Post a pic of your/another guild

I agree - the wrong lays totally on the other forum users, and not on Azol. I mean - it's not like the whole twinkinfo intepreted it that way, huh?

well they were obviously wrong, just hold on let me get that quote for you so you understand what he meant and yes, Stubs said "OMFG U HAVE 1 WEK TIME TO PROVE U POREMADE OR U DODGE" and you judge HSA 'cause I had to make swift decisions about if we can premade in 1 week or not and of course I didn't want to premade next week before I had talked about the situation over with my A-teamers and set some practise dates so they would know FC routes, coordinated game play and such but if someone gives you timetable of 1 week time to get shit in order I rather take "dodge" for not being able to get all my players together in week than go in "half-armed" vs players that premade often in skype
do I really need to get the post that Azol made and quote him so that it is understood for everyone that he was talking about a future premade not "OMFG JUST GET 10 RANDOM HSA IN SAME PREMADE AND GOGOOGOGO" god, how many times I need to explain this, you still clung onto this even though I explained it to Stubs & also in two different threads

it wasn't what azol said, it was the way he said it.

he came back telling us how we're all noobs, how he and his mates was the second coming of jesus and he was going to prove it...... then bam *tail between legs*.
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I believe you and I meant no harm towards you, just rly want some games going =/. TL had 12 guys online at the same point few days ago, yet had a hard time getting pops as alliance is dying it seems like(we ended up playing 3s, some of the games got frapsed and thrown in a lil video by nazzr Nzzr - 19 Windwalker Monk // 3v3 Arena - YouTube), so Im working on yet another shaman to help alliance out.
Hope some other guild takes on the alliance torch and just try and get some activity back up.

Fuck that looks entertaining. Sorry bout the slow reply, had to watch the whole thing.

I miss those arenas so much, was basically all I played 19 for... <3Skirmish<3. The burst in that video reminds me of running Ret Ret in wotlk lol :D.

You guys seem to have a lot of fun, monk looks really interesting to play - slightly weak on the defensive maybe, but the mobility is off the scale! Hardly see anything in BGs other than the random brewmaster monk throwing a million stacks of barrels at me.

Man, let me know next time you set up some 3s, I'd love to see if I can get 3 decent people online to wargame vs you guys ^^

PS: GJ Nzzr :)
Yes im sure u will translate the swedish to me being a native swede =) Trust me the log between stubs and azol does not really put Azol in the best light. And not like all this old stuff matters, the fact is there is no premade despite what he said and despiting having a opposing team ready :). Tbh we should focus on getting normal pops now considering there seem to be lacking alliance :)

Don't try to pull yourself out of this you fucking spineless dick, the conversation was about the premade between me Stubs and Imnotwinked if you don't know the truth about anything keep your mouth shut your ignorance is unbelieveble, add me on skype to know what you are talking about I will send you the whole conversation so the next time you open your mouth you are gonna say something else than your stupid ignorant lies and the conversation is in understandable English so I don't need to explain anything to you in your native tongue
well they were obviously wrong, just hold on let me get that quote for you so you understand what he meant and yes, Stubs said "OMFG U HAVE 1 WEK TIME TO PROVE U POREMADE OR U DODGE" and you judge HSA 'cause I had to make swift decisions about if we can premade in 1 week or not and of course I didn't want to premade next week before I had talked about the situation over with my A-teamers and set some practise dates so they would know FC routes, coordinated game play and such but if someone gives you timetable of 1 week time to get shit in order I rather take "dodge" for not being able to get all my players together in week than go in "half-armed" vs players that premade often in skype

As an outsider, I don't know what has been said and what has not. All I know is that Azol seemed pretty confident when he challenged the whole community for a premade. It also seems very illogical if TL would only give you one week, seeing as they actively are scouting for an opponent (and has done for a month) to face in a premade.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to make it look like HSA dodged or anything like that, I just calmly and helpfully explained to Lindenkron what Nicozy was talking about.
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still on your heartful resignation post

that was about not posting on TI. and obviously i failed

but while you're there you could explain all the stuff in that thread that DIDNT happen.....
that was about not posting on TI. and obviously i failed

but while you're there you could explain all the stuff in that thread that DIDNT happen.....

nah first I make sure that you get to hear it by your own words that you quited before you get to edit them so you can actually move on with your life and stop haunting these forums about 19 bracket that you don't want/are not a part of, in your own words you are one of the has beens goodbye
nah first I make sure that you get to hear it by your own words that you quited before you get to edit them so you can actually move on with your life and stop haunting these forums about 19 bracket that you don't want/are not a part of, in your own words you are one of the has beens goodbye

let me help you

Originally Posted by Ownaque

Just keep in mind that for being 1# you have to prove what you got "physical" in game, and not vocal on some random forum or in /bg chat.

so when you gonna start?

ya know scratch that. there's no one left on ti worth flaming, just kids who get way to serious about pixels.

all the trolling i've done was to get life back in the bracket, and i meant no harm. i've realized this bracket needs a undertaker, not a saint :p

BB TI o/

disclaimer: i care about leaving as much as i expect you to care that i've gone :)

Last edited by The Saint; 11-24-2012 at 08:19 AM.

like i said it was about not posting on TI. check last edit, i'm a saint, saints dont lie​
edit: mod please change it to [EU]/[US] :))))))))))))))))))

Done. :)

If you ever want changes like that, report your own post with a message of what you need or send me a PM, only saw this by accident. ^^

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