EU+US Preparation for BFA


I guess someone already made a thread like this but i havnt found it.
I play mainly 19/29 Rogue and 10 Disc.
Is there any special item that you should get/craft before BFA?
Any specific proffesion you should skill before BFA?

I take all the help i can get, thanks.
Get fishing up. At least go to New dal and learn 800 fishing.

Level cooking as high as you care to. Get any recipes you care about above 300.

Bandages are being rolled into tailoring. If you pick up tailoring, you'll know all the bandages out know from first aid. It isn't hard to learn them though, so don't worry much about it.

Engineering to 300 is going to be the shit. Get it to 150 now and buy the mats to get it to 300 once it goes live.

Dungeon satchel items are a bit weird. Some people have been stocking up on them to open after pre patch drops, but im not sure there's any reason to.
You'll want Timbermaw Rep to Honored for the Furbolg Pouch if you havent already got it - Has int / stam stats on PTR and is BiS caster offhand. 21int /10 Stam iirc

Did that yesterday :D

Get fishing up. At least go to New dal and learn 800 fishing.

Level cooking as high as you care to. Get any recipes you care about above 300.

Bandages are being rolled into tailoring. If you pick up tailoring, you'll know all the bandages out know from first aid. It isn't hard to learn them though, so don't worry much about it.

Engineering to 300 is going to be the shit. Get it to 150 now and buy the mats to get it to 300 once it goes live.

Dungeon satchel items are a bit weird. Some people have been stocking up on them to open after pre patch drops, but im not sure there's any reason to.

Skilling fishing and cooking then x)
Dungeon satchel items are a bit weird. Some people have been stocking up on them to open after pre patch drops, but im not sure there's any reason to.

Every reason too - On PTR / Beta a copied Dungeon Satchel will proc an i55 item with stats to match. Happened on two different level 19 toons for me. 1 set of plate boots on my Pala and Cloth wrists on my Lock.

Edit to clarify what I was saying.
Every reason too - On PTR / Beta a copied Dungeon Satchel will proc an i55 item with stats to match. Happened on two different level 19 toons for me. 1 set of plate boots on my Pala and Cloth wrists on my Lock.

Edit to clarify what I was saying.

As stated in my thread, they are the old ilvl before scaling.

ilvl 25 Cloak & Belt
ilvl 35 Gloves & Neck
ilvl 45 Ring & Shoulders
ilvl 55 Boots & Bracers
i mean what could possible go wrong if everyone gonna keep on bringing this up in every thread they see for some ego stroke.

Aye they probs gone lol
As someone that doesn't play ptr/beta and hasn't seen this info elsewhere, this information is incredibly valuable, please keep it up.
Obv I'm going to start saving my chests but if anyone else has any clues whats gona be BiS for my 19 druid that would be legit.
What are the frontrunners for trinkets/jewelry ?
[doublepost=1529784038,1529783247][/doublepost]Found "purjs beta changes compendoum" post contains some very useful info but is 15+ pages long
As someone that doesn't play ptr/beta and hasn't seen this info elsewhere, this information is incredibly valuable, please keep it up.
Obv I'm going to start saving my chests but if anyone else has any clues whats gona be BiS for my 19 druid that would be legit.
What are the frontrunners for trinkets/jewelry ?
[doublepost=1529784038,1529783247][/doublepost]Found "purjs beta changes compendoum" post contains some very useful info but is 15+ pages long

Read it, knowledge is power
As someone that doesn't play ptr/beta and hasn't seen this info elsewhere, this information is incredibly valuable, please keep it up.

post contains some very useful info but is 15+ pages long

No offense but at what point in time do people feel like all the info should be awarded to them by default?
If it is hard for you to spend 10 min scrolling 15 pages do you really believe you deserve the info?

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