PTR 3.2.2 -> Twinking lvl 11-20?!

Looks like there are a few posts on the PTR forum asking for clarification
blueisbetterthanyou said:
would be a good change

hunters would be a little more gay because of aspect of viper, would never run oom in arena/ws and would have disengage and aim shot

mages would have blink and evoc which is great even though they dont go oom, also would have icy veins even though that isnt that big of a deal because casts would be way under 1 second

rogues would have rupture, crippling poison, which isnt that big of a deal in a premade because of all of the poison dispelers and stuff. priests will get shit on in arena and shit but arena at 19 is kinda z_z_z

paladins would do a bit more damage with exorcism which is needed, they would have flash of light would be slightly more valuable because of an extra poison cleanse because of rogues although it wont be that big of a deal, rogues will still get kited once it crippling poison gets dispelled and they have a snare on them. also would have kings again ! too bad you cant get conc aura @ 19 for aura mastery

priests will have a lot better survivability with desperate prayer and flash heal, also would have fear ward and a lot more offensive power with holy fire and devouring plague

shamans would also have water shield and frost shock which is kinda gay but oh well

druids would have last stand , cat form and rebirth but still wont be worth taking as a dps in a premade. but would have to pick between cheaper mana cost on travel form/bear form/cat form or 15% run speed indoors in cat form

warlocks would get soul link and a little bit more damage which both r needed

warriors would get retaliation and piercing howl which is fucking amazing and really needed

hunter stacking would be gay because several seperate aimed shot cd for switches on offense would be insane

mouts would be the best change over all

19 is way too slow paced and theres way too much kiting because theres no gap closers which is retarded because theres absolutely nothing melee can do to catch back up to people once they are snared and other people people gain some distance.other then sum long cds or dispellable swiftness pots. so mounts will really help rogues more then anything, the only time a fc dies is when debuff hits, only time a fc dies before debuff is if the team is terrible

although i dont think hunters should be the ones getting a MS at 19(even though a ms is needed) i think warriors or rogues should get it, but blizzard isnt going to redo talent trees to attempt to balance lower brackets

Rogue MS is not tied to talents. They could potentially make Wound available at 20.
Conrose said:
It is largely unmentioned because no one can remember really losing to a DW warrior, even if both weapons are 2H. The burst just isn't there.

Yeah the burst does lack with DW... :( but that also makes me wonder about putting 1 point into improved OP instead of anger management. Last time I played my warrior I don't remember having rage issues and 25% more OP crit would be nice for hunters and rogues

I know GMs isn't really trustworthy, but you know

My level ten twink god, my savior :3 ! Thanks for the screen shot, i feel so much better that I waste peoples time in getting them into level ten twinking x3
Am I the only one who sees feral druid potential here? They get 2 charges, stealth, a bleed and awesome kitty form. I whipped up a character sheet for one and even with the level 1 lava dredger and stained shadowcraft chest it looks very promising.
True Bubblehaerth, but do they get charge? I know I posted it on the page, 'cause Wowhead says it's available at level 20, but I coulda sworn it was a level 30 talent :3
i can see how everyone is speculative, but i definitely think blizz has people who know what the changes are read over this. Maybe it was an unintended slip and they planned to announce it at a later date, but im definitely thinking, unless they announce differently, that changes are coming :D. This is awesomeee for rogues. we shall see how those threads on the PTR turn out. theyre always quick to say that they arent changing this or that, but when it comes to changes, they are quite tight lipped.
Spooksters said:
True Bubblehaerth, but do they get charge? I know I posted it on the page, 'cause Wowhead says it's available at level 20, but I coulda sworn it was a level 30 talent :3

Yea they get bear and cat. Plus a 15% movement speed increase in cat form.

The GM could have been wrong but I dunno. Gonna have to wait and see.
ßubblehærth said:
Am I the only one who sees feral druid potential here?

I also think mages will be really powerful, or more powerful than they were :p

Other classes, will be a slight increase aswell.

Meteor Shard for OH/MH rogues? 18.3dps or something?

Ambassador alot easier :)


I'm liking the change. But got a scary feeling, it's gonna break the bracket up even more :(
If I can't enter a BG at level 10, bye wow subscription :(

Thats mainly the only reason why I play WoW is to be different and twink at level 10, I like taking advantage of the stat scaling and the haste, but... If blizzard actually does this, they're gonna lose money because I just started boxing xD
Xposure said:
I know GMs isn't really trustworthy, but you know

True. There's been a countless amount of times where GM's have said, or stated one thing, and than it turned out to be completely wrong or different.

We cannot judge squad from a GM's "No it ain't gonna happend!" :p

canihascookie said:
If I can't enter a BG at level 10, bye wow subscription :(

Thats mainly the only reason why I play WoW is to be different and twink at level 10, I like taking advantage of the stat scaling and the haste, but... If blizzard actually does this, they're gonna lose money because I just started boxing xD

In all fairness, blizzard earn about 150 million US dollars a month, just from subscriptions. Ontop of that, char Xferes, sex changes and re-naming.

Doubt your 4 boxing chars gonna make them change thier mind. Or even notice a change :)
Wait, as anyone tested it on PTR ?

Because this make non-sense.

If there is a 11-20 bracket, there will be a 21-30, 31-40, 41,50, etc. braquets. But the Patch notes only speaks for 11-20 daily quest.

Really weird info. We need to check on PTR !!!

Edit : shit, shit, shit, they are indeed talking about 21-50... That means that... Are they changing the brackets without telling us ? ... Hmm, if it is the case, this will change the whole World of Warcraft. New talents, new gears (sick gears), need 35+ items for lvl 19... I am worried...

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