promoting this bracket

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nor do i

it just gives me a rush

really? i hangout with friends have a drink or if its a good night go to bed (not alone) for my rush, seems its a case of WTB life to me.

im not gonna argue anymore your WT and they run TI so ill only get banned like the OP, laters<3.
really? i hangout with friends have a drink or if its a good night go to bed (not alone) for my rush, seems its a case of WTB life to me.

im not gonna argue anymore your WT and they run TI so ill only get banned like the OP, laters<3.

bro u should try it sometime, nothing gives a rush like a 6 hour gy farm on a saturday night
While I DO NOT promote GY farming, and I agree with the aforementioned thesis of "How does GY farming help maintain your Prestigious image?" I feel that before we all start flaming Pizza and WT for this, let me give my two cents on the matter.

Yes, GY farming can be fun (we've all done it whether we feel bad about it or not), getting those extra kills each game toward your "Of the Horde/Alliance" can be enticing. That said, I personally believe that this is a slap in the face to the team being farmed, and shows a severe lack of respect. Now I have no problems with Pizza unlike most, I've played against him since back in cyclone battlegroup pre BC and I do admire what he has done with his guilds, striving for perfection. While him and his cronies GY farming is for sure bad for the promotion of the bracket, it also, when interpreted through the mindset of a person who, like Pizza, strives for perfection, one might see good in this.

If you are graveyard farmed by WT or anyone, there are two options;
1. Rage quit like a 5 year old girl
2. Rise above it, and strive to end it

People complain about there being no competition in the bracket, when the competition is right in front of you. If you want Pizza and WT to stop farming you, MAKE THEM STOP FARMING YOU. Strive for the same perfection they do. Play at their skill level, or even rise above their skill level. End their farming through force, NOT from flaming them on a public forum. Sadly the lack of competition in this bracket is caused by the overwhelming amount of people that choose option #1 (rage quitting).

Until someone grows the balls big enough to make Pizza and his buds stop farming, I say let them farm. If no one is making you stop, why stop? Why play at a lower skill level just to make sure people in this bracket to cry on TI that they aren't having fun because Pizza won't let them leave the gy? Pizza and his guild, in my eyes, have earned the right. Years of perfecting not only his twink, but his guild, his strategy, and his playstyle has left him in this position. If someone has the balls enough to end it then let's see it.

The United States didn't end Hitler's reign and the Holocaust through forum posts and public humiliation. They stood up, grew balls, and sat Hitler and the Nazis on their ass through force. Stop being whiney bitches, and do something about it.

Quick question on this. How do you make them stop when its about a 6 man premade and the alliance only has 4 players? o_O
actually i agree with you, but the french tough love and some of the newer members of carebears do. witch is sadly most of the bracket. oh and allspacenocaps we've all seen brosmash hurrx do it.

sorry viglud i l u <3

yes, this is how you get respect eu side. cant understand how WT are considered "good" if they gy farm pugs.

GY farming is prohibited in carebears, next time you see someone of Cárebears gy farming, let me know please.
So, early this morning before exp off pops started, I got the urge to farm graveyards. My guildmate Kancer and I ventured in to the lands of experience gain and farmed the alliance gy sooooo hard. I got new records in KB's and damage. Even a few of our pugs got in to the camping festivities. A fun time was had by all.

Everybodys suddenly talking about the "Lack of competition." Wouldn't the simple solution be stop Graveyard Camping, allow the Twinks who left 19's (due to the constant farming) return to Twinking and get competitive games going?

This solution seems alot more logical then TheFrittz idea of "RISING FROM THE ASHES AND KILLING EVERYTHING IN YOU'RE WAY"

Yeah, sure some Ego's will be shattered (Pretty obvious who's i'm talking about) when the team who have been Roflstomping pugs since whenever finally get beaten by a team who can stand up to them but surely it would be for the better, "AND BRING TOGETHER THE TWINKING COMMUNITY."

Maybe EU's mentality to Twinking is different to the US' regarding GY camping. Sure, we have Full French premades who queue on a regular basis, but there certainly not invincible providing there's a Decent Horde team, and a bonus... wait for it. OCCASIONALLY THE GAMES ARE FUN FOR BOTH SIDES! Which the US are so obviously lacking.

Just throwing my 2 sense out there, but to me, it seems like such a simple solution.
As much as i would like to agree Ondura, but playing ally EU atm is currently not fun at all.
I do agree with you. WT should know better by not farming GY . When this happens it hurts the 19 twink community makeing alot of people rage quit and leave 19 twinking alone. I mean look at this from WT Guild recruitment.

Waw Tawent consist of players who are driven to succeed individually as a player and collectively as a team. As a guild we strive to stay consistent day in and day out; putting in the work that it takes in order to perform at a higher caliber than our competition and to maintain our prestigious image. We do this by keeping our twinks up to date, consistently pugging to improve our synergy as a team, and by working with each other to become the best players we can possibly be.

- How does GY farming Help maintain your Prestigious Image?

I have recently started playing on my twink again, and have been with WT solo qued farming the GY. There is a big difference between how they farm and the traditional GY farming methods. Farm GY while reaching the ultimate objective of the game "CAPTURE THE FLAG" I think is more of a strategy/farming method, rather than just farming to get the HK's. Granted it sucks to be on the receiving end of those beatings but at least from what I have observed it only lasts until the 3 flags have been captured, and not the full 25 minutes.
I think alliance winning some games would do wonders for promoting the bracket. Played 10 today on 3 different toons. Lost all 10 games. And i mean mollywhomped 0-3 everygame. 2-4 alli each game with 800-100 hps, no enchants, shit gear, no skills, omg it was awful. Always like this?
As it stands now, im so ready to shell out 60$ to faction my 2 favs back to horde.
I think alliance winning some games would do wonders for promoting the bracket. Played 10 today on 3 different toons. Lost all 10 games. And i mean mollywhomped 0-3 everygame. 2-4 alli each game with 800-100 hps, no enchants, shit gear, no skills, omg it was awful. Always like this?
As it stands now, im so ready to shell out 60$ to faction my 2 favs back to horde.

THIS. I hardly ever win games on Alliance... no one puts any effort into gear at all and they simply don't have any team work.
aye, US seem to be whining alot.

EU horde have been gy camped by the alliance french premades (even real id premades) ever since the Region wide battlegroups came into to play. Have horde quit? no, Man up and deal with it. WT arent gods ffs, just players like the rest of us. Using the same class'es, same spells and so on.
this^^ alliance just won't Q, a loss is one thing 0-3 and being camped at 0-2 makes ppl not Q.

good thinking, to play a game we pay for we should play a p:sever :p

You have to admit, alliance stop queuing after one loss. Whereas horde do keep queuing even if they've lost 2-4 games, I know us at SSDD keep queuing. (doesnt matter how horde lost, Gy camped or 0-3)

Losing should only motivate you more to win :)

It seems horde and alliance have different mind sets about game play.
Deadlymidget for CL
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