PTR 3.2.2 -> Twinking lvl 11-20?!


Players level 11 and higher will always see a daily Battleground quest, as the quest giver will only offer daily quests for a Battleground in which a player is eligible to participate according to level bracket (i.e. players levels 11-20 will always be offered a Warsong Gulch daily quest, while players levels 11-50 will be offered either an Arathi Basin or a Warsong Gulch daily quest, etc.).

WoW -> Test Realm Patch Notes


Typo? Or indication of a new era? You be the judge!

Added by Spooksters:

Compiled List of Level 20 Abilities and Talents:


Abilities: Cat Form, Feral Charge - Bear (and cat), Starfire, Rebirth

Talents: Nature's Splendor, Survival Instincts, Omen of Clarity


Abilities: Disengage, Freezing Trap, Aspect of the Viper

Talents: Aspect Mastery, Aimed Shot, Scatter Shot


Abilities: Blink, Fire Ward, Teleport, Evocation - [item]Glyph of Evocation[/item] anyone? Focus Magic (can't confirm this...?)

Talents: Focus Magic, Pyroblast, Icy Veins


Abilities: Blessing of Kings, Consecration, Flash of Light, Exorcism

Talents: Aura Mastery, Divine Sacrifice <--could be VERY useful in the right situation, Seal of Command


Abilities: Devouring Plague, Fear Ward, Flash Heal, Holy Fire, Holy Nova

Talents: Inner Focus, Desperate Prayer, Mind Flay


Abilities: Dismantle, Rupture, [item]Crippling Poison[/item] + [item]Instant Poison[/item]

Talents: Vigor, Riposte, Ghostly Strike


Abilities: Frostbrand Weapon, Frost Shock (hax), Healing Stream Totem, Lesser Healing Wave (more viable healer?), Water Shield

Talents: Elemental Focus, Shamanistic Focus, Tidal Force


Abilities: Summon Succubus, Ritual of Summoning

Talents: Amplify Curse, Soul Link (ouch), Shadowburn


Abilities: Cleave, Retaliation, Stance Mastery

Talents: Anger Management, Piercing Howl, Last Stand
i might destroy some things.

Or i might just deal with it and make a new twink.
Oh wow I totally missed that. but they put 11-50 instead of 20-50 for WSG and AB. I think they need someone to edit the patch notes. I'm not gonna lie I would love to have a mount in the level 11-20 bracket.
We'll see how this works out, I fear mounts will be the least of your worries - especially when paired against rogues with Distmantle and Crippling poison, hunters with Aimed shot, Disengage, dual wield 22int....mages with Icy Veins and Blink, kitteh druids, Frost Shocking shamans...
Spooksters said:
We'll see how this works out, I fear mounts will be the least of your worries - especially when paired against rogues with Distmantle and Crippling poison, hunters with Aimed shot, Disengage, dual wield 22int....mages with Icy Veins and Blink, kitteh druids, Frost Shocking shamans...

AP/crit druids will be viable.

Rogues need a boost.

I think that's nice. Also mages will get blink I guess.
Spooksters said:
We'll see how this works out, I fear mounts will be the least of your worries - especially when paired against rogues with Distmantle and Crippling poison, hunters with Aimed shot, Disengage, dual wield 22int....mages with Icy Veins and Blink, kitteh druids, Frost Shocking shamans...

haha. wow.

this is sounding kinda cool...damn school and all these rl obligations >.<
Yeah, some if it sounds really cool :p And some of it ... not so cool :p Wonder if balance druids would be viable with Starfire
would be a good change

hunters would be a little more gay because of aspect of viper, would never run oom in arena/ws and would have disengage and aim shot

mages would have blink and evoc which is great even though they dont go oom, also would have icy veins even though that isnt that big of a deal because casts would be way under 1 second

rogues would have rupture, crippling poison, which isnt that big of a deal in a premade because of all of the poison dispelers and stuff. priests will get shit on in arena and shit but arena at 19 is kinda z_z_z

paladins would do a bit more damage with exorcism which is needed, they would have flash of light would be slightly more valuable because of an extra poison cleanse because of rogues although it wont be that big of a deal, rogues will still get kited once it crippling poison gets dispelled and they have a snare on them. also would have kings again ! too bad you cant get conc aura @ 19 for aura mastery

priests will have a lot better survivability with desperate prayer and flash heal, also would have fear ward and a lot more offensive power with holy fire and devouring plague

shamans would also have water shield and frost shock which is kinda gay but oh well

druids would have last stand , cat form and rebirth but still wont be worth taking as a dps in a premade. but would have to pick between cheaper mana cost on travel form/bear form/cat form or 15% run speed indoors in cat form

warlocks would get soul link and a little bit more damage which both r needed

warriors would get retaliation and piercing howl which is fucking amazing and really needed

hunter stacking would be gay because several seperate aimed shot cd for switches on offense would be insane

mouts would be the best change over all

19 is way too slow paced and theres way too much kiting because theres no gap closers which is retarded because theres absolutely nothing melee can do to catch back up to people once they are snared and other people people gain some distance.other then sum long cds or dispellable swiftness pots. so mounts will really help rogues more then anything, the only time a fc dies is when debuff hits, only time a fc dies before debuff is if the team is terrible

although i dont think hunters should be the ones getting a MS at 19(even though a ms is needed) i think warriors or rogues should get it, but blizzard isnt going to redo talent trees to attempt to balance lower brackets
Hunter's would squeeze the most out of this change, but rogues would get plenty enough to be competent Hunter-Killers with Dismantle, Crippling Poison, and a lacking of Frost-Trap. Shaman too get a great tool for anti-hunter combat. Do Kitty's also get prowl and Dash at 20? I know in 20-29 at least one of my least favorite things is a druid in heavy SP gear leaving prowl into some casting and tearing up my Health Pool as I realize that someone is there.
I have this in the Tavern post, but i'll put it here too for the 19 bracket:

Compiled List of Level 20 Abilities and Talents:


Abilities: Cat Form, Feral Charge - Bear (and cat), Starfire, Rebirth

Talents: Nature's Splendor, Survival Instincts, Omen of Clarity


Abilities: Disengage, Freezing Trap, Aspect of the Viper

Talents: Aspect Mastery, Aimed Shot, Scatter Shot


Abilities: Blink, Fire Ward, Teleport, Evocation - [item]Glyph of Evocation[/item] anyone? Focus Magic (can't confirm this...?)

Talents: Focus Magic, Pyroblast, Icy Veins


Abilities: Blessing of Kings, Consecration, Flash of Light, Exorcism

Talents: Aura Mastery, Divine Sacrifice <--could be VERY useful in the right situation, Seal of Command


Abilities: Devouring Plague, Fear Ward, Flash Heal, Holy Fire, Holy Nova

Talents: Inner Focus, Desperate Prayer, Mind Flay


Abilities: Dismantle, Rupture, [item]Crippling Poison[/item] + [item]Instant Poison[/item] <--ahhh yeah

Talents: Vigor, Riposte, Ghostly Strike


Abilities: Frostbrand Weapon, Frost Shock (hax), Healing Stream Totem, Lesser Healing Wave (more viable healer?), Water Shield

Talents: Elemental Focus, Shamanistic Focus, Tidal Force


Abilities: Summon Succubus, Ritual of Summoning

Talents: Amplify Curse, Soul Link (ouch), Shadowburn


Abilities: Cleave, Retaliation, Stance Mastery

Talents: Anger Management, Piercing Howl, Last Stand

:note: I did not add in every ability available at level 20, such as Rein of Fire and Blizzard, nor did I link the mage teleportals because I don't find any of these to be really all that significant, This is just a list I threw together to group all of the abilites and talents together for easier, more enjoying fappage.

not sure if this is 100% accurate, isn't feral charge level 30? but i just copied this from Wowhead basically, going from class to class
Hunters wont use mana anymore in Cataclysm. so its back to agility/stamina. But this is also a buff, because we can stack even more stamina and agility without worying about a lack of a spell count.
:'( I know, but i am afraid the expansion is coming faster than we will expect. So dont get to used to duel 22 int and 2k mana pool at 19..
Twinkzruz said:
Hunters wont use mana anymore in Cataclysm. so its back to agility/stamina. But this is also a buff, because we can stack even more stamina and agility without worying about a lack of a spell count.

Won't use mana means they don't have to worry about going OoM. Attached to this is the removal of a cooldown from a whole host of abilities. This could become worrisome in some cases. However it will also allow players to catch a hunter low on resources with a fair amount of consistency. Catching a hunter who dumped focus till 0, and wingclip possibly at 30 focus, 6 focus a second. You have 5 seconds to seriously ruin their faces.

Now, I estimated that my 19, geared as she is now, would jump to over 400 AP with 2 AP per Agi .

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