Post a pic of your/another guild

oh yeah man dont trust statistics just see who is constantly lookin for competition and whos running away from it ;)

Who's running away from it? I just recently got back into 19 so I don't really know who you're referring to. I'm just saying, that from the few games I've played - that is my experience. That and the fact that alliance keeps having 6-7 rogues and horde keeps having 5 man premades... meh :>
You are funny, even dodgin the dodge :D
Ah well.

Huh? Could you just tell me what the hell is going on - I'm so confused right now... I've been in a lot of BGs and there aren't any alliance twink guilds atm that have enough active players to actually pull of 10 mans. So who is running away?

I'm not dodging, I really have no freaking clue what you're on about.

You seem like the one dodging my request for answers here, if anyone is dodging anything.

Either spill your beans or don't expect a reply from me - because this is getting tedious.
Huh? just holla at Azol for me bro im sure he will enlighten you yo.
Getting tedious yo, lets get some premades going EU <3 :)

Azol? He haven't been on in like a week, so that's quite hard... I guess you won't ever tell me. Ah well, keep your dirty little secrets, who cares anyway! QQ
I've been in a lot of BGs and there aren't any alliance twink guilds atm that have enough active players to actually pull of 10 mans. So who is running away?

he knows that.... why do you think he's asking. he knows there is no alli guild so he can just talk shit
he knows that.... why do you think he's asking. he knows there is no alli guild so he can just talk shit

Appears to be the same issues twinking have been battling for years. At least on EU side. Hence all the Battlegroup hopping from various 19s throughout vanilla/bc/wotlk - always searching for that battlegroup with a good ally AND horde guild of 19s.
He is referring to the TL-HSA premade that never went down

He's gonna be looking a long time for a HSA premade lol.

So far I've been in this guild for little over a week, and there's max 3 online. One of which is TD who due to obvious reasons isn't really proper material for a premade.

Then there's Roula... I can get myself online and maybe Bláckoút... 3 man in a premade...

I'm sorry, I didn't know that there were any other guild that had scheduled a premade vs TL.

Must've been before I re-activated my account.
He's gonna be looking a long time for a HSA premade lol.

So far I've been in this guild for little over a week, and there's max 3 online. One of which is TD who due to obvious reasons isn't really proper material for a premade.

Then there's Roula... I can get myself online and maybe Bláckoút... 3 man in a premade...

...and yet Azol publically here on twinkinfo challenged any guild to take on HSA...
I'm sorry, I didn't know that there were any other guild that had scheduled a premade vs TL.

do I really need to get the post that Azol made and quote him so that it is understood for everyone that he was talking about a future premade not "OMFG JUST GET 10 RANDOM HSA IN SAME PREMADE AND GOGOOGOGO" god, how many times I need to explain this, you still clung onto this even though I explained it to Stubs & also in two different threads
why do you keep posting here? I thought you quited and made it clear that you don't want to be part of this community

1: this is a public forum

2: link where i said i quit, i said i aint Qing 19s atm.

i'm very sorry i picked on your friends. but your friends annoy me, you actually dont, but you take my posts way to seriously mate. if you dont like them report me and/or put me on ignore, i couldn't careless
do I really need to get the post that Azol made and quote him so that it is understood for everyone that he was talking about a future premade not "OMFG JUST GET 10 RANDOM HSA IN SAME PREMADE AND GOGOOGOGO" god, how many times I need to explain this, you still clung onto this even though I explained it to Stubs & also in two different threads

I agree - the wrong lays totally on the other forum users, and not on Azol. I mean - it's not like the whole twinkinfo intepreted it that way, huh?
1: this is a public forum

2: link where i said i quit, i said i aint Qing 19s atm.

i'm very sorry i picked on your friends. but your friends annoy me, you actually dont, but you take my posts way to seriously mate. if you dont like them report me and/or put me on ignore, i couldn't careless

I am not offended that you "pick on" my friends, I am just very confused why you keep writing here since I got the picture that you don't want to do anything with the 19 bracket or its community, gonna go search if I can find that quote before you get to edit it

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