Jibbed - i cannot possibly more highly recommend you replace your weapons, gloves, and insignia.
Jibbed - i'm sorry, i typed 'weapons' when i should've typed 'MH weapon'. heartseeker is certainly a fine stat stick, and an acceptable non-assassination OH. however, faster weapons have lower poison proc rates. even if poisons were changed to PPM, faster weapons would still be no more useful in applying poisons.
"I agree to the terms of service."
Is this not one of the biggest lies on the internet?
Kearbear - i personally find less capitalization more sightly.
Kearbear - i personally find less capitalization more sightly.
Yde - thank you, but the guide is no longer complete - changes will be necessary to reflect the actual functionality of poisons. i do prefer the title as is, but i will consider alternatives if it is an issue. i do not mind if you wish to duplicate this; i thought you would move it, which i also do not mind, but i only asked that you wait until it is on the second page before doing so.
Snowjobs - i'm dumb.
Ok that's fine for you, but you want other people to read this, right?
It's not really about sightliness, it's about readability. Not capitalizing reads alright when it's in a short post or a text, but it's an absolute headache to read in large quantities. Now this might not bother everyone, but I had to slow down and reread things to get any information out of this guide. Not everyone who finds it distracting will be willing to do that. You don't want to deter your audience; we all want to see better play in bgs
This is probably just the English teacher in me talking, so of course you're free to ignore it. It is however something to consider if you want to reach as many people as possible. People get turned off to a long read by things like this
Perhaps for offhand, but I'm skeptical that having MH hit .1 second sooner, or 1/10 of a second, or 1/10th a global cool down (gcd), given 1 gcd=1.0 seconds, is worth the loss that may be seen in other stats, including ambush and hemo damage. That's assuming the rogue in question is not using slice-and-dice, which is much more helpful in allowing one proc poisons more often:Crip procs = tot = dps. 2X heartseeker ftw.
Don't rogues have a 1 second gcd?1 gcd=1.5 seconds