PREMADES (ally or horde 24s and 20s, P2P of course)

I can't be bothered to throw together a 19s team when you guys have had months to prepare… and I mean you can't even mount up so I also can't be bothered there. You guys can think what you want of both brackets but the potential is there, just need the numbers on at the same time maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks and we can get some REAL games going… Pretty simple, I also play 90… i take no pride in killing f2ps but i like honor and it's a big part of why i can even play in this bracket so if there apart of it, i really don't mind. I tend to get high and roll bgs for the fun of it 90% of the time, the other 10 is me trying to get a decent pre made together in a bracket that has the numbers. Cool 4-5 buttons 3-4, WHO g.a.f it really doesn't matter, i see it this way, you have less options to escape or survive with less buttons = harder to do sh*t sometimes… I'm not attracted to 19s at all. The future of twinking is 29s, look ahead boys; it's right in front of you. Accept the truth. lol...

If you need an extra DPS let me know. I'd gladly play on any team just to help the game happen. PM me on here if your interested. wish you the best of luck finding premades. if anything maybe we can scrounge up a real id 10 man and play for fun. cheers
SCC is always down for premades :) especially with the little resurrection of our premade team. Hmu via Skype Bradrocks47 for any guilds out there that would want to que a 10 man against us.
SCC is always down for premades :) especially with the little resurrection of our premade team. Hmu via Skype Bradrocks47 for any guilds out there that would want to que a 10 man against us.

I think you forget your that laughin stock of the lowest of low twink brackets.

Go ahead, try and polish a turd.
Compared to a Rated battleground where they put team that are closely to each other Rbg rating together same goes for a 90 Arena.

i will say this much 19s premades are far greater than 24s by a mile. by id say f2p premades > 19s pre made are far better due to restricts and lack of caster burst and f2ps only need few days to get an entire community to premade on arena or battlegrounds and no prize reward is needed other than pride.

but hey best of luck to OP of this thread and best of luck to 19s tourney. I hope both are successful. I have the highest respect for Pony Slaystation Just Fyi.

yeah f2p premades are so great rokkd using p2p enchants on "f2p" hunter yeah yeahXD
Have to admit, Doomchicken, has a positive additude most of the time. Which is more than I can say for a lot the present WoW twink player base.
Keep your chin up and keep having fun!

What is it with any twink bracket thinking they are good when majority never even stepped into a 90 arena or Rbg. I just don't see 15-19 or 20-24 as anything but trash. 24s smash 4-5 buttons - 19s smash 3-4 buttons. 19s can't even mount , plus they only play 1 battleground and don't even attempt to play AB where AB is seen as a challenge controlling and spinning flag and defending. Let's compare to 90s were it takes mere seconds to get a Premades/ Rated Rbg going vs 19s tourney its taken months to coordinate.

It can take up to 30-45 min to gather a viable RBG team together unless you have a dedicated team that runs together like a progression raid group. And when you do gather that team together one loss could spell disaster. The entire team could fall apart. Then you have to spend another 30-45 min looking for the right comp, again...

Then, there is all the cc. As a healer, I do not like being locked out of control of my character for 28 seconds due to chain CCs. Thank goodness Blizzard is finally doing something about it. Albiet nine and a have years too late. The CCs is what ruined RBGs for me. That, and the time sink that it takes to gather a team. But to each their own.
It can take up to 30-45 min to gather a viable RBG team together unless you have a dedicated team that runs together like a progression raid group. And when you do gather that team together one loss could spell disaster. The entire team could fall apart. Then you have to spend another 30-45 min looking for the right comp, again...

Then, there is all the cc. As a healer, I do not like being locked out of control of my character for 28 seconds due to chain CCs. Thank goodness Blizzard is finally doing something about it. Albiet nine and a have years too late. The CCs is what ruined RBGs for me. That, and the time sink that it takes to gather a team. But to each their own.

It isn't about having a full 10 but having an FC and heals and TC . Picking up dps thru Oq or trade channel, is pretty easy just pick them up and ask them to link highest pvp achivement rating. So u know they aren't complete idiots. That the met in getting an RBG group in less than 5-10 mins going. If team fails part that is on lead, just like any Premade/ RBG group.

Just depends if you doing a Rating push RBG, a Prolo or a Yolo. IMO.
some people just aren't good enough to fight fair :/

So they played hunter all through cata... Atrocious!
HB, you are correct. Often a competent FC is the most difficult to locate.
Even YOLOs on OQ can be tough due to the all rage quitting.
Solo queuing as a twink for grins a few times a week is the only way to fly unless you have 3-4 hours to spend a night.

If you need an extra DPS let me know. I'd gladly play on any team just to help the game happen. PM me on here if your interested. wish you the best of luck finding premades. if anything maybe we can scrounge up a real id 10 man and play for fun. cheers

Oh great to hear man, add my real ID when you get the chance! (doom chicken#1517) lmk also with what class you'd prefer to play as most of my roster is very flexible. Yeah we actually ran some 9v9s last night via realid, TONS OF FUN!! Hoping the now positive light being shed on this thread will continue to spark interest in premades!
honeybadger you were god awful at 24s and now that you've hopped to 90 rbgs you think you can cast some sort of skill superiority onto these trashcans when ur really right at home with them ur 90 pls I wanna see rating

good to see doomchicken has made this guild #1 already after defeating all those...other guilds? oh wait...
honeybadger you were god awful at 24s and now that you've hopped to 90 rbgs you think you can cast some sort of skill superiority onto these trashcans when ur really right at home with them ur 90 pls I wanna see rating

good to see doomchicken has made this guild #1 already after defeating all those...other guilds? oh wait...

I don't understand you and your flamming Durr, Honeybadger, don't, care? Like your words don't even hurt because your just so damn spiteful and ignorant to the fact that no one else is here to talk smack, TI mods please do us the favor of banning this fool. deleting what guilds, other guilds what? Your pulling random crap out ur arse for the sole purpose of trying to prove a point that you yourself only cares about. Thanks once again for investing your life into trying to put down on others who wouldn't snoop down to such a low level as to attempt to get back at you. Your scum man, no one needs your crap.
If you need an extra DPS let me know. I'd gladly play on any team just to help the game happen. PM me on here if your interested. wish you the best of luck finding premades. if anything maybe we can scrounge up a real id 10 man and play for fun. cheers

Id love to support any future Real id Premades, if you ever need people Justpwn or Doomchicken . Contact me Honeybadger#1754 either horde or ally side

Good job to mods assisting OP on keeping thread clean and positive. Keep up the good work Doomchicken

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