Possible "under powered" 10 v 10s

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Skipping an intro story and just getting to the point I would like to see if there is any interest in lvl 19, 10v10 wargames with less FOTM classes and more “UP” classes. If you are dreaming of the day where u can play an aflic lock/ ret pally / or holy priest and not be get yelled at for it here’s your chance.
Composition rules.
FC- Prot Warrior or Prot Pally
H1- Rshaman , Disc priest , Hpriest , Rdruid, Mw Monk, Hpally
H2- Hpriest , Rdruid, Mw Monk, Hpally
H3- Hpriest , Rdruid, Mw Monk, Hpally
Special Rule: You may only have one Rdruid or Mw monk, That means every team must have a Hpally or Hpriest.
D 1->6 – Warlocks, Mages, enh and ele shamans, ww monks , spriests, sub rogue, assas rogue, ret and prot paladins, fury warrior, Marks hunter
Special Rules: No more than 1 of any spec.
Special Rules: If you take Fury warrior you cant take WW monk
Possible fun Rule: every team must either have a Spriest or Fire mage

So anyways That’s the idea, No rules are final . If you would be interested go ahead and mark it on the survey .If you have any suggestions let me know in comments. I’m just trying to gage the interest in this type of thing.
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May want to exclude disc if you are only considering underpowered classes. And not considering whatever "AIDSy" classes is defined as.
By the way, healing is tough at level 10. A lot tougher than DPSing.
Good luck!

May want to exclude disc if you are only considering underpowered classes. And not considering whatever "AIDSy" classes is defined as.
By the way, healing is tough at level 10. A lot tougher than DPSing.
Good luck!

I guess the title can be a little miss leading but this is for lvl 19s not tens . the 10v10 is for wargames , I guess I could have worded it better though.

On the note of allowing 1 disc or rshaman, I hope that it will keep the mid fights alive a little longer while also encouraging teams to strategically target them with either cc or interrupts.

In the same way I feel like having a limited number of classes like fury warrior (which can actualy do a LOT of single target damage) will encourage teams to prioritize controlling them.

over all I just want to see some rarely played specs get some love and to see something other than the standard dot everything and burst 1 target meta that basically rules the bracket.
why are you making threads about me?

Demo+Affliction or ret+ww
S priest
Mm hunter
Arc mage
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[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Hpal[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Mw[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Holy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Destro[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Demo+Affliction or ret+ww
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]S priest[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Enh/ele[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Mm hunter[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Arc mage[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]


Suprised by the Intrest lately . I get internet some time this week so Maybey next weekend I'll try and make something happen . Just make sure to either like te original post or vote yes if you want me to try and get u involved . (Assuming I don't end up makking some sort of sign up thing )
Suprised by the Intrest lately . I get internet some time this week so Maybey next weekend I'll try and make something happen . Just make sure to either like te original post or vote yes if you want me to try and get u involved . (Assuming I don't end up makking some sort of sign up thing )

I got a ret paladin, prot paladin FC, and a shadow priest ready to go.
I've been waiting for a good opportunity to dust off my hpal! I love this idea and wouldn't mind temporarily respeccing ol' Drugs into shadow to join the cause! I miss the days when creating a spirit set on a priest was actually viable... lol. Staff of the Friar will always be the goat in my heart.

We've been trying to regulate acceptance into GG 19 based on class due to overcrowding of certain specs *cough* druids *cough* warriors *cough* so I definitely must admit it gets annoying have to play against an army of FOTM characters every game. I would love to see some competition utilizing the underplayed classes! Cheers mate!

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