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the new rules you had to agree to, in order to post.
Taitaih said:
I wonder if you Copyright your guide to yourself, then posted it on Pwndepot, if it would still be property of Pwndepot. I think I'd raise a lawsuit about that one. Maybe I should finish one just to try it out. Actually no, I'd rather not give my guide away for free to someone who basically takes ownership of it away from me.

it's copyrighted once you write it. you can choose to publish your own copyrighted information wherever you please. what comicus is doing is like trying to make a collection of short stories and saying "if you allow me to use your short stories in my book they'll be mine, but ill give you credit"

if he wants to give people crap about it, they can tell him to suck a dick and take their guide off his site.
Mazurati said:
the new rules you had to agree to, in order to post.

He changed the tos after I copy pasted it into a thread and asked someone to specify exactly where it said posting about twinkinfo was against the rules.
Well it depends, Copyright works ALOT diffrent on the internet than it does in the real world. writing a story, even if its the same story on the internet compared to pen/paper or print of a book, the rules change alot.

Most things are deemed "Public Domain" any thing made in this is considered usable by all that wish to. The only things protected againest this is things produced in "Private Domains".

Then there is a whole nother story if you copy/scan something from the real world to the digital world, signatures/pieces of art trasnfered or enhanced on the internet are protected by copy right laws as long as its signed by the creator.

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