US Project: GG Nineteen

  1. Horde or Alliance?: Horde
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?: Elemental Shaman and I would like to get into tinkering with my very first tink.
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I need gear but also wouldn't turn down a guild ^^; currently have none.
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before?: Never
  5. Why do you need funding?: Because of the fact that I am one returning to WoW and two I also am new to Bleeding Hollow and have no friends on it yet.
  6. How can our funding help your tinkering experience? It would give me a unique and amazing experience that I would love to give back eventually once I level my other character on the realm to 100 so I can help others get geared as well.
  7. How do you play your class? I usually play shamans more versatile and try to do whatever is best for my team and or my teammate rather then worrying about personal glory or score when in a battleground. Usually, I end up focusing the healers anyways in most situations but switch according to what poses the biggest threat to me and my teammates.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I am someone who usually is a skilled defender in battlegrounds as well as good at playing with people for mindgames rather then just playing, by this I mean I usually let them think i'm going to do one thing but then suddenly end up doing something else that catches them off guard giving my team more pressure and making it easier to win. I play for winning with my team by focusing the RIGHT targets and playing for my team and not personal glory and or score.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? If I started to get better then of course I would be willing to put more time into getting better and playing my tink more. I would be also more into playing my tink if I got into a guild for tinkering and had others with the same interest as me to talk to.
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? It looked different and that is the biggest thing that I want out of WoW especially after WoD was difference and interest in the game again and this is whats giving me just that.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Mutando
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Was taken in the process of my lvling

  1. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? Being a determined player who will constantly strive to get better and become a more known and respected person in the community. I look to be able to help the scene keep growing and also bring my bad quality jokes to it.
  2. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? None
  3. Is there anything else we should know about you? I am a generally willing to improve and learn person which makes me a very versatile person who would even be willing to make a new tink if asked if it meant that it helped the person or my guild. (if in one)
  4. Do you have any questions for us?

Accepted! Add my btag Camo#1210. Don't be mad if I remove you after, I need spots for new people that I fund. Btag is just about full.
  • Horde or Alliance? Alliance.
  • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Marksmanship Hunter. I don't have a high level character on Bleeding Hollow to buy the enchants, gear that i'll need to be successful.
  • What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I need gear.
  • Have you played in a tink bracket before? I have played in a twink bracket before, I've played at 19 many times. I have a couple 19s on my main server as well as 2 29s
  • Why do you need funding? I do not have a max character in Bleeding Hollow to buy the items I need.
  • How can our funding help your tinkering experience? I've never had a fully blown out twink before, so being funded to have a fully blown twink it will make me love the 19 bracket so much more also being able to play the classes I like at the 19 bracket.
  • How do you play your class? I use keybinds play my class. Also I like being both ranged and melee.
  • How do you contribute to your team? I've helped my guild mates on my main server get a pair of gloves that they needed, in a PvP aspect I will try to contribute to my team to the best of my abilities whether it be defending the flag or in team fights.
  • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am not interested in competitive PvP, SUCH as tournys but playing in BGS that are competitive I absolutely love it.
  • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? My guild mate said they were going to sign up and told me that I should too so that we could own together, and also being able to have a fully twinked out character.
  • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? One of my guild mates that is in my twink guild on my main server.
  • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No.
  • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes.
  • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? I can spread the word to other people who twink to tell them that they can come here to find a better experience at twinking. If that's aloud. I also try an better myself at my classes that I play. If I see that im making a mistake or mistakes in PvP situations ill try an correct my self by trying to figure out what i did wrong.
  • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I do not.
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? Not that I can think of.
  • Do you have any questions for us? I do not have any questions.
  • Horde or Alliance? Alliance.
  • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Marksmanship Hunter. I don't have a high level character on Bleeding Hollow to buy the enchants, gear that i'll need to be successful.
  • What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I need gear.
  • Have you played in a tink bracket before? I have played in a tink bracket before, I've played at 19 many times. I have a couple 19s on my main server as well as 2 29s
  • Why do you need funding? I do not have a max character in Bleeding Hollow to buy the items I need.
  • How can our funding help your tinkering experience? I've never had a fully blown out tink before, so being funded to have a fully blown tink it will make me love the 19 bracket so much more also being able to play the classes I like at the 19 bracket.
  • How do you play your class? I use keybinds play my class. Also I like being both ranged and melee.
  • How do you contribute to your team? I've helped my guild mates on my main server get a pair of gloves that they needed, in a PvP aspect I will try to contribute to my team to the best of my abilities whether it be defending the flag or in team fights.
  • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am not interested in competitive PvP, SUCH as tournys but playing in BGS that are competitive I absolutely love it.
  • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? My guild mate said they were going to sign up and told me that I should too so that we could own together, and also being able to have a fully tinksed out character.
  • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? One of my guild mates that is in my tink guild on my main server.
  • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No.
  • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? I can spread the word to other people who tink to tell them that they can come here to find a better experience at tinkering. If that's aloud. I also try an better myself at my classes that I play. If I see that im making a mistake or mistakes in PvP situations ill try an correct my self by trying to figure out what i did wrong.
  • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? I do not.
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? Not that I can think of.
  • Do you have any questions for us? I do not have any questions.

Accepted! Please add my btag Camo#1210 and I'll hook you up. Please don't be mad if I remove you after as I need space on my btag to add new people I fund. Its just about full.
  1. Horde or Alliance?
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
  5. Why do you need funding?
  6. How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
  7. How do you play your class?
  8. How do you contribute to your team?
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
  17. Do you have any questions for us?
1. Horde.
2. Balance druid + FC Gear.
3. Gear, i already am in a guild.
4. Yes, i have, 20-29 (mostly), endgame, 19s.
5. Basically lack of gold to fun myself, and because i do not think i would be able to make that much gold by the end of the weekend, when our guild scheduled a GvG.
6. It will allow me to participate in practice games, and Twink Cup, in addition i will be playing on the 19 bracket more often.
7. I have considered druid to be my main class since the beginning of MoP, i guess i'm good at a certain point, still need practice.
8. Communication and awareness, as a FC.
9. Yes, i am. My experience on this game qualifies me.
10. I already became a member last year when my other character was funded, but basically, Twink cup and a lot of friends moving to this bracket.
11. .
12. Yes, i have. (LentjanPjeci#1543).
13. Of course,
(When we won the second WoD 3s championship with Bop and Original).
14. Competitiveness and activity (will queue, when needed to).
15. Ill list a couple of my 19 friends, Manny, Albino, Daddy, Epsilon, Original, Tapout, Livingforce ... etc etc.
16. Not really, i just want to be a part of the Twink Cup.
17. Not a question, but a lot of thanks, for creating and maintaining this sort of Community/Bracket support.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
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  1. Horde or Alliance?
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
  5. Why do you need funding?
  6. How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
  7. How do you play your class?
  8. How do you contribute to your team?
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
  17. Do you have any questions for us?
1. Horde.
2. Balance druid + FC Gear.
3. Gear, i already am in a guild.
4. Yes, i have, 20-29 (mostly), endgame, 19s.
5. Basically lack of gold to fun myself, and because i do not think i would be able to make that much gold by the end of the weekend, when our guild scheduled a GvG.
6. It will allow me to participate in practice games, and TC, in addition i will be playing on the 19 bracket more often.
7. I have considered druid to be my main class since the beginning of MoP, i guess i'm good at a certain point, still need practice.
8. Communication and awareness, as a FC.
9. Yes, i am. My experience on this game qualifies me.
10. I already became a member last year when my other character was funded, but basically, TC and a lot of friends moving to this bracket.
11. .
12. Yes, i have. (LentjanPjeci#1543).
13. Of course,
(When we won the second WoD 3s championship with Bop and Original).
14. Competitiveness and activity (will queue, when needed to).
15. Ill list a couple of my 19 friends, Manny, Albino, Daddy, Epsilon, Original, Tapout, Livingforce ... etc etc.
16. Not really, i just want to be a part of the TC.
17. Not a question, but a lot of thanks, for creating and maintaining this sort of Community/Bracket support.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Please contact me when you are ready.

  1. Horde or Alliance? Alliance forsure! who wants to play horde lmao.
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Disc priest I main disc and back in he days disc was never the way to go sooo it should be fun now :).
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I am in need of both but I have talked to some people soo im in a good start RN.
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before? Yes played back in BC & wotlk
  5. Why do you need funding? I am just Not on a good server to to twink I have a lot of xp with twinks :)
  6. How can our funding help your tinkering experience? It will help by Saving me irl money lmao :p
  7. How do you play your class? I play my class the way its needed if I gotta play team fight I will or if I gotta peel out that's what I do.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I contribute by not letting anyone die duh R1 twink.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am I wanna help make the guild the top twink guild by far I also have a lot of xp.
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? played in the twink community back in the days I am now getting back into it and I just remembered how much fun it was.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? talked to saxx and then tokillaconq told me to do this.
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No I have not
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes if needed I can
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? Great exp and some challenge in the bracket.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? None atm.
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? I am layed back player but I do take my twinks seriously lmao
  17. Do you have any questions for us? None right now Thanks :)

    • Horde or Alliance?
      • - Horde
    • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
      • - Warlock demonology i have always loved to play them im pretty good at them to. and i would really apprciate the funding it will help me out and make me better
    • What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
      • - Magefist gloves, spidersilk boots,Mindthrust bracers, gift of vers for my enchant
    • Have you played in a tink bracket before?
      • - Yes i have once tho is is fun really enjoy it.
    • Why do you need funding?
      • - Im just moving realms to bleeding hollow love to play 19s and heard it was a good realm to twink 19s.
    • How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
      • - Yes in many ways like with my wins i can help in bgs because i will have great gear and i will enjoy it alot.
    • How do you play your class?
      • - With skill still learning tho but always dots first and the leap i get is really well.. lets say a warrior charged me i can leap and put dots and cast. i really love them.
    • How do you contribute to your team?
      • - With teamwork and i will always be a good sport even if we lose.

    • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
      • - Yes i am, i like competitive game play its tough but fun and makes you better
    • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
      • - Well i heard my friend talking about it and i was really interested in it always loves tink 19s
    • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread
      • - Well superpack refered me to this. and i have heard about the bleeding hollow realm from many people.
    • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
      • - No but i will add it in this fill out
    • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
      • - No im sorry not ready yet just funding now and hopefully you guys come and fund me.
    • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community
      • - Friendship and good sports men ship
    • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
      • - superflame
    • Is there anything else we should know about you?
      • - No that will be all hope i get in.

    • Do you have any questions for us?áhjeer/



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    • Horde or Alliance?
      • - Horde
    • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
      • - Warlock demonology i have always loved to play them im pretty good at them to. and i would really apprciate the funding it will help me out and make me better
    • What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
      • - Magefist gloves, spidersilk boots,Mindthrust bracers, gift of vers for my enchant
    • Have you played in a tink bracket before?
      • - Yes i have once tho is is fun really enjoy it.
    • Why do you need funding?
      • - Im just moving realms to bleeding hollow love to play 19s and heard it was a good realm to tink 19s.
    • How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
      • - Yes in many ways like with my wins i can help in bgs because i will have great gear and i will enjoy it alot.
    • How do you play your class?
      • - With skill still learning tho but always dots first and the leap i get is really well.. lets say a warrior charged me i can leap and put dots and cast. i really love them.
    • How do you contribute to your team?
      • - With teamwork and i will always be a good sport even if we lose.

    • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
      • - Yes i am, i like competitive game play its tough but fun and makes you better
    • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
      • - Well i heard my friend talking about it and i was really interested in it always loves tink 19s
    • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread
      • - Well superpack refered me to this. and i have heard about the bleeding hollow realm from many people.
    • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
      • - No but i will add it in this fill out
    • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
      • - No im sorry not ready yet just funding now and hopefully you guys come and fund me.
    • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community
      • - Friendship and good sports men ship
    • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
      • - superflame
    • Is there anything else we should know about you?
      • - No that will be all hope i get in.

    • Do you have any questions for us?áhjeer/

I'm not entitled to thumbs up or down your application, but I took the liberty to edit your posts layout a bit, to 'increase' its chances.
Was quite frankly super unpleasant to read before.

- Didn't fix any grammar either.

I'd say looking at previous applications, if you want good help, you need to put in good effort. But that's just my biased Point of View.

Good Luck.

1) Q. Horde or Alliance?

A. Alliance

2) Q. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

A. I would like a druid, resto for being a flag carrier and I would love to be funded because I don’t have much gold on alliance

3) Q. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)

A. It would be nice to have some gear and enchants, I am already in the guild UGGTW

4) Q. Have you played in a twink bracket before?

A. I have played in the twink bracket before I own a few horde characters

5) Q. Why do you need funding?

A. I can usually fend for myself but I chose to make this toon ally to help then out a bit and I have 0 gold on this faction.

6) Q. How can our funding help your twinking experience?

A. It would be much more enjoyable to play with actual good gear :)

7) Q. How do you play your class?

A. I love to flag carry

8) Q. How do you contribute to your team?

A. Recently the alliance faction has been very lacking and im deciding to help

9) Q. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

A. I love competitive PvP I have played a couple of wargames before, and I love to get along with other people.

10) Q. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 twink community?

A. I started to watch YouTube videos and happened to stumble upon a couple videos of twinks.

11) Q. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

A. Fearthebuns did, he used a macro telling me about GG19 and all this great stuff, and it got me hooked

12) Q. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?

A. Armory:ëangulberry/simple

Battletag: Gospelizer #1174

13) Q. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

A. Of course J

14) Q. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?

A. I am a pretty experienced WoW player, been playing since 2006, new to twinking though

15) Q. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

A. I have a couple of friends but not too many.

16) Q. Is there anything else we should know about you?

A. I consider myself very friendly and I am very open for criticism.

17) Q. Do you have any questions for us?

A. Nope J
  1. Horde or Alliance? Alliance forsure! who wants to play horde lmao.
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Disc priest I main disc and back in he days disc was never the way to go sooo it should be fun now :).
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I am in need of both but I have talked to some people soo im in a good start RN.
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before? Yes played back in BC & wotlk
  5. Why do you need funding? I am just Not on a good server to to tink I have a lot of xp with tinks :)
  6. How can our funding help your tinkering experience? It will help by Saving me irl money lmao :p
  7. How do you play your class? I play my class the way its needed if I gotta play team fight I will or if I gotta peel out that's what I do.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? I contribute by not letting anyone die duh R1 tink.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am I wanna help make the guild the top tink guild by far I also have a lot of xp.
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? played in the tink community back in the days I am now getting back into it and I just remembered how much fun it was.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? talked to saxx and then tokillaconq told me to do this.
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No I have not
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes if needed I canView attachment 4119
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? Great exp and some challenge in the bracket.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? None atm.
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? I am layed back player but I do take my tinks seriously lmao
  17. Do you have any questions for us? None right now Thanks :)


Please add my battletag below and contact me when you are ready.

    • Horde or Alliance?
      • - Horde
    • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
      • - Warlock demonology i have always loved to play them im pretty good at them to. and i would really apprciate the funding it will help me out and make me better
    • What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
      • - Magefist gloves, spidersilk boots,Mindthrust bracers, gift of vers for my enchant
    • Have you played in a tink bracket before?
      • - Yes i have once tho is is fun really enjoy it.
    • Why do you need funding?
      • - Im just moving realms to bleeding hollow love to play 19s and heard it was a good realm to tink 19s.
    • How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
      • - Yes in many ways like with my wins i can help in bgs because i will have great gear and i will enjoy it alot.
    • How do you play your class?
      • - With skill still learning tho but always dots first and the leap i get is really well.. lets say a warrior charged me i can leap and put dots and cast. i really love them.
    • How do you contribute to your team?
      • - With teamwork and i will always be a good sport even if we lose.

    • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
      • - Yes i am, i like competitive game play its tough but fun and makes you better
    • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
      • - Well i heard my friend talking about it and i was really interested in it always loves tink 19s
    • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread
      • - Well superpack refered me to this. and i have heard about the bleeding hollow realm from many people.
    • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
      • - No but i will add it in this fill out
    • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
      • - No im sorry not ready yet just funding now and hopefully you guys come and fund me.
    • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community
      • - Friendship and good sports men ship
    • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
      • - superflame
    • Is there anything else we should know about you?
      • - No that will be all hope i get in.

    • Do you have any questions for us?áhjeer/

A little messy and unorganized, but good attitude.


Please add my battletag below and contact me when you are ready.

1) Q. Horde or Alliance?

A. Alliance

2) Q. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

A. I would like a druid, resto for being a flag carrier and I would love to be funded because I don’t have much gold on alliance

3) Q. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)

A. It would be nice to have some gear and enchants, I am already in the guild UGGTW

4) Q. Have you played in a tink bracket before?

A. I have played in the tink bracket before I own a few horde characters

5) Q. Why do you need funding?

A. I can usually fend for myself but I chose to make this toon ally to help then out a bit and I have 0 gold on this faction.

6) Q. How can our funding help your tinkering experience?

A. It would be much more enjoyable to play with actual good gear :)

7) Q. How do you play your class?

A. I love to flag carry

8) Q. How do you contribute to your team?

A. Recently the alliance faction has been very lacking and im deciding to help

9) Q. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?

A. I love competitive PvP I have played a couple of wargames before, and I love to get along with other people.

10) Q. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?

A. I started to watch YouTube videos and happened to stumble upon a couple videos of tinks.

11) Q. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?

A. Fearthebuns did, he used a macro telling me about GG19 and all this great stuff, and it got me hooked

12) Q. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?

A. Armory:ëangulberry/simple

Battletag: Gospelizer #1174

13) Q. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

A. Of course J

14) Q. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?

A. I am a pretty experienced WoW player, been playing since 2006, new to tinkering though

15) Q. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?

A. I have a couple of friends but not too many.

16) Q. Is there anything else we should know about you?

A. I consider myself very friendly and I am very open for criticism.

17) Q. Do you have any questions for us?

A. Nope J


Please add my battletag below and contact me when you are ready.

  1. Horde or Alliance? thinking about horde, maybe alliance
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? eh, i like a class who can heal for afar and also a class that will be able to melee but i don't like druids
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) both
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before? little bit
  5. Why do you need funding? well the thing is that i dont have many twink gears and i would like to become greatest in equipment there is
  6. How can our funding help your tinkering experience? well if i get gear i can play
  7. How do you play your class? smash buttons to the beat of my song
  8. How do you contribute to your team? smash buttons to the best of my song
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? YES, i used to play football kind of like capture the flag... also i played capture the flag in my PE in highschool and middleschool
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? mostly the ability to smash buttons to the beat of my song because not many people have that skill
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? commercial
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? no
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? um my computer doesnt take screenshots
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? button mashioning
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about? um yes
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you? i like hunting (as you can see in my pic) that make me a really good shot when it comes to wsg. I DONT MISS
  17. Do you have any questions for us? Yes, where can i meet yall irl?
  • Horde or Alliance?
Alliance. I play horde for 70s, but I'd like to try a different faction : )
  • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I'd like to receive funding for a Resto Druid. I have always loved resto druids! I have played druid through 3 expansions on my main toons, and Rdruid has always been my favorite healer.
  • What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
I'd need a few pieces of gear, I'd assume. I looked at some of the armories, and it seems that gear preferences have changed a little since I last played. Spirit seems to be ignored! oh well. I'm not really sure where to start, gear wise. I'm happy to do any quest chains or dungeon grinds to get the pieces I need... Just need a little guidance.
  • Have you played in a tink bracket before?
Yep, I've played on and off in 70s, I'm a former 19s player, I have an outdated and irrelevant 80. I've always loved twinking. Something about the ability to fine tune your gameplay into a level of precision that cant be found at max level is quite enticing. There's no warriors that just smash 5 cooldowns and spin on your face, or massive walls of having to farm honor to gain gear to be able to pvp effectively. There's just so many benefits.
  • Why do you need funding?
Because I've gone into a few BGs and either felt like or been told that I'm a massive hindrance to my team. I feel that with some help with enchants and possibly some gear (If needed), I could easily find myself working as an effective member of my team.
  • How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
It would allow me to feel competitive. This in itself is sort of the whole point of twinking, I suppose. In my current state, without the time or money to level/transfer a character, I have minimal ways to generate gold and funding would help me to gear and reach that level of competitiveness that we all strive for.
  • How do you play your class?
I'm not sure what this question entails, but I prefer to play a support type resto. I sorta stick to the back and heal, providing roots and moonfire when needed. (moonfire for rogues and the like trying to slip away)
  • How do you contribute to your team?
I usually try to focus on healing, but I have experience as flag carrier for other brackets and can easily get back into the swing of things and rep the FC role if needed. With this being said, I am even farther from an FC set than I am from a healer set.
  • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Competetive PvP is what I strive for. I'm quite rusty on wow, and took a long haitus recently. I'm don't have fancy wow achievements or anything like that. However, I do have a competetive PvP mindset. My only proof of this is that I am a diamond level exp. on League of Legends. This rank is given to the top 3-0.5% of players on their ladder system. I can provide a link of some kind if needed, but here is the account name: TheMythinglink US server.
  • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
After playing my new 70 fury warrior for a while, I found myself itching to play 19s again. I looked around and found that 19s were super active again! So here I am!
  • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I found it myself by returning to TwinkInfo, but I decided to act on it because of seeing the spam by Conq in trade on BH after logging onto my dusty old druid.
  • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
I added my Btag, but conq said to not bother with my armory link.
  • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Yup, i submitted the file. I use Opie for my shifts and usually grid for my healing, as well as battlegroundtargets for everything else in BGs
  • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
Solid gameplay and some good laughs! I like to make friends in a community and would love to help be the connection between the different cliques.
  • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
I used to know Daedricdeath, and was in his guild for a long time until I was kicked due to inactivity.
  • Is there anything else we should know about you?
I'm sometimes a busy person, but sometimes find myself with way too much free time. My play time will be erratic and inconsistent. I will often be unavailable for matches friday nights. Other than that, I play League and WoW on a regular basis. I sing with a choir, and I am quite a good Bass and Baritone. Music is a huge part of my life, and I always look for opportunities to incorporate it into anything I do. With this being said, you may have to shut me up every once in a while if I space out and start singing in odd languages by instinct. :p
  • Do you have any questions for us?
What should I look to do in terms of connecting with the community? :D
Are there any addons I should look into getting?
Important threads to look at on here?
Do you love america? (check the post's theme)


  • WoWScrnShot_031116_161551.jpg
    318.2 KB · Views: 343

  • Horde or Alliance?

  • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I'd like to play War, I was told this class was needed for the guild.

  • What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
Gear and guild, I have the gold to buy my own gear if needed.

  • Have you played in a tink bracket before?
Yes, back in BC we rolled in the 19 twink bracket. Before heirlooms.

  • Why do you need funding?
Don't exactly need funding just help on what gear is BiS. But funding would be appreciated.

  • How can our funding help your tinkering experience?
By getting me ready to represent the guild quicker.

  • How do you play your class?
I like to play aggressively. Charging in after the healers etc etc.

  • How do you contribute to your team?
By knowing who to focus and when to peel for my healers.

  • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, while I'm just a 1600 hero in arena currently, I've been playing in competitive games since I was young. CS, LoL, etc etc.

  • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
Looking for something new and fun. Current end game just isn't doing it for me.

  • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
There was a person recruiting for the community in trade chat, can't remember his name off the top of my head.

  • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
I have not, but can.

  • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
I can, but it's just default. Up for suggestions.

  • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
Mature friendly gaming.

  • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
I do not. No one worth mentioning.

  • Is there anything else we should know about you?
I've been playing WoW since vanilla. I have a mic, and any voice chat needed.

  • Do you have any questions for us?
I will ask in guild chat if anything should come up.
Last edited:
1. Horde mw
2. Mw because i have one ally and this will be my last spot on bh
3. magefists and mindthrusts
4. Yes, i have played the twink bracket
5. I need funding because i have no horde characters and i have no gold to buy items and they will probably get sniped over ah
6. I will have a horde mw and i like mw so i can play it for what side is lacking
7. I play my class well and can carry the team on mw
8. ^
9. Yes, I am interesting in competitive pvp. I have done it all of wod
10. I learned about 19s from a friend and the first twinkcup was streamed when i played 24s
11. Conq, because i needed magefists and mindthrusts
12. No, pizza took down my feral from armory thread and hasnt put up my mw on ally
14. I am a skilled player and a good mw
15. I am friends with basically everyone and part of the groups
16. I love eggs
17. no

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