Pure resto Druid. need help

Hey guys, i was thinking of making a resto druid for 19s and i would like to hear your imput. How valid are they as healers for 19?

Heres the gear I'm thinking of, my chardev isn't working for some reason. Also no BOA's for now. Alliance

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat

Neck:Thick Bronze Necklace

Shoulders: Talbar Mantle (3 Stamina 6 Intellect) or Reinforced Woolen Shoulders (4 Stamina 5 Spell power)?

Back: Spidersilk Drape *10 Shadow resist*

Chest:Tree Bark Jacket *4 Stats*

Wrists: Crystalline Cuffs *15 Spell power*

Hands: Gold Flecked Gloves *16 Spell power*

Waist: Girdle of the Blindwatcher

Legs: Darkweave Breaches *10 Shadow resist*

Feet: Spidersilk Boots *Minor speed or 7 stamina?*

Finger: Seal of Wrynn

Finger: Lorekeeper's Ring

Trinket:Insignia of the Alliance

Trinket: Arena Grandmaster

Weapon 1:Twisted Chanter's Staff *22 Intellect*

Weapon 2: Staff of the Blessed Seer *30 Spell power*

The Talent/ Glyph part I am stuck between two (or maybe a different one than either)

3/3 Nature's focus

2/2 Improved Mark of the Wild

5/5 Naturalist

Glyph of Healing Touch

Basically this is giving me 1 second healing touches with a reduced mana cost. Worried that the 50 % healing reduction on an already level 14 spell will make my heals too small to be viable.


5/5 Genesis

3/3 Moonglow

2/3 Nature's focus

Glyph of Rejuvenation

This will give me a lot of mana effiency and a huge increase in my heal over time spells. Worried that I wont have enough burst healing to keep people alive.

Thoughts comments and suggestions are appreciated

everyone has different opinions. make your toon, play your class, try the different specs and glyphs and see what you like best.
you will want [ITEM]darkweave breeches[/ITEM] with +40 armor kit (applied by a higher level)
I would go with the WSG neck also, you still need to play defense when you get focused and need to go bear, and 1 stam for 6 agi is a nice trade.

Also it may seem silly but if you are making a pure healer, roll a female toon as they are smaller and will get autofocused less.
you are going to need 1700+ mana for HT glyph viability. I have the exact build of your second talent tree
Gear looks good. For talents though I run:

2/2 imp MoTW

3/3 Natures Focus

2/3 Subtlety

3/3 Natural Shapeshifter

I also use the regrowth glyph. Healing touch isn't as mana efficient unless your opponents are dispell spamming and myself I try not to let people get low enough for the rejuv glyph to be worth a damn.
Your gearing seems perfectly fine, apart from the DWB.

Talent wise, natures focus is more or less the only mandatory talent imo. personally i dont like HT spam too much, although it can be fun, just a little draining. If you are going HT spam i'd advise mindthrust bracers or moonglow talent. I dont find naturalist useful when i do go HT spam because i find i dont benefit much from the less thatn GCD cast time since im not usually in range to be interupted.

My favorite specs are 3/3 natures focus, 3/3subtlety and the other 4 whereever the moment takes me :) with a rejuv glyph

i also like wrathspam, but thats not technically resto :p

Edit: Personally i find 7stam more useful than minor speed, although have 2 pairs with both enchants on so you can swap if needs be.
i got exactly same gear on my lvl 19 druid, except for AGm and fishing hat(not wearing all the same on armory, i got regrowth glyph cuz i hate HT glyph the heals are to low, and i mostly never let ppl get under 50% of health so reju glyph sux for me. and talent wise. well just check my armory

difference between thick bronze and WSG neck is so marginal imo that it makes little difference, so it comes down to personal preference. Some swear the agi is better (which is it, just) due to the dodge druids get, which is substantial. Some prefer the stam, because when theyre taking flak its at range 90% of the time, since running away is more effective than back straffing.
thanks guys you are a lot of help. Does the glyph of regrowth mean i can just spam regrowth and i will get the +20% increase every time? or is there a certain ammount of time between casts or whatnot?
here are some 1handed options you can try, [item]Evocator's Blade[/item] with +22 int off-hand [item]Furbolg Medicine Pouch[/item] and when you're low on mana [item]Veildust Medicine Bag[/item]
jut so you know, veildust requires 30 seconds to prime like all trinkets ionce you equip them before you can use its mana thing, and if you unequip it while the mana restoration is still up the spell ends. Dont rely on it to give you lots of mana quickly.

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