Possible new bug to basically give you a super timewalking dungeon '100% drop rate'


So I came across this on accident, I'm in the process of testing this out more and hoping others can help me test it as well. Yesterday I really needed a timewalking weapon for my newer time so after the boss that dropped it didn't drop it for me I just decided to force close the game, I don't think this can be done on any last bosses btw. So after doing that I get on later today to notice that I'm still in the dungeon and it has been reset, at first I'm thinking mmm maybe it just put me into the normal version but no it dropped timewalking gear and the currency. Here is the buggy part every boss dropped something, so I think it might mess with how the loot tables work. Maybe this can also be done in normal dungeons as well for socketed gear.

If you wanna help test just do what I did and check back on your character after an hour. Let me know what happens I just did a 2nd run and it was successful
You only need to wait 30 minutes for the instance to reset once you leave it.
The way I do it is I park two or more characters in instances that I want to farm trinkets from and just go through them, which leaves less time waiting around for an instance to reset.
when you log back in for this trick and are in the instance alone, does Ooze still not give its broken bonus dmg, or does it go back to broken scaling since you arent in an scaled group anymore
Hopefully newer people can use this to get their weapons at least. took forever for my 2nd fury warrior to get just one tw 2h weapon but parking it made getting the 2nd way less painful lol
Basically I had a couple characters camped inside different tbc tw dungeons to carry my level 1 twink, and I noticed that even tho it's a different tw event this week the dungeon is staying in tw as long as my character is camped inside. I know I posted similar maybe a month or so ago but this is really cool because it means that if you miss a trinket, or weapon or whatever you need you can just stay inside long after the tw event is over to keep farming it.
Sometimes you will lose the saves. We can expect this happen at some patch days, but i lost all mine ~2 weeks ago, close to lunar event start.
I had an odd event where one of my character stayed in it's TW dungeon and the other did not.
I think the only difference between the two was I had logged into one of them during the week, and the other I did not.

So just a data point, but maybe you need to log into the character at least once a week for them to keep them in the dungeon. The exception being on patch days, I think that's almost guaranteed to boot you out of the dungeon.
Yeah I noticed something like this being possible when legion was just up and really shit servers or something because eventually I couldn’t use my actions even if /reloading

So maybe I force shut downed or afk’d and came back to my own personal dungeon, I’m pretty sure I was in the dungeon still but maybe my game froze and logged me out, either way I can back after a bit of time and killed some stuff and got drops when usually I would get like nothing but time warped badges so maybe this can be exploited yes

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