
I've kind of grown sick of the site (Pwndepot), both Minja(powerglove) and I were banned for pointing out how pathetic the site has become under Comicus' Hitler moderation complex.

At the start of the site (was there since pre Xrealm as a twink), it was a good resource and chat ground for most of the people who knew what was going on in twinking, weren't stupid, and contributed or just hung out to talk. Cross server BGs came out and Comicus slowly began to become more hungry for visitors, regardless of if they were illiterate, stupid, or just spam useless information that was irrelevant. Nobody would be punished for being flat out wrong or dumb however, only for disagreements (doesn't matter in his book if you're right or wrong, just that you argued...).

Next, he figured that he could further promote his own site if he prevents other ones from being even linked to on pwndepot (LOL IT ISN'T CENSORED :)). Sure, this isn't only hitler-like, but then he had to be hypocritical as well as stupid. What am I talking about? Well lets take a look at the posting of Comicus, the man that won't allow links to other sites on his.

Here's him promoting his website on WoW generals (

not an armory, but there's a really good 19 Druid Twink guide on Here's a link to the guide:

hope that helps a bit.

Another quote from the hypocrit (

Tons of details on how to get the lucky fishing hat and nat pagle's extreme anglin' boots on Here's the link to the guide:

Hope this helps.

So Comicus, it's not O.K. for other people to post links to other sites, but it's fine for you to do so in excess? I'm sensing bullshit, but sadly it's only the surface.

Not so long ago Bragh, the author of the 19 Druid guide on PWN Depot, posted his own guide on the Twink Info forum, after which he got a PM from Comicus stating he had to remove his guide from our website, this is why:

"Please note that all Guide submissions become the property of The original author or collaborating authors will, however, always be given full credit for their work.â€￾

The above was quoted from this site, and suprise suprise, remember my first quoting of his promotion of other sites? Well, it seems that same guide he has is the "OWNER OF" because it was posted on his site. Not only can this online Hitler hinder his member's viewing privileges but he can take ownership(or attempt to) of anything they post to his shit site.

If Comicus can't learn to keep his mind on the actual goal of the original site, and the one of this one, to promote twinking in general and inform/help the community, then he's lost all respect in my book.

Post this to the front page if you care Drayner, it's a pretty good representation of his hypocritical idiotic nature as of late. If anyone from that site is reading this, both Minja and I (mastrofpain) were IP banned for voicing opinions, rofl. Take care twinkinfo, keep it on the right track :p
nice post :)
I agree, Hitler-like is taking it too far though, stop joking about the holocaust. There's no way anyone on the internet could do anything that is even slightly close to that.
Zanex said:
I agree, Hitler-like is taking it too far though, stop joking about the holocaust. There's no way anyone on the internet could do anything that is even slightly close to that.

Zanex said:
I agree, Hitler-like is taking it too far though, stop joking about the holocaust. There's no way anyone on the internet could do anything that is even slightly close to that.

Hitler-like motives does not equal holocaust. :confused:

If you're offended that somebody empowers the same basic thought process as Hitler and I'm writing about it, then the internet is too much for ya.
finaroth said:
Hitler-like motives does not equal holocaust. :confused:

If you're offended that somebody empowers the same basic thought process as Hitler and I'm writing about it, then the internet is too much for ya.

Would you really say that Comicus is? I have great-grandparents that died trying to help Jews, this is a serious matter to me, and just comparing a guy who doesn't want competition for his internet site with a cruel dictator that planned and executed attempted genocide is IMO very wrong, it is dishonoring the people who died fighting Hitler.

You say that if I get offended by this, the internet i too much for me. Then maybe the internet you talk about needs a major change!
Zanex said:
Would you really say that Comicus is? I have great-grandparents that died trying to help Jews, this is a serious matter to me, and just comparing a guy who doesn't want competition for his internet site with a cruel dictator that planned and executed attempted genocide is IMO very wrong, it is dishonoring the people who died fighting Hitler.

You say that if I get offended by this, the internet i too much for me. Then maybe the internet you talk about needs a major change!

Comicus banned Powerglove for having this site in his sig...sounds a lot like trying to purify his site to keep content only from that site. See the connection?

Comicus tried to claim ownership over things that weren't supposed to be claimed, see the connection?

What I meant by thought process is that the way his actions are implemented and how they show up to the community are similar to Hitler's, doesn't mean they are one in the same. It also doesn't mean that any of us support Hitler or Comicus, just drawing parallels with examples.
Zanex said:
Would you really say that Comicus is? I have great-grandparents that died trying to help Jews, this is a serious matter to me, and just comparing a guy who doesn't want competition for his internet site with a cruel dictator that planned and executed attempted genocide is IMO very wrong, it is dishonoring the people who died fighting Hitler.

You're either trying to glorify Hitler or you're not reading his post correctly.
come on guys drop this argument like a hot turd. Just say something like "little Napoleon complex" next time - nobody's grandparents are gonna get upset about that, unless they're French maybe :p
Powerglove said:
You're either trying to glorify Hitler or you're not reading his post correctly.

If you think that I'm trying to glorify Hitler then you're obviously not reading my post correctly.
Does this conversation really matter?

Its the internet, on a blog/forum, in the tavern section..if you don't like something you don't have to read or acknowladge it.

While I respect that you have great pride and honor in your grand parents, he was saying he has qualitys similar to hitler, this does not mean he is saying he will become a ruthless dictator that will try to kill an entire race.

Freedom of Speech, you may not like it but its here, don't wanna hear/see something? don't read/listen, simple no?
If you want a place to insult people, curse up a storm, spam, or just act like a complete idiot, please take it to the official WoW forums or one of the copycat twink sites out there.

There can only be one!
Heró said:
There can only be one!

Was this something that was posted on that site? LOL... Twinkinfo is being called a copycat site? OK. This will make my day if the site is called a copycat twink site. I'll leave it at this, I don't want to get into any shlt talking.
Drayner said:
Was this something that was posted on that site? LOL... Twinkinfo is being called a copycat site? OK. This will make my day if the site is called a copycat twink site. I'll leave it at this, I don't want to get into any shlt talking.

Yeah, that's the members of Pwndepot's defense as to why Comic blocks the links. I would provide you with links, but I was IP banned for disagreeing with the dictator, and i'm too lazy to change my IP. Basically most of them when i left were saying it's just a copycat site that stole most of it's ideas from pwndepot. The idiots were probably referring to similar interface...rofl
Oh well. I don't mind the chatter, but let's not bring ourselves to the lows that this guy goes to. Let's just do our thing. If we are deemed a copycat site, so be it. We'll copy the cats and make it better and move on. And oh, about the software... the "interface"... it's vBulletin. It's the best, most widely used forum software out there. I have been using this software for forum sites for 7 years and have one site that has over 250k registered members and 1.5 million post running on vBulletin.
"Please note that all Guide submissions become the property of The original author or collaborating authors will, however, always be given full credit for their work.”

It would make my day to see him try to make a lawsuit out of this if somebody copied all or part of a guide on this or another wow site. Hope he knows a lot about current i.p. infringement laws.
I wonder if you Copyright your guide to yourself, then posted it on Pwndepot, if it would still be property of Pwndepot. I think I'd raise a lawsuit about that one. Maybe I should finish one just to try it out. Actually no, I'd rather not give my guide away for free to someone who basically takes ownership of it away from me.

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