Prot vs Ret


I am new here and to twinking but have a fairly decent knowledge of it. Could anybody shoot me some pros and cons on prot paladin vs ret with all the new talents and skills I am not sure which i should go for, considering ret I LOVE seeing big numbers.
i think thats wrong, with high stamina from LFH and AGM's Roll ret, till then be prot, with my gear at the moment as ret, my templers verdict crit 1.2k on a rogue without crusader proc on my BAR now with my Crusader strike hitting like 500+ crit , and in the same gear as prot i get 600-650 avenger shield crits without crux, and crusader strike 200, prot gives you the survivabilty, + the 30% chance for an extra heal after you use your holy power. all in all i would say ret looks attractive for pretty much 2 shotting anyone
I would wait and consider the nerfs inc.

Atm prot pretty much dominates, but you never know, ret might have a chance come revamp.

Looking forward to using my ret pala in WSG again, I miss my glacial stone... :(

*prays to the wow gods*

Please, oh please, make ret viable again... like it should be...

If we wanted everyone rolling prot or holy, we woulda Joined a Vanilla server...


inphyy said:
all in all i would say ret looks attractive for pretty much 2 shotting anyone

Very true, but considering the ammount of rogues seen in WSG now, I honestly think Prot would be better.

I still crit 700 Avenger's Shields on my Prot pala which isn't horribad, and the spec is pro against rogues,

and it's much better when it comes to multiple targets, and ranged DPS or heals. I love owning mages from a distance with my prot pally.

Mages never see it coming it happens so fast... teehee
As prot a single rogue generally won't kill me unless he is very good.
As a prot no rogue has the ability to even hit me... Done. Jk, if you need tLents look me, Jericho or Eliot up on the armory. Good luck, sir.
PureCraft said:
Very true, but considering the ammount of rogues seen in WSG now, I honestly think Prot would be better.

I still crit 700 Avenger's Shields on my Prot pala which isn't horribad, and the spec is pro against rogues,

and it's much better when it comes to multiple targets, and ranged DPS or heals. I love owning mages from a distance with my prot pally.

Mages never see it coming it happens so fast... teehee
IMO frostages can beat prot pallies depending on the prots fake casting abilities (not counting first aid).
I was wondering, does abilities such as HoJ, Avenger's Shield, Judgement and Crusader Strike count as spells? Because, we get 6% spell hit rating from going Prot or Ret, and I was wondering if I would need the 11 hit rating.
Xposure said:
I was wondering, does abilities such as HoJ, Avenger's Shield, Judgement and Crusader Strike count as spells? Because, we get 6% spell hit rating from going Prot or Ret, and I was wondering if I would need the 11 hit rating.

yes they are spells
Xposure said:
I was wondering, does abilities such as HoJ, Avenger's Shield, Judgement and Crusader Strike count as spells? Because, we get 6% spell hit rating from going Prot or Ret, and I was wondering if I would need the 11 hit rating.

sader strike is physical, the others are all holy magic, thus you will only be uncapped for sader strike.

You wont be at a utility loss if you dont cap, however you will be at a dps loss. Whether or not taking hit is necessary depends on how much of your damage comes from white hits (inc seals) and crusader strike.
Kore nametooshort said:
sader strike is physical, the others are all holy magic, thus you will only be uncapped for sader strike.

You wont be at a utility loss if you dont cap, however you will be at a dps loss. Whether or not taking hit is necessary depends on how much of your damage comes from white hits (inc seals) and crusader strike.

Last time I checked Judgement is physical.
ramp up time for ret paladin damage is too slow. 3X holy power takes forever to stack and once you do it's hard to find someone to hit. 3X holy power templars verdict hits for 1500 easily!!!!
Eliot said:
Last time I checked Judgement is physical.

Must have been a while since you checked then since even the tooltip says "Unleashes the energy of a Seal to judge an enemy for Holy damage."
I am pretty sure its spell damage because my physical attacks like crusader strike have a hard time hitting skull mobs but my judgment usually hits every time and my spell hit is higher than my physical hit.

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