Project activity! (EU)


goodmorning lads and ladies. so, i've been twinking for some time now, and after quickly discovering, that this was something i enjoyed doing, i found out that i had (by chance) made my twink on Aszune, which already had an active guild..

this was a long time ago, to this day, we have renamed, reformed, reshaped and rebuilt the guild, we were formerly known as -Fourteen Inches Unbuffed-, and is now -Queueing Is The Best Bit-..

in the previous months, we have been busy, handling dedicated players who wanted to Xfer to our server, building and gearing old members, and generally building the "backbone" on a guild that shows promise. we have reached the point, where we have 7-15 members online each night, and we are able to roll battlegrounds with as much as 2 full groups "willie-nillie".. now, after checking around the servers, talking to different players, different guilds, and a helluvalot of arguing, bickering and chit-chat, this is the conclusion i've seen myself forced to draw:

>>>level 19 twinking is inactive<<<

we have not found a single guild, on the entire european realm list, who is actually able to sport a premade team against us. therefore, i have decided to initiate project activity. this is nothing big, like the project Kore had (have) running, its simply a way of saying "step your game up".

so, what is this new concept, you might ask?

well, first off: this isn't something huge. theres not gonna be alot of posts on official forums, not alot of number crunching, and defo. not alot of money spending.

i am simply asking for:

old players, who still check this forum, to give it another go! you have so much left in you, and the bracket can be competitive and fun, you do not have to roll Fotm classes. talk to your friends, get together, make a frigging new guild? it pains me to see people who have these good twinks lying about, frustrated at the sheer number of hunters and paladins in the bracket. come back, give it another go.

i am also encouraging players to:

recruit new players! not on Draenor or some other active server? no problem, make a guild, and a macro, and spam it a few times per day in /2.. the good thing about twinking is, that since we have this awesome forum; all the new players' gear/playstyle question, can be answered by going "for more info, check".

redirect/encourage bad players!. You have almost certainly experienced this yourself. 900 hp, new rogue, silly name and wearing defias bandit mask? grabs flag and refuses to drop it for you?

guess what, these "scrubs" are how alot of us started. are they asking questions about your trinket? redirect them to WoW Twink Info. encourage good playstyle, dont flame, and be a good sport about it. they may take spots for the better players, but its up to you, to make them better players. so try.

in short, i want:

new guilds, and recruiting of new players.

reactivity in the old guilds, and reactivity from older chars.

friendly attitude towards new players.

use we have a million posts on here, about everything, guides, playstyle choices, consumables, you name it. so direct new people to this website.

and finally, a little personal here. making a new guild, or reactivating an old one can be tricky business. therefore, i've decided to take it up a notch. if you read this post and reminisce back on the old days, or if you're new, and want to open up a new guild, give me a PM, or hit me up, on server: aszune, char: Chíll. if its needed, i can make a char on your server, and help with guild management, player recruitment and tips, bank setup and just general administration.

please keep this thread clear of flame, because seriously, you can't argue against getting a better bracket :p

kind regards, Chíll.
Its hard to recruit anyone on thise forums, cause youve been all over any 19 EU thread here , if some ones been searching for a guild.

And im haveing bad experience with trade channel use, for guild recruiting.

Atleast im not interested in recruiting brand new "twinks" haveing to tell them every gear piece they need to get and where to get them etc..

My paithience is running low about gear questions after 5 years of twinking.

Old guilds and players died out, mostly cause they dont like the bracket anymore with all the changes .

So the chances of them comming back to play something that they dont like , dosent seem werry big.

Also its not really inactive , depens what way to you mean . Premade wise yes , but its been like that for +1 year now.

The que system has just been really shit since the last patch, causeing PuG ques to be longer than useual.

"we have not found a single guild, on the entire european realm list, who is actually able to sport a premade team against us"

< Better Luck Next Time > have tryed to get some premades going for a while, so i strongly suggest you go ask them.

< MomSaysAmSpecial >

< Russian Roulette >

^ could probually field up a 10 man premade if they really wanted to , just need to ask them.

Best of luck..
This is a generous offer Chill. Unfortunately, only players/guilds within the old Blackout battlegroup seem to be viable at the moment. As a lone queuer on emberstorm alliance I am not getting into BGs. The priority within the queuing system seems to be to group together people from the same battlegroup. There are always Blackout 19s in the queue and if there are 10 or more they will get priority over me...even if I queued 15 hours ago and they joined 5 mins ago! This wont help the bracket one bit. GM response? - Working as intended go post on the forum.....
Sylvictus said:
Its hard to recruit anyone on thise forums, cause youve been all over any 19 EU thread here , if some ones been searching for a guild.

And im haveing bad experience with trade channel use, for guild recruiting.

Atleast im not interested in recruiting brand new "twinks" haveing to tell them every gear piece they need to get and where to get them etc..

My paithience is running low about gear questions after 5 years of twinking.

Old guilds and players died out, mostly cause they dont like the bracket anymore with all the changes .

So the chances of them comming back to play something that they dont like , dosent seem werry big.

Also its not really inactive , depens what way to you mean . Premade wise yes , but its been like that for +1 year now.

The que system has just been really shit since the last patch, causeing PuG ques to be longer than useual.

"we have not found a single guild, on the entire european realm list, who is actually able to sport a premade team against us"

< Better Luck Next Time > have tryed to get some premades going for a while, so i strongly suggest you go ask them.

< MomSaysAmSpecial >

< Russian Roulette >

^ could probually field up a 10 man premade if they really wanted to , just need to ask them.

Best of luck..

BLNT got 8 players, last time we tried playing them.. russian roulette wasn't active last time i hopped to their server (about once per day, different times of the day, for a few days straight), and i'll go ask momsaysimspecial ^^

also, old people leave, new people arise, its how it goes.. and just because you recruit in /2 doesn't mean you can't keep quality control. i'm just thinking, the players who have something to give back to the bracket, do it.. =)
@ plobb, that's very unfortunate :(

It seems then it varies per battle group as I have a few twinks on Cyclone bg and have the same que time as the ones I play on Blackout bg :)EU: for all clarity). And que's are bad on both atm but that's nothing new..

@ Chill, hope you manage to get the premades going. If few are missing for full guild one I can ask arround for the few active ones still in Rifw.
Llare said:
Too many small Horde Guilds.

They all need to disband.

false, they need to expand.. also, i dont think i've ever make a positive post about... well.. anything? smile for once, it doesn't hurt. (usually.)
chíll said:
false, they need to expand.. also, i dont think i've ever make a positive post about... well.. anything? smile for once, it doesn't hurt. (usually.)

What? You've misunderstood me, surely.

It would be easier, and save more time, by just merging together.

But people are too fickle.

I make positive posts, you just look for the worst in them.
Llare said:
What? You've misunderstood me, surely.

It would be easier, and save more time, by just merging together.

But people are too fickle.

I make positive posts, you just look for the worst in them.

So people get into 1 big guild with bad rules concerning 19 twinking, bad gm and disbanding again after a few months because of that or epeen and little kids behavour etc like you see all of the time in wow history with twink guilds? it will not work and never will ^^
leotseddap said:
So people get into 1 big guild with bad rules concerning 19 twinking, bad gm and disbanding again after a few months because of that or epeen and little kids behavour etc like you see all of the time in wow history with twink guilds? it will not work and never will ^^

It's the 19 bracket, people should have experienced enough of that, and moved on, wanting to premade.

If they don't want to that's fine.
to phone: you gotta get new players somewhere. fact of the matter is, if we want this stupid game to work, we gotta keep the bracket alive.. now if you recruit say, 50 players from /2, 10 of them will make it to decent gear, and the rest will be /facepalm'd out of the bracket by elitists.. 7 of the remaining 10 will backpeddle.. hell, even elitists backpeddle at times.. (you can quite clearly see when people are holding that coffee cup.. =) )

to Llare, one guild will be a pain, i've heard you tried it on draenor.. how did that go?
chíll said:
to phone: you gotta get new players somewhere. fact of the matter is, if we want this stupid game to work, we gotta keep the bracket alive.. now if you recruit say, 50 players from /2, 10 of them will make it to decent gear, and the rest will be /facepalm'd out of the bracket by elitists.. 7 of the remaining 10 will backpeddle.. hell, even elitists backpeddle at times.. (you can quite clearly see when people are holding that coffee cup.. =) )

to Llare, one guild will be a pain, i've heard you tried it on draenor.. how did that go?

People just didn't want to Premade, and left to make minuscule Guilds to just be with their Friends/former Battlegroup members/people who speak the same language, none of which had the numbers to field a Premade.

I don't even know if the majority of players on Draenor Horde even want to Premade, with retards like Histeria content with just farming mid.

I understand that you want to get Premades going, and not waste the time and transfer fees of your now Guildmates, but just posting here on Twink Info probably won't achieve much.

As far as I know, the only people in semi stable Horde guilds that check this site are in Party Squad and BLNT; I don't see anyone from AA or RR even post here.

Only way, to even get a remote chance of having a guild that can field a Premade, one off the Guilds needs to show actual interest in Premading, as in, trying to lure people away from their current guild aswell as /2-ing.
Llare said:
the only people in semi stable Horde guilds that check this site are in Party Squad

Well im the only one posting here, oh and ofc phonebook/sylvictus ^^

Most of our guildies are also playing mains in other guilds and some in our guild see twinks still as alts so logging from time to time and alot are just inactive these days. I think we could make a 10 man pre but we always had the problem with our members that we arent able to come online all at once, it never worked other then tbc and early wotlk. Its just hard to organize these days :(
gotta be honest with you chill.

i see this as another guild promo thread , atleast thats the way it works on me . Since you recruited Kuzz , Bromash and Baldi . Which you only just recruited 1½ week ago..

Its been like youve been acting as #1 eu twink guild, and you havent even proved anything yet, other than beating bad horde PuGs..

i know you havent said this , its just the way it seems since uve been over alot of threads here promoteing your guild.

also saying that theres no horde guild out there to field a 10 man premade , just because your guild is active and bla bla bla. is probually the wrong way of doing things.

and i highly doubt that this thread is going to change much.

still recordment to talk with < Better Luck Next Time > since theyve been trying to get some action in EU since they made their guild.

that they were missing 2 players last time you tryed to play them happens .. dosent stop you from trying to play them again, they recruited new players like you have, since the last time, keep that in mind.
Sylvictus said:
gotta be honest with you chill.

i see this as another guild promo thread , atleast thats the way it works on me . Since you recruited Kuzz , Bromash and Baldi . Which you only just recruited 1½ week ago..

Its been like youve been acting as #1 eu twink guild, and you havent even proved anything yet, other than beating bad horde PuGs..

i know you havent said this , its just the way it seems since uve been over alot of threads here promoteing your guild.

also saying that theres no horde guild out there to field a 10 man premade , just because your guild is active and bla bla bla. is probually the wrong way of doing things.

and i highly doubt that this thread is going to change much.

still recordment to talk with < Better Luck Next Time > since theyve been trying to get some action in EU since they made their guild.

that they were missing 2 players last time you tryed to play them happens .. dosent stop you from trying to play them again, they recruited new players like you have, since the last time, keep that in mind.

i can see what you're saying, but its not. i'm really not doing this so we can have people to premade, i'm doing this because in order for blizzard to listen to the problems, that the bracket is facing, and do something about it, we need to show them, that there is a playerbase who wants it.. why should blizz give a fuck about 100 random people, trolling about EU going "blabla fix our bracket!" when theres hundreds of thousands of people shouting for endgame fixes?

we didn't go out of our way to recruit Kuzz baldi and brosmash, we had actvity, which they wanted.. simple as that.

as a sum-up. not doing this, to promote ourselves, on the contrary, i am not interested in getting all the good players on aszune, i like the diversity. i just want blizzard to give a fuck, because after talking to devs. and GMs, basically what i've gathered, is that blizzard need to chose where to put their attention, and since we're outnumbered 1-1million or something like that, why would they put our needs first?

we need to shout louder if we dont want this bracket to drown in imbalance.. i'm trying.
Sylvictus said:
gotta be honest with you chill.

i see this as another guild promo thread , atleast thats the way it works on me . Since you recruited Kuzz , Bromash and Baldi . Which you only just recruited 1½ week ago..

Its been like youve been acting as #1 eu twink guild, and you havent even proved anything yet, other than beating bad horde PuGs..

i know you havent said this , its just the way it seems since uve been over alot of threads here promoteing your guild.

also saying that theres no horde guild out there to field a 10 man premade , just because your guild is active and bla bla bla. is probually the wrong way of doing things.

and i highly doubt that this thread is going to change much.

still recordment to talk with < Better Luck Next Time > since theyve been trying to get some action in EU since they made their guild.

that they were missing 2 players last time you tryed to play them happens .. dosent stop you from trying to play them again, they recruited new players like you have, since the last time, keep that in mind.
totaly wrong here phone we are really trying to get horde active we've been trying to set up a horde guild @ aszune for this reason.

are premade team isnt perfect and tbh it won't be tell we get premades we have spoke to BLNT and they say yeah sure then come game time it just dont happen (not putting BLNT down here your still best horde guilde EU).

you think we'r trying to say we'r no1 ally guilde EU? no we aint saying that stop putting words in are mouth.

P.S. what up with you logging in to aszune and asking for a in look in are gbank?? who died and made you twink guilde inspecter EU?
In my point of view, this thread is not about QITBB promotion at all. Its all about activity and about getting the best out of all those active twink players around. I have like 2-3 whispers every week from other players that consider/plan xfer to us. Theres nothing more behind this, but the activity. And not only that. There are still ppl that appreciate stable guild w/ mature acting guildies. This is what we can offer. And I hope there are more people like that out there, so why not to build a brand new guild based on this? QITBB is just prove that it can be done.

Well one more note about premading. We had few games against RR (not full 10v10 but 8v8 or so) which worked pretty smooth.. on the other hand, when we join in 6+ against some complete pug team, they usually start leaving after our fast cap or two.. which really wont help for instant pops either. So, give it a try, try to focus on premading, twinking always was about a challenge (imo) and this is a big one.

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