Returning to F2P Twinking

Hey guys.

I haven't been part of the F2P twinking scene since before MOP came out, so I was wandering if you could give me a general status update on where this style of play is at. I also haven't had a paid subscription for WoW since WoD, so I am pretty out of the loop. Looking to scratch the itch, and I thought F2P might work well for that. Anything helpful would be appreciated, and I apologize if I missed a thread that has all this info already.
our bracket is now 20-29. there is a new heirloom tab so you can buy an heirloom once and it can be summoned from any of your characters.

those that have purchased the game no longer gets locked after the subscription expires, you can still play on your level 20 and below characters (called veteran edition). so you can get guild and new necklace heirlooms, plus good enchants while you have a subscription active to let you be competitive against 29s.

not sure if thats the answer you wanted but its what i can think of
For one the heirloom tab allows us to make as many heirlooms as we please, darkmoom faire sells them for 50-70 tickets..

Imo I think that f2p twinking has but chagrined as much, other than being able to use skirmishes once again.. :)

And we can play monk now......
yea apart from those few changes there really isnt much for pure f2p. the only big change is for veterans

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