PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

wouldnt the tank be getting crushed and crit and tossed around like a red headed step-child?

even with the hit cap for a tank could they do enough threat @ 19 (not exactly the best threat attacks save HS and taunt for a warrior) to keep mobs off healers. gnomer would be especially hard because the majority of that instance is multiple mob pulls. a 10 man group would be the best bet, i doubt 5 lvl 19s could do it.
iaccidentallytwink said:
I just calculated we need 47% hit for DW classes to never miss anything in Gnomeregan.

That's out of the question.

2H-ers need 28% to never miss. I'm gonna go see what I can do about the 28%.

I got stuck at 16.07% + 5% from the Accuracy Elixir. 21%. Now, what about a 1H rogue? (lol).
Might want to check some of your numbers and such. You're showing a bow equipped on your druid with 16% hit. ;) Working on a hunter build now, hunter pets will probably make relatively good offtanks for trash and on some of the fights with adds.


Ok, I finished a build for a max DPS hunter based around trying to stack as much mana and hit rating as possible, as I have a feeling that running oom will be a rather large issue. I opted out of the imp Aspect of the Hawk glyph, as I felt the arcane shot glyph would be better for mana conservation.


Working on an off-tank hunter build now. :3
I changed my mind, I think [item]Black Widow Band[/item] is probably much better than the Lead Band of Concentration. 2mp5 will 'out mana' 7 intellect after roughly 4.5 minutes.

But, once again, how long do you think an 'average' boss encounter would take a 5man? a 10man?
So I found out how to cap a druid. Druid's can get ~16%. +10 From the Elixir and, from Fire-toasted Bun, +20.

+30 = ~14% hit.

14% + 16% = 30% hit. Warriors would actually only be about 1% hit behind, so they can get hit capped for Gnomer during Midsummer too.

So... the bread can last until at most the 19th of July if we buy it on the last day. We could probably do this on the PTR if the event is live there. Is anyone up for rolling some druids/warriors really fast? I'd make one for sure.

1 Warrior and 1 Druid would make up the tanks. Then we'd have 3 healers (presumably all priests) heal them the entire length of the encounters. This would most likely be done on the PTR unless 3.2 rolls out uber fast.
There's really no way to tell how long the encounter would last. We'd have to run quick tests on the PTR in regular instances like SFK to see how easily we can even do that.
The final count for hit rating needed for Druids and Warriors: 60.

I forgot about the Heirloom Staff of Jordan which is better than that crappy Green Mace + OH.

Alliance Draenai have the upper hand and can get 18.01% Hit Cap unbuffed, Horde warriors can just hit 16%.

2 Hit is about 1%, so we're looking to get 20 more hit for Draenai, and 24 more hit for Horde.

Since we've got the Elixir available almost all the time, that leaves 10 and 14. Those last few points of hit will be gotten during Midsummer OR during Hallow's End with stackable Fel Taffy, OR during Love is in the Air with Chocolates.

Edit: If the tank picks up alchemy he/she can get +5 more hit from the potion. That leaves only another 5 or 9 to go for hit cap!
like i said u guys might wanna take crushing blows and crits into account here. can 3 healers keep them up long enough, and w/o pulling agro? 1 healer would need high mp5, another huge int, and one more with high SP imo. a 2 tank and 3 healer fight could take a very long time with multiple mobs and i just dont see the healers being able to heal enough/having enough mana to keep the tanks alive, hit rating aside.
Falkor said:
like i said u guys might wanna take crushing blows and crits into account here. can 3 healers keep them up long enough, and w/o pulling agro? 1 healer would need high mp5, another huge int, and one more with high SP imo. a 2 tank and 3 healer fight could take a very long time with multiple mobs and i just dont see the healers being able to heal enough/having enough mana to keep the tanks alive, hit rating aside.

We'd need several gear sets throughout the instance. The 60 hit isn't even needed until we get to the bosses. The multipulls may be a problem, we might have to start out with 4 Healers + 1 Tank and then switch it up at the bosses. The only real problem we'd have it the speed of the healers. If we get, say, a 3-pull, we could go down fast. A 3-druid healer team may even be required because a 1.5 second healing touch is the fastest heal available at that level.
uhhh....like how the guy above keeps posting, and keeps getting ignored.....do you guys know what crushing blows are? you can't do gnomer at 19, lol...
Actually crushing blows are not really that big a deal unless you're in danger of being 3shotted, which is unlikely from a well geared 19 tank, most have more health than a typically geared level appropriate tank.

The issue is threat generation from a tank who can't hit the boss but is taking huge damage. I actually used to refuse to tank instances that had bosses 4+ levels higher than me back when I was levelling my first warrior, simply because I could do without the headache of dealing with people who had no idea what that would do to my aggro generation going all out and then screaming 'wtf spam teh tont button!!' When I did do it however, there was never any issue with healing, although my druid buddy was a pretty good healer.

Multiple healers would help as it spreads out the heal aggro. Gearing/speccing for aggro gain primarily and mitigation secondarily would help too. After a couple attempts you would be able to determine if you needed to put some more stamina on.

I'm not sure how you got 28% though Accident? If 3 levels higher is 8%, and same level is 5%, 9 levels would be 14%? (I got 16% because I was still working off 8.6% for +3mobs :() I know spellhit doesn't scale linearly, but as far as I recall, melee hit does, because it's simply based off the mobs defense skill.

One thing to keep in mind is that no CC would be reliable. Rogues would be spotted before they could sap, and spells would be pretty much guaranteed to miss. Everything would need to be tanked, which does mean more incoming damage. I suspect you'd need an MA and an MT due to that, as otherwise kills could go quite slowly due to the tank having to expend resources holding aggro on all mobs rather than just one. 2 healers might be enough. With an old school rotation and good 'not casting' mp/5 mana wouldn't be an issue at all, but throughput might. You'd have to strike a balance I think, with someone just refreshing hots and the other hotting and direct healing, then switch when mana on the direct healer gets to about 50%.

It's hard to say though honestly. It's possible you could just walk in there with 2 druids and 3 hunters, all stacking hit rating except 1 druid, and own the place. Who knows how hard a 26 elite hits a level 19 druid here? Or how long 3 level 19 hunters take to kill 3 level 26 mobs?
Theres no doubt that you would get hit for crushing blows like 75% of the time. BUT the normals hits on a 19 would be like around 150 against non-bosses. So a crushing could be expected to be around 250-300 (im guessing). Now depending on the dps you have, and the healer classes you have...it should be pretty easy to take down most npcs with a priest healer using maybe 2 renews and a bubble and maybe 2 or 3 heals. Most of the mobs in gnomer have maybe around ~3k health im guessing. So if you have 2 priests, a warrior tank, and 2 rogue dps, that should give you enough stability to take down 1 npc. Taking on 2 or more npcs at a time could be a hassel, considering healing creates threat, meaning the tank would have to keep threat up on all targets.

5-Man Gnomer seems hard...but isnt impossible

10-Man Gnomer looks like it could be easy peasy with the right people
BTW I have a 19 twink druid that I think would be fun to try some PvE with in the patch...just would need to know what gear to get and stuff. Im still sort of new at posting and dont know how to link my armory...but my druid is Name: Puempeekstoh

Realm: Garithos

Guild: Rage Financial
Another thing to be concerned about is the odd aggro you get sometimes when you're lower level than the designers expected. Alarm bots would be hellish for level 19s.

I remember taking some lowbie into SFK once and a whole room aggroed because his aggro radius was so large it pulled a mob on the platform above us, which then charged down towards us and aggroed almost every mob on the way.

I'd definitely try RFK before Gnomer, although I haven't been to gnomer in years.
Ymir said:
Alarm bots would be hellish for level 19s.

Totally forgot about this. : \

At level 19 you could end up with 5-8 mob pulls (not counting the alarm bot pulls) rather than the normal 2-4 just because of level difference. And we're talking about trouble with 4 mobs? Wipe fest inc, I'm afraid.
Ignition said:
Totally forgot about this. : \

At level 19 you could end up with 5-8 mob pulls (not counting the alarm bot pulls) rather than the normal 2-4 just because of level difference. And we're talking about trouble with 4 mobs? Wipe fest inc, I'm afraid.

Well there are ways around it. The old school geddon pull, or the bridge in UBRS, a little patience when pulling really can make instances a lot easier. So many groups have wiped to runners or fears when all they really needed to do was pull the group to the room before. The issue would be those weird ones, where you're walking along and suddenly in combat, no idea what's going on until a minute later 40 mobs come running around the corner.

I really don't remember how the alarm bots worked though, and I suspect they may prove the biggest stumbling block. I remember them being a real pain.
Ymir said:
I really don't remember how the alarm bots worked though, and I suspect they may prove the biggest stumbling block. I remember them being a real pain.

Pretty much you have to drop them within a certain time limit (something close to 5-8 seconds) or they start agroing mobs. The longer you leave them alive, the more mobs they pull.

The main problem I see is that you may not be able to get to the alarm bot that's running away and summoning help without pulling an impossible amount of mobs in the process, thus causing an auto-wipe. Those later mobs are nasty even at that level, so pulling any more than 2-3 might be out of the question for 19s.
gnomer will be hard, admitidly. But in this game where everything is becoming easy the things that are still hard are the things that are most worth doing and also the most rewarding.
Grunge said:
gnomer will be hard, admitidly. But in this game where everything is becoming easy the things that are still hard are the things that are most worth doing and also the most rewarding.

i agree 100%

since i read the patchnotes two days ago when they where released i was again

like a small child. Totally exited. I went to sleep with a big smile and till now

i am still smiling =)

i just fucking love the changes 3.2 brings - all the drama of 3.1 is completly

forgotten by now (even my lolprofs issues).

currently getting the gear for my rouge together

spidersilk drape + 2% aggro reduce

spidersilk + enhanced stealth

feet of the lynx + hit

== edit: also getting some stuff like firebane cloak and resistance enchants for misc situations in pve

lots of mats for the +10hit pots

currently checking cooking stuff if there is any food with hit i could eat

or what the best 19 raid food would be for different classes

== Edit: just checked - the only good buff food avible at 19 is for healers (stam spirit or stam x mana per 5 sec)

== EDIT ==

Also i am currently checking locations for fishing etc cause 450 fishing could be useful to get the firefins for the hit pots

aswell as some other cool spots for 70+ food for the ah* (since no more discovery xp)

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