Seriosly the 20-24 bracket was much better without the unlimited trial.

Now with all you kids "twinking" you all want to spend your spare time trolling the real twinks of the brackets(24s). Blizz should seriosuloy bring back the 10 day trial
O so u are trying to recruit more 24 s because you are the one 24 who has 14 deaths
Harleybow said:
I could of linked this one but it was started in the right section.

@OP read them 2 links and look for more topics just like them. Should keep you busy for a few weeks.

fpadre said:
Why are all the trials 20s trying to troll me?

Tell me what is wrong with posting 24 stuff in the free to play bracket? not just cause its against the rules but the reason behind it

You will have to ask a admin/mod. Others have asked the same question.
fpadre said:
Why are all the trials 20s trying to troll me?

Tell me what is wrong with posting 24 stuff in the free to play bracket? not just cause its against the rules but the reason behind it

Any 20 is trying to troll you, you are the troll here. "FREE to play" , are you F2P? Then? Question solved.

Maybe you are 13 years old, and your parents understand that they must pay wow for you coz you must do something in your free time but some people here are workers who don't want to waste money on wow.

Okay dude you will pwn all 20s with your Super Real Twink 24, we understood it.

Now stop trolling the forum, hey, if possible heh? ;)
reported all the 20s trolls. Seriosly free to play bracket is 20-24 right. Yes see the 24 after the dash? thats a 24, Twenty four. its the number after 23. its the number before 25. its has 2 tens and 4 1s. now stop trying to troll me
fpadre said:
reported all the 20s trolls. Seriosly free to play bracket is 20-24 right. Yes see the 24 after the dash? thats a 24, Twenty four. its the number after 23. its the number before 25. its has 2 tens and 4 1s. now stop trying to troll me

You mean this 10101111?

PD: Tell me how much stats have you got, im sure that my 20 paladin have more than your 24 ;)

PD2: Eres español? Por el nombre lo parece...Tio estas dando pena enserio deja de postear porque todos se estan riendo en tu cara haha.
@ poster above me your obviously trolling

and about stats i have way more intellect that you in wow and in real life to figure out that 24s are in the free to play bracket
fpadre said:
i have way more intellect that you in wow and in real life to figure out that 24s are in the free to play bracket

Doh, ofc they are in this bracket but they aren't F2P right? its what this forum is about, your intellect sunk by a million here not understanding it :D
angry f2p trials are angry because they get pwned by 24s then come to forums and troll me. like i said angry trolls are angry

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