US Project: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance? Horde on Bleeding Hollow if you can :).
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Arms Warrior, the reason why I want to receive funding is because I've been playing alliance since vanilla and been twinking on alliance since vanilla which means I have no hordes and I HATE LEVELING.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Sadly all because like I said I don't have 1 horde toon.
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes I have I have 3 19 twinks and watch twink streams frequently studying.
Why do you need funding? I have enjoyed twinking for many years and I would really like to go horde to see what it is like and go on Bleeding Hollow to join all the 19 guilds considering my server is a PVE and a non-twinking server.
How can our funding help your twinking experience? I well let me see the other side on the horde and let me go in more depth twinking.
How do you play your class? I don't know what you mean but I my best answer would be I play very efficiently and I can switch targets fast and do CC (I can't really CC besides the war stomp)
How do you contribute to your team? Well first of all I can spam Rend very efficiently, and I watch Fearthebun's stream a lot and I know most tricks and skills in the 19 twink bracket.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am very interested in competitive PvP because it is something I never really did besides 19 and my raid buddy's say I'm a good listener and learn fast.
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I have been twinking for a long time a had a rogue back in vanilla with all the original gear sadly I did some dumb stuff and got my account banned but I have smarted up and now I'm matured and ready to play some WoW.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? That would be mister Fearthebuns
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No I haven't because I'm not 100% in the bracket I only play a couple games a night some nights I don't que but I am getting a upgrade and will be playing a lot more and maybe start streaming.
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Sure
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? I love Wow and don't see me quitting in the future and I learn fast and I am very friendly ask Fearthebuns (I call him HB).
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? No well besides HB noone
Is there anything else we should know about you? no not really I do PvE but I LOVE PvP also.
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? That would be very cool so yeah I guess
Do you have any questions for us? No not really I do have a remark I love what you guys are doing and I hope the 19s stay alive for ever!!!!!
  1. Horde or Alliance? Horde, im used to belf movement :3
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Priest, Disc. I started my 19 twink adventure in start cataclysm on EU and made myself a priest, and played myself up to be one of the best priest's EU at that time
  3. What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Everything pretty much, just bought my self an US account and started leveling a character to be able to get enchants on heirlooms!
  4. Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes, 19s, 24s and 39's.
  5. Why do you need funding? Im from Europe, and allways played EU, but due to the 19 bracket not being to active i wanted to try out US
  6. How can our funding help your twinking experience? Since i started from scratch, this will help me to get faster into the US community!
  7. How do you play your class? A good mix between healing and doing damage is what ive allways loved with disc priests, gotta miss mindblast :(
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I mainly play for objectives.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I love twinks, that all.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Twinkinfo
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No, will do
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes, Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? Competitivene, i play to win.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Ive been a member off Tough Love since i started twinking, so vianco stubs etc etc
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm good
  17. Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? No, thanks
  18. Do you have any questions for us? I dont think so
Hey guys, so i've never twinked before but was watching Fearthebuns stream and it seemed like a lot of fun.

Horde or Alliance?
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Resto Shaman - I've always loved playing healers, and low level healing is always fun, especially in PvP
What do you need?
Primarly a guild, I've been playing for some time and just never delved far into Low level pvp.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Why do you need funding?
I mostly don't I believe, I haven't looked into the costs of enchantments yet. I already have all the gear
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Hard working, consistent play times, team player and since I'm not to familiar with the hardcoreness(?) of low lvl Bgs I'll definitely be listening to calls on chat or voip.
How do you play your class?
Depends, defensively primarily but can play an aggressive healer if needed
How do you contribute to your team?
That flag carrier will not die!
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I am interested, and I don't have many qualifications
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ( I just made him )
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
Dedicated player, willingness to adapt to change, positive mindset
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Pretty laid back guy, definitely flexible, willing to change things up if needed to win.
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
Definitely, what ever helps me become a better player
Do you have any questions for us?
Not currently, I've read what you guys have wrote on the forums pretty thoroughly, But I'm sure I'll have some questions sooner or later.
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance?
I would like to play alliance. I have played mainly Horde since I started playing in Vanilla when I was eight. The idea of switching it up seems exhilarating and something different that has caught my eye for this bracket. It'll be cool to play on the other side for a change and get to see how their team collaborates and what it's like to be a different race.
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
This class and spec that I would like to receive funding on will be a Tauren Balance Druid. The reason I would like to play this class and spec is because I have watched Hunnybuns play it many times and it seems really fun. I want to be able to bring support to my team with off heals and flag carry pick ups when needed. But also the idea of spread pressure when doing serious mid fights is something i have always wanted to do and learn. I want to be an overall asset to the team so that I can help in every way possible.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I need all of the above: Gold / Gear / Guild for my toon. I haven't played on BH before and I would like to! I have the specific heirlooms enchanted for a Balance druid. But being on a fresh server I will need some gold to sustain and to enchant all of my off pieces that I need to be as BiS possible.
Have you played in a twink bracket before?
Yes I have played in the bracket before. I had a 19 Hunter/Rogue in Vanilla/BC when games didn't have a time limit on them and you could farm 100 kills per battle ground if you had the right team play and worked together. I have also played a level 70 twink and 80 twink. But majority of the enchants and gemming and professions that needed done for these twinks were all done by farming with the help of my real life friends who no longer play anymore.
Why do you need funding?
I need funding because I work 10 hours a day and I don't want to waste all my time every night farming just to hope that I make some gold so that I can eventually play with everyone. I would prefer to just get home get in the shower and when I am done I just log into the toon I hope to get funded and I am ready to go for whatever. I don't have to dread having to farm over and over and then just not want to play because I am so fed up with farming.
How can our funding help your twinking experience?
Your funding can help my twinking experience because it will allow me to play with the best of the best. Meet up with other twinks such as myself. I won't have to deal with farming gold. But it will also teach me that this is such an amazing idea and that I will one day hope to follow along side you guys and help you!
How do you play your class?
I play as I am told or asked. I am usually played as an offensive player because I don't like being on the backfoot and being harassed. Being under pressure isn't my strongest point. But when being the aggressor I am paying attention to everything I can and realize when my team needs help and I can do as needed to keep them in the fight.
How do you contribute to your team?
I know how to listen very well to the leader as they instruct. I don't tend to argue, and even when we are losing or someone is down because they are having and off game. I won't treat them like shit I will do nothing but boost their confidence so that they don't feel useless or like they aren't wanted.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes I am interested in competitive PvP! A few things that qualify me in my opinion are that I have played a lot at maxed level. In MoP the highest rating I got was just under 2k rating in Tyrannical season. I have done some RBG's so I respond well to a leader. I am very map aware and can respond when needed. But I do PvP every season at max level I just never push for rating because most of my friends quit. Hope to have you become my new ones!
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
The idea of having the best gear I can have, best enchants and just around a bunch of people that want to support the idea of this bracket just as much as I do. It just feels so nostalgic and just such a great idea. To those who know how I feel you understand. It's just an exhilarating feeling, and again to have everyone that supports it aswell and just wants to play is a great feeling.
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Hunnybuns or Harvestlord (Same person) is who referred me via his stream.
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
I have not but will do right after this thread.
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
I run the standard blizzard UI but can give one if needed.
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
I offer a genuinely nice person, who is willing to listen and do as told. I am always looking to play and interested in becoming a better player and enjoying what I love!
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
I do not have anyone that I am friends or guildmates with in the community.
Is there anything else we should know about you?
I am here to stay. I want to learn and become on of the best of the best. So that I can one day take over this roll and help recruit more and more people and help them gear so they can enjoy the feeling as much as I want too.
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
I am very interested in that. I would love nothing more than to learn more and more about my class that will help me be better!
Do you have any questions for us?
I don't have any questions, but this is an amazing idea and whether you choose me or not I will do as much as I can to refer people here and do the best I can to support! Thank you so much :)
Hey guys, for those of you looking to join Horde-Bleeding Hollow. I run a guild named Believes In Le Ele Dream, I am currently recruiting people that are newer to the bracket and that have been accepted through GG19. In my guild I have about 6+ who have been accepted through this amazing organization and always got more.

If you get accepted add my Btag if you want to join my guild!
I'm aware that there are a ton of applications that I have yet to get too but this past week has been very busy for me IRL and I will do my best to get to you all within the next few days
Hey guys, so i've never twinked before but was watching Fearthebuns stream and it seemed like a lot of fun.

Horde or Alliance?
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Resto Shaman

Horde or Alliance? Horde on Bleeding Hollow if you can :).
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Arms Warrior, the reason why I want to receive funding is because I've bee

Both of you are Accepted/ Add me on Real ID and we can get started asap :) Cheers
  1. Horde or Alliance? Horde, im used to belf movement :3
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Priest, Disc. I started my 19 twink adventure in start cataclysm on EU and made myself a priest, and played myself up to be one of the best priest's EU at that time
  3. What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) Everything pretty much, just bought my self an US account and started leveling a character to be able to get enchants on heirlooms!
  4. Have you played in a twink bracket before? Yes, 19s, 24s and 39's.
  5. Why do you need funding? Im from Europe, and allways played EU, but due to the 19 bracket not being to active i wanted to try out US
  6. How can our funding help your twinking experience? Since i started from scratch, this will help me to get faster into the US community!
  7. How do you play your class? A good mix between healing and doing damage is what ive allways loved with disc priests, gotta miss mindblast :(
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I mainly play for objectives.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I love twinks, that all.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Twinkinfo
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? No, will do
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes, Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? Competitivene, i play to win.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Ive been a member off Tough Love since i started twinking, so vianco stubs etc etc
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? I'm good
  17. Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? No, thanks
  18. Do you have any questions for us? I dont think so

Glad to hear you want to check out the scene on US! As you can imagine, EU applicants are typically WAY more expensive for us to fund than US applicants. Would you mind beefing up your application with a little more detail and effort. Tell us as much as you can. Thanks :)
Horde or Alliance? horde bleeding hollow
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? rogue, thats my main ***(EDIT, will play rsham or lock as well)***
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) all 3
Have you played in a twink bracket before? yes 29s since bc GM of <Raidin Dirty>-illidan(BC) .GM of <PERFECT>-coilfang(BC) . <SupaNova>(warlords) , <Fried Chicken>(warlords)
Why do you need funding? I do not have any characters on bh horde, seems like that is the 19 server
How can our funding help your twinking experience? by having BiS gear/chants makes it competitive and fun
How do you play your class? fc killer, healbot extraordinaire, tab dotting/fearing like a boss
How do you contribute to your team? locating fc, calling out sap,gouge targets, focus kicking healers general rogue play, killing fc
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? yes thats the only reason i play, (2xglad rogue lock/sham gladx1) (2900exp rls 3s) (2500 rrm 3s) (2400+/hero in RBGS)
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? i saw the tournament streams and it looks like a blast, also winning is what im in to
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? top thread on ti very exciting!
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread? i believe so
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? its default UI with battleground targets, onmibar and gladius pretty basic
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? skilled rogue,rsham,lock play. constructive criticism given/taken well. and most importantly WINNING!
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? i do not, all i played are 29s
Is there anything else we should know about you? i am competitive, i enjoy playing with skilled people, I like having fun - I do not rage and have a good attitude/respectful towards others
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? any tips are helpful with gear/specs
Do you have any questions for us? when do i start? :D
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Farmed all my own stuff so I no longer need funding for my mage, good luck GG19 :)
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Horde or Alliance?

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Mage, frost, because i feel like i want to play a control spec more so than just a glasscannon, or a fotm as well.

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
I would just need a bit of gold for enchants, for rings/gloves/wrists... I also need spidersilk boots, as i cant afford them with no gold on BH... I would also enjoy having a guild due to the fact i love the community of twinking!

Hey mate, sorry for missing ya. Accepted.

Add me on Real ID.

Also this is to all the guys I've accepted recently - This is a rough exam week for me and it is also homecoming weekend, so as soon as I get out of my exam on Thursday I'll be in a constant state of black out drunk until Monday. If you can find one of my guildmates in Laughing Skull FTW to invite you to guild, an Officer can help with distributing your gear and enchants. All I ask is you identify yourself as a GG 19 applicant, tell them which page I accepted you on, and be kind and polite with them. Otherwise I'll try to get to you all in game as soon as I can. Cheers.
Horde or Alliance?
1) Horde

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
2) Disc Priest. That’s what i like playing the most, the class I’m best at, the class I enjoy the most, the first class I ever played at 19’s!

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
3) Gold and gear, or just gold I can buy the BoE’s from AH myself if needed.

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
4) Yes! I have played both 19’s, 24’s and 39’s.

Why do you need funding?
5) Bought my US account recently, and I feel like It would be a pain in the ass to farm up for everything myself.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
6) I feel like if I had to farm up all the gold to buy all the gear and enchants needed to fund a twink I would go dead on it even before I started.
How do you play your class?

7) I like healing, I like having the amount of control you have as a healer, if you fuck up your team will die and then you will stand there like hello! I play mainly for objectives and ofc winning, shits not fun if you don’t try you’re best.

How do you contribute to your team
8) I’m sure everyone would be dead without heals 

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
9) I have never ever played endgame pvp, the only pvp I played is when I played twinks.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
10) I played 39’s with Tough Love / Rough Love on Europe, and saw they played 19’s and made one myself, I have loved everything about it since.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
11) Twinkinfo

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
12) No but will do if I get accepted

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
13) Nice and clean, without useless stuff

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
14) I would define myself as a good player that knows how to play his class well. And I like to give newer players or lesser experienced players tips about what they to improve as a player

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
15) I’m a member of Tough Love on EU, you might know them as Rough Love on US, but I know no one on US.

Is there anything else we should know about you?
16) I’m a beast in the gulch! No, I really hope to get this funding to get my twinking experience going on US!

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
17) I doubt there is anything that I don’t know about the class I am playing, not to sound cocky! I feel like I am experienced enough already

Do you have any question for us?
18) Not at this point, maybe if we meet ingame? Huehue
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

Accepted, thanks for providing the SS, add me on Btag and we'll get you queuing up in no time. Conq#1458
can you link me your charecters armory please? trying to update the spread sheet.
If you are one of the people who got a system generated message saying your post had been approved than add me on battletag Conq#1458
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Woo, Conq just hooked me up! I hit him with a whisper and he must have a fast computer because he swapped toons to get me my gear faster than I thought was possible. To run what is basically a charity with the enthusiasm he does ( and everyone else helping behind the scene ) is incredible. Big thanks to Conq, Drugs, and all the donators and helpers of GG19. Can't wait to get in The Gulch.
Horde or Alliance? (Horde
What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Priest - Disc, I'm a strong healer based played, having mw/sham/priest all 19 eu. Just think i'll be more of an impact with a priest.
What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild) As i'm coming over from EU i'll need support on all 3
Have you played in a twink bracket before? Just been a twink on EU since Wotlk
Why do you need funding? Like i said, since coming to US i don't have any income support to buy gear. So funding will help :)
How can our funding help your twinking experience? Support pugs/ help the bracket
How do you play your class? I play with objective based mindset, and forever fakecasting.
How do you contribute to your team? With experience pug player, i know when/where to apply pressure, and move to LoS to provide heals.
Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes, due to being experienced i know how to play premades. Never really found end game a big ideal to me.. although i've had 29s/39s twinks recently
What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community? I can't even remember it's been so long i guess it's just apart of me now :D also the competitive bg's
How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Twinkinfo
Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?no
Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Sure UI - Posts - Warcraft UI
What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community? Activity
Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? Mostly all EU, although Blackout, Arto, hardbass i'm sure can give you a good reference
Is there anything else we should know about you? Just a chilled guy,
Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19? Sure
Do you have any questions for us? Erm if you have queries heres some links of my twinks
Zióní @ Nordrassil - Community - World of Warcraft
Zíolock @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Genzioni @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Zió @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Ziccó @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft (39 - BiS weapon mog)
And some 20s but the list is long.
Horde or Alliance?
1) Alliance

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
2) Mage / Frost / Gnome

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
3) I prefer just the gear/enchants/guild and maybe a few gold to get me started on the ally side. :)

Have you played in a twink bracket before?
4) Yes! I have played both 19’s, 24’s, 29's, 39’s, and 49's.

Why do you need funding?
5) I need funding because I don't have a main yet on this side and this realm.

How can our funding help your twinking experience?
6) It's tough farming the gear, gold, and other stuff you want on your twink without help.

7)How do you play your class?

7) I like focusing healers or best objective. I play mainly objectives and if you're not winning it's not fun.

How do you contribute to your team
8) I like rolling with the team and also being solo if needed. 

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
9) I have never ever played endgame pvp, the only pvp I played is when I played twinks. I like devoting my wow time to just twinking.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?
10) I played 19s in <NOT FOR SALE> against <MAYHEM> back on AKAMA as a priest and recently switched to a sweet computer and setup. I like having melee (ferals are banned :() I have loved everything about twinking since back in the day.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
11) Twinkinfo, Fearthebuns, Meangean.

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
12) No but will do if I get accepted

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
13) It's typical set up with what bliz gives us. I have added certain addons like BGtargets, gladius, and will add others that useful for the class I will be playing.

What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
14) I would off my time if anyone needs runs or if there is anything that I get my hands on I would be willing donate appropriately for the help with this toon.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
15) I’m a member of Horde side guild <Le Ele Dream>.

Is there anything else we should know about you?
16) I love guilch'n and arenas! No, I really hope to get this funding to get my twinking experience going on US!

Are you interested in receiving class coaching for your new 19?
17) I feel like there is always room for improvement.

Do you have any question for us?
18) Not at this point, but I will ask once something comes up :)
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