. Can name me others good players from great britain ?
How dare you...
. Can name me others good players from great britain ?
How dare you...
Talking about PVP endgame i know you take the rank one paladin spot to a swe pal rofl
Okay first of all, i don't even need to work, i just didn't want to follow same path as dad. Yes i'm plumber but not working on shit only drinkable water. Repairing leaks and stuff how is that bad ?
I said i wasn't stalking you as individual but the guild as whole. But as native from england it's not okay to have some troubles to understand that.
Well, Flubbah is rank one shaman / Khuna was rank one rogue / Johnnyblaze is a really good warrior / Shawir aswell. The only good player i recall you have must be Kisz but he is playing on US realms so i don't know. Can name me others good players from great britain ?
even as twink i'm literaly over you every point of the game so i don't know if you can talk with some sort of relevance.
did i say it was bad?
you said /who bios, is hardly stalking, but now it is... i dont think that's a language barrier, i think it's brain lag.
am i s'pose know to these people?
ok lets play. what have you done better than me, or any other person you consider a bad?
see i know i'm an average player, but i think you need to look at your self and realize so are you.
there is a reason you can see me log nearly all week-ends only and not during the week.
How hitting /who Bios stalking you ?
I was curious about the guild who was about to actually play against us daily. Then i checked like 1 week in a row and after 2 day you were still level 6, so please.
Mystic great shaman and paladin from england, but from france u forgot the best mage EU Noliferqt ;D
edit: and zunniyaki
He plays on ravencrest and i've seen him around vendors etc.
But you did acted like "calm your tits you are a plumber" so what should we get ?
Well you tried to make a pathetic point about frenchs are bads, unfortunately there is more top rated players french than great britain one.
what i have done better than you ? Healing stats / positionning / crowd controling / saving mates actually.
Ohhhh here it goes..
Ridwane> saint mate don't deny it,
He's a great player he ain't shit.
Yeah a few French aren't great but
Still better than you mate.
Ridwane isn't average
He's able to play any class well
He knows all the tricks and spells.
You talk too much, don't play enough
You're just a dog man ruff ruff
that not only do you talk shit, but you work with it...
endgame means f'all to me, i couldn't care less about it. but iirr french face other french. so being the best of a bad bunch is a great success...
i've played maybe 15 games since cata, 5-6 against you, and some them we couldnt make it out the gy.... i do love where you pull these stats from.
frankly, if it wasn't for nicozy i'd rate you worst player EU.
I told you i work on drinkable water but i guess to hard to understand for a native.
Endgames mean nothing to you ? So you prefer to capitalize on twinking when numerous french raped you multiples times ?
If you were at gy thoses games there is a reason obviously you weren't doing good.
Me and Nicozy are way too far on top of the 19s scene so i don't know what should we get from the worst priest that ever grace this bracket.
i'm sorry snoop doggy Mcpaddy, but now i've gotten your avatar removed i'm done with you.
God bless the 'ra
God bless Ireland
God bless celtic
F**k the queen.
Tiocfaidh ar la
1921 lad destroyed ye 26 looool cy@@@ you so no friends lol ban me I don't care f u saint twink worthless piece of shhhhh