He lives in us at skill capped gaming house but i've seen him around alot on various alts he has, I'm sure he plays on us too considering he lives there
yeah sure, no point selling his multiples rank one account.
i understood perfectly, i just don't believe you, MR. poopy.
never lost a fair game to the french, never will.
because the whole team revolves round me? and of coarse, it would have nothing to do with the premading tryhards we was facing....
i would agree if it wasn't for you and nicozy. did you ever see nicozy play priest? hilarious!
You actually never faced them aswell since your priest was alliance side. This is what i believe.
In the current meta playing without the ten member is horrible, and people can't deny that your gameplay is close to someone who's away from his keyboard. You could have faced SSDD it wouldn't change anything.
It's funny because Nicozy is atleast one million times the priest you ever dreamed to be.