But if you think about it. isn't AGM just a better version of dranei healing racial?
I put worgen but I think Draenei compliments the new warrior playstyle these days. Moving fast and sticking to a single target used to be important but with rend being so strong now the dreanei racials compliment staying alive and higher rend damage better.
human is probably the worst race there's just not good trinkets to wear. AGM isn't a great trinket now that PvP trinkets give useful stats.
female dwarves doesn't exist lolBut honestly I am a fan of female Dwarf,
Dwarf / night elf (atleast after they fix shadowmeld) are the best choices right now with the way warrior plays.
did they fix the panda racial? I remember it used to miss/get dodged like 60% of the time in mop.