Project activity! (EU)

i do understand that you want to get premades going and what not since you got great activity and alot of migraters lately , that you want to keep interested in playing.

who ever you are droodelf , i only really logg on azune to have a chat with the few people i like there, when im borred or when ques are dead. Haveing a look into your gbank is just cause im curious to see whats in there lol.

like i already said , i know you havent said or claimed to be the #1 eu guild , it was just the way it seemed , when chill posted about no other guilds around able to field a 10 man premade.

about kuzz , bromash and baldi , i dont blame you guys at all . just found it funny to see some posts and thread after they joined , i even suggested or agreed on them going azune , like wise im telling all the level 1's thats whispereing me to go azune . since our activity kind of died out or got slowed down + im to lazy to try make things happen again , after the few times the que system failed on us.

also if its about activity , then its understand able that youre useing /2 to get more twinks for more games , even though the quality of them might not be as good , but warsongs are warsongs i guess. However , queing up as a "premade" with 2 groups of 5 against PuGs , then theres no wounder their leaveing or giving up, since they have to chance to win . Which might result in people stop queing cause their thinking their going to loose anyhow?

i might just be me misunderstanding this thread , or looking at it the diffrent way , sorry in that chase

hfgl with your project.
Sylvictus said:
However , queing up as a "premade" with 2 groups of 5 against PuGs , then theres no wounder their leaveing or giving up, since they have to chance to win . Which might result in people stop queing cause their thinking their going to loose anyhow?

Sorry I just jump in this discussion, but this is one really good argument. I've seen that countless times in my 3 years of twinking in a lot of different brackets: premades actually kill brackets. Hell even a good team of 3 guildmates (FC+healer+anti-efc) can turn a warsong.

I understand your wish to face another team like a rbg 85, but the problem is that there is not that many of us left. Even arena skrimishes worked really fine by then but there was a lot more 19s than now.

Group pvp as a twink (premade, wargames):

- When you group-tag in wsg you actually cut the chances for random twinks to join and have their part of fun. It results in longer queues for everyone but you, random twinks just /leave wow (and god knows how easy it is those days with HL content) or twinking. If they getin against a guild group they have not a single chance. Most will /ragequit.

- When you play a premate it means you locked out 2 full teams of player to get their warsong while every other twink get stuck for 45min in queue with a nice average 4min showing on their screen. Then again, more leave.

- Same thing when you do a lot of wargames arena. Queues get longer for everyone else and more quit. Vicious circle once again.

Imo 19s (and everytwink beside 70) should focus on random BG single queueing. If you do something else, ofc you will have much more fun, but you just kill your bracket on the long run.

Then again I understand your ideas OP and I wish we had more opportunities too when it comes to twink pvp in general. None of my 19s are part of a guild nowadays and I do not wish to join one as I am more interested in other 'dead' brackets (10s and 39s) but I think it's really important to see the big picture here for us as a communauty.

ps: sorry for my terrible english
Sylvictus said:
Old guilds and players died out, mostly cause they dont like the bracket anymore with all the changes .

So the chances of them comming back to play something that they dont like , dosent seem very big.

Also its not really inactive , depens what way to you mean . Premade wise yes , but its been like that for +1 year now.


good inatiative though, and good luck with the project
Hey there.

It's great to see you guys try to get some activity^^

Reason why we in BLNT have slacked I believe is due to the awesome blizzfailure factor ;/

The idea from the start were to use wargames to practice for premades and work on the co-op. We got a lot of old or experienced players, but not much experience in co-op with each other, since a lot came form different realms/guilds. So before throwing our guild out there we wanted practice.

We had severel guild events etc, but somehow it often failed due to the queue system or wargames being broke, or even world pvp ruined by highlvls.

When it came to setting up premades vs others we actually only had a very few of those, since we waited for the co-op getting set. and then a few of our essential players had dc's or illness or w/e not showing up :( heck I even got stuck in 2hour trafic ones xD d'oh.

Not ideal to try premading without any healers or an fc :(

However we are still going, and will get some premades up soon I know! (examns time now, so might wait a couple of weeks)

Some of our old players also came back to help us out:) Eg. Dahlia, Ericah, Jango, Klosterheim and Portvakten. So soon, sooooooon!
Llare said:
the only people in semi stable Horde guilds that check this site are in Party Squad

leotseddap said:
Well im the only one posting here, oh and ofc phonebook/sylvictus ^^

Most of our guildies are also playing mains in other guilds and some in our guild see twinks still as alts so logging from time to time and alot are just inactive these days. I think we could make a 10 man pre but we always had the problem with our members that we arent able to come online all at once, it never worked other then tbc and early wotlk. Its just hard to organize these days :(

I actually just disbanded our guild after all these years since we started at the start of tbc so people will probably be looking for a new guild. /game over.

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