss out on getting into all the EotS games that random queuers are getting.

By saying be patient I'm not advocating doing nothing at all. I'm saying stop to consider whether the queue times are really that bad. We got spoiled by the speed of queues in the latter part of MoP but some of us haven't forgotten that it wasn't always that way. During peak hours I never wait in queue more than about 10 minutes and often less than that. And yes, the fact that people are queueing arenas is causing your queue times to be longer, but, unless your solution includes strongarming those people into not queueing arenas--an activity which they enjoy--then you're not going to appreciably affect queue times in a positive direction.

If your intent is to have so many people queue WSG alone that they alone comprise what is essentially a wargame, then just organize wargames. That way your "pops" will be instantaneous, and your teammates will be known. That would be a step in a positive direction for your goals. The idea of solo queueing WSG alone might make more WSG games pop, on the general scale, but on the individual player scale it will make fewer pvp games pop for that individual person.
Hey guys, I thought you might be interested to know that most of the day today, the queues have been popping quite regularly... we're even getting AV games. I don't want to be premature but it's possible they fixed something in the latest hotfixes, or maybe people are just taking our advice and queueing again. So give it a shot, queue for some bgs instead of arenas and see if you observe the same.


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Might I politely suggest then that you actually try it on Sunday, that way you'll know and won't have to guess.
To you and anyone else reading this. I really think the BEST way is to queue WSG specific and AV specific EVERY day. Warsong pops like in MoP (Alliance). I get my Warsongs like normal until an AV pops.

Better than queueing only on Sunday AV only and sit there waiting.

I'm getting WSG while waiting and most of my AVs popped on Saturday.

Try it.
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To you and anyone else reading this. I really think the BEST way is to queue WSG specific and AV specific EVERY day. Warsong pops like in MoP (Alliance). I get my Warsongs like normal until an AV pops.

Better than queueing only on Sunday AV only and sit there waiting.

I'm getting WSG while waiting and most of my AVs popped on Saturday.

Try it.

Yes, I got an AV pop this weekend too. I also got a ton of EotS pops. I was queueing randoms, solo, with TM and AB off. I think queue times are just getting better, like they optimized the code or something.

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