Profession progression

So been twinking 19 since vanilla but dropped my P2P account during WTLK. Planning on coming back as hord 20 War but had two questions.

1) progression of professions, what is the best order?

I was thinking, first inscription/herbalism for enchanting vellum (make a bunch), drop for skinning/LW (make a bunch of armor kits), drop for enchanting to enchant current gear + enchant vellums for future , drop for mining/engineering (hord need goggles). I have never done inscription so i have no idea how it works and if it would be worth it or not.

2) so as a former warrior 19 twink i relied on hamstring a lot and was shocked to see it no more at these levels. so i am going to give fury piercing howl a roll but my question is. Any weapons out there that slow an enemy down like the old glacial stone? I looked on thottbot but could not find anything but just thought i would ask
First of all it is pretty easy to level all the profs to 100 so its not that big a deal. I like to start out with skin and herb while I level, and save all the greens/blues I get for when I go to enchant. Don't do enchanting until your bank is full and level it by DEing as much as you can.

Two professions that are useless once you are geared are LW and enchanting. Stack some Medium Armor Kits in the bank along with the enchants and drop them.

Engineering seemed like a waste after going through it for the goggles. Just not enough benefit for tying up a profession.

Inscription is a good one for +5 buff scrolls, but you can go through those pretty fast if you drop herbing.

Just make sure that you have plenty of mats stacked before dropping any profession. I ran short of copper/leather much sooner than I expected.
*One thing I forgot to mention*

Do LW before you do enchanting. You craft a ton of stuff that you can DE into mats. Otherwise it is all wasted.
I leveled Enchanting first. Going to enchant a ton of vellums before dropping it, pick up LW and Skinning, drop them, pick up Engineering and mining for my Crude Scope (this is hunters only), drop it, Engineering, and then pick up herbalism.

Enchanting -> Leatherworking + Skinning -> Engineering + Mining -> Mining + Herbalism
augiddin said:
Maybe alch could be better to end with for pots?

For my hunter the only thing Alch has to offer is the Holy Prot Pot, Swiftness Pot, and Healing Pot. Not sure if it's really worth it.
As far as slowing weapons go, there isn't anything I can see that is available from 1-20. You're also unable to get to the skill required to do an Icy enchant. Hamstring is now at 26 and there doesn't seem to be anything else you can do as a Warrior to slow their movement.

yeh that is the conclusion i came to was hopeing that i missed something. well at least it will be much different that my old 19 twink war :) on my p2p act
Greyy said:
*One thing I forgot to mention*

Do LW before you do enchanting. You craft a ton of stuff that you can DE into mats. Otherwise it is all wasted.

lawl wish I had done this. It's not a big deal for me though, I picked up a lot of greens doing dungeons.
Zuty said:
As far as slowing weapons go, there isn't anything I can see that is available from 1-20. You're also unable to get to the skill required to do an Icy enchant. Hamstring is now at 26 and there doesn't seem to be anything else you can do as a Warrior to slow their movement.


Do you think it's even worth going 20 war? That was gonna be my next f2p.
I would level on killing boars, southpark style, and skinn them. You need insane amounts of leather to get to 100, might as well get XP while farming it. It is also kinda fast, because if you go to the right places the mobs respawn really fast and you have no downtime.

So, IMO, get to lvl 4 and then kill the boars around the quest mob "princes" Do this til level 9 or so (actually goes quite fast) and then just do the quests right around there (in the mine etc), so you ding lvl 10.

When your lvl 10 you should be able to kill the lvl 14+ ish mobs in westfall that you can skin. Farm them untill your level 14 and then go to Redrige and kill the quest Boar there (Bellygrubb I think its called) untill your level 15 (that mob respawns really really fast and drops medium leather).

I did this and got enough leather to go to 100 LW pretty much exactly as I dinged 15. REMEMBER TO KEEP THE LW ITEMS YOU MAKE SO YOU CAN DISENCHANT THEM (and remember to get enough medium leather for minimum 3 medium armor kits).

Drop LW and skinning and pick up enchanting and whatever prof you want. You can now powerlevel enchanting up til around 80 from the LW items alone.

You should now be lvl 15 and can enter dungeons. GOGO, do randoms untill you hit 20, disenchant the stuff that drops (that you done need ofc:p ) and youll easily finish with enchanting.

Your now lvl 20, got fairly good gear and can buy a mount. So farming for gathering profecions should be easy.

I did this and hit 20 after 8 hours /played (and I slacked a bit)
Med'an said:
I would level on killing boars, southpark style, and skinn them. You need insane amounts of leather to get to 100, might as well get XP while farming it. It is also kinda fast, because if you go to the right places the mobs respawn really fast and you have no downtime.

So, IMO, get to lvl 4 and then kill the boars around the quest mob "princes" Do this til level 9 or so (actually goes quite fast) and then just do the quests right around there (in the mine etc), so you ding lvl 10.

When your lvl 10 you should be able to kill the lvl 14+ ish mobs in westfall that you can skin. Farm them untill your level 14 and then go to Redrige and kill the quest Boar there (Bellygrubb I think its called) untill your level 15 (that mob respawns really really fast and drops medium leather).

I did this and got enough leather to go to 100 LW pretty much exactly as I dinged 15. REMEMBER TO KEEP THE LW ITEMS YOU MAKE SO YOU CAN DISENCHANT THEM (and remember to get enough medium leather for minimum 3 medium armor kits).

Drop LW and skinning and pick up enchanting and whatever prof you want. You can now powerlevel enchanting up til around 80 from the LW items alone.

You should now be lvl 15 and can enter dungeons. GOGO, do randoms untill you hit 20, disenchant the stuff that drops (that you done need ofc:p ) and youll easily finish with enchanting.

Your now lvl 20, got fairly good gear and can buy a mount. So farming for gathering profecions should be easy.

I did this and hit 20 after 8 hours /played (and I slacked a bit)

This is gonna be useful for my next toon.

It took me 15 hours /played to hit 20. I've been gone too long :/
You need LW 100 for level 20 mobs, but only 80 for the level 18 mobs you get in WC, and you get a ton of them in there.

To make the enchants for your own gear you're going to need a lot of Greater Magic Essence, and you only get that from DEing weapons, so you'd have to get really lucky on the dungeon drops, as you use a lot of it levelling ench. to 100. Alternatives are doing as much of your engineering leveling making Rough Boomsticks, or flying round all the NPC vendors who have limited stock of green bows, and buying up what you can. I'd recommend making enough scrolls for all the gear you might want for different specs, and a couple extra for stuff that might become available later.

The engineering hat requires that you have engineering 100 to wear it and get the stats from it, so you have to hang onto that skill to use it. You need some leather to make it so skinning should come before eng. (although you could always try fishing wreckage pools and opening chests hoping to get the leather).

I'd say stick with mining and engineering, and put off alchemy, up until you get the fishing hat, then you can drop both without taking a hit to +sta, get your alchemy up and make that your keeper skill (assuming you managed to get a swiftness pot recipe that would be lost if you dropped alch.), and then swap any others around in the spare slot to make yourself consumables / have the mining + stam / herbalism heal / low level eng. for bombs. You don't need 100 for the consumables, so it isn't too much trouble doing a bit of gathering, dropping the skill, then a bit of crafting, and dropping that skill after.
We can use teh flying tiger goggles though im not sure if engineering is required for that a. Alchemy/Herbalism is very nice for ending profs.

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