Problems of majority


I have a thread that I want to share with you concerning this bracket or the people there in. This thread expresses the opinions of a poster you may not agree with. While reading these opinions you may feel inclined to express your own opinions.

Over the course of this thread you may discover that some people agree with your opinions while others disagree. Somewhere along the way some people will decide that this thread is not about opinions; some people will decide that their opinions are facts. A number of individuals will be so impassioned that someone disagrees with them that they will continue to post their personal opinion whenever someone that they don't agree with makes a post. Some will continue to post simply because of the reaction they are getting.

"Popular" posters will decide that they must also post their opinions. Eventually, moderators will be seeing petty reports of "trolling" and step in. People that don't enjoy this sequence of events will post less often, not only in this thread, but in all threads.

This sequence is not the intended outcome of this thread. However, "“Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.” - Bruce Lee

What will the F2P community choose? There is a difference between choosing a path, and walking a path?

"Gamers are like babies, they just want the most feedback. Positive or negative doesn't matter." -Jenova Chen at DICE 2013

In all seriousness, though, I fully agree with the principle of this post. The trends you've described have been making browsing TI less enjoyable recently as I am finding myself in the "people that don't enjoy this sequence of events" category.
You miss one point in there:
People who take objective comments so personally as if the poster tried to rape their mom.

As Jimmy Carr once said "Offense is taken, not given." You can be as neutral as you like if the recipient is a up for trouble.
You miss one point in there:
People who take objective comments so personally as if the poster tried to rape their mom.

As Jimmy Carr once said "Offense is taken, not given." You can be as neutral as you like if the recipient is a up for trouble.

^ A thousand times this.
(Except I actually do rape peoples mom's. I must, I mean, it's the only logical reason behind why people react the way they do.)
"Hell is other people."
Fair words DV, but I think it's important to note that this is not just Limited to TI, it's basically the internet as a whole. People have this false sense of my opinion is fact/more important/all-knowing than the opinions of others. Let's not forget that the internet usually brings total anonymity meaningthat I could essentially curse out anyone and call them rude/degrading names while having no fear of any type of repercussion for my actions besides a temporary ban from a website. Take all of this into consideration and ask yourselves: Can I do basically anything I want on the internet without any fear of punishment? Obviously, Yes. So many people do this, no matter what site they are on.I guess more moderation would be appropriate, but we can't have all the moderators go through every single post on this website expecting them to handle everything.
Fair words DV, but I think it's important to note that this is not just Limited to TI, it's basically the internet as a whole. People have this false sense of my opinion is fact/more important/all-knowing than the opinions of others. Let's not forget that the internet usually brings total anonymity meaningthat I could essentially curse out anyone and call them rude/degrading names while having no fear of any type of repercussion for my actions besides a temporary ban from a website. Take all of this into consideration and ask yourselves: Can I do basically anything I want on the internet without any fear of punishment? Obviously, Yes. So many people do this, no matter what site they are on.I guess more moderation would be appropriate, but we can't have all the moderators go through every single post on this website expecting them to handle everything.

but but i know EVERYTHING about druids !!! and anyone that doesn't stack spirit is mentally disabled and has a hamster for a mother !
It gets tiring, arguing about something with someone that has his mind already made up on the fact that he's right.

But I don't think there's a cure to this curse, we're all just people and we all have certain subjects that we care about more than others and get more passionate about.

Like, if someone told me, X class is bad, because it doesn't do as good as Y, while I personally enjoy playing X and excel on it enough to provide benefit to my BG-group, then I will label that person as ignorant and stupid in my mind and will try to make them realise that under the right conditions any class can add something to the table. This is of course WoW-related but can be applied to many things.

I think most people do that; labeling people in their minds and then reacting accordingly.
First impressions have become so important to human interaction that I don't see a change in how this forum works coming anytime soon.
But one thing people should never forget is, that being polite should not be affected by how you personally see someone, being polite should stem from human respect and that it can go a looong way.

And with this I apologize to the people I might have offended in my couple of latest posts, probably mainly [MENTION=19985]Xaosync[/MENTION]

so you bash someone for actually using their common sense and playing the right class(druid, paladin, hunter) on your warlock when they give you fits that we are getting rolled in the gy by multiple (insert OP class) because we have 5 hipsters with mages and warlocks and contributing absolutely nothing to the team?

If you are going to try to prove something on your warlock, at least roll in a premade, so that the <insert junk spec/class> becomes viable in an organized group. Also, anything is viable if you're chain CCing, focus firing, and sticking together like glue, never getting too far from heals, and running back to your pack if it looks like you might be in danger.
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I didn't answer the OP's question or try to elaborate on it.

my answer was directed at Fujino, in reality Im only trying to help the team.
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It's not worth arguing with you, sorry.
so you bash someone for actually using their common sense and playing the right class(druid, paladin, hunter) on your warlock when they give you fits that we are getting rolled in the gy by multiple (insert OP class) because we have 5 hipsters with mages and warlocks and contributing absolutely nothing to the team?

If you are going to try to prove something on your warlock, at least roll in a premade, so that the <insert junk spec/class> becomes viable in an organized group. Also, anything is viable if you're chain CCing, focus firing, and sticking together like glue, never getting too far from heals, and running back to your pack if it looks like you might be in danger.

I recognize your opinion but respectfully disagree. Just because one class doesn't do as well 1v1 doesn't mean it has no purpose. Keep an open mind, if we were all the same the world would be a boring place.
I recognize your opinion but respectfully disagree. Just because one class doesn't do as well 1v1 doesn't mean it has no purpose. Keep an open mind, if we were all the same the world would be a boring place.

Thought about a post along those lines, but then again, he will just elaborate more on how X class (hunter, druid, rogue, paladin, ...) is better than Y (mage, warlock, shaman, warrior, ...), so why bother.
The OP was talking about trolls, disagreeing with opinions, popular people, how someone will keep thinking their opinion is right(99% of wow community) whatever.

The reason Fujino's post itched me because he would call someone like me an idiot for simply telling him to stop greifing his team. Now I am going off topic completely while we are at it , but this my 3rd post trying to drill into this community's heads how to win and cap your flags.

99% of the community plays for flags-and I have written 3 guides on how to win your flags

And there is no need to explain to me how underpowered warlocks are or how well can they perform in level 20-24 pvp.I have one of my own. Warlocks belong in arenas or must come in a premade to succeed. I hope I got that point across
so you bash someone for actually using their common sense and playing the right class(druid, paladin, hunter) on your warlock when they give you fits that we are getting rolled in the gy by multiple (insert OP class) because we have 5 hipsters with mages and warlocks and contributing absolutely nothing to the team?

If you are going to try to prove something on your warlock, at least roll in a premade, so that the <insert junk spec/class> becomes viable in an organized group. Also, anything is viable if you're chain CCing, focus firing, and sticking together like glue, never getting too far from heals, and running back to your pack if it looks like you might be in danger.

Seriously, nearly all of your posts are telling people to reroll unskilled OP classes and pretty much telling these 'hipsters' (As you call them) to go fuck themselves for playing a class they enjoy.

All classes are useful if played correctly.

I've seen Warlocks solo hunters. Good hunters, too.
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