Please explain "sitting out" to me

Gradico il vino fatto dalle rotture dei bambini sedentari!
While I am taking notes on your wine suggestions, can we not hijack this thread? If you'd like to have a wine discussion please make a thread about it in the tavern (then let me know where I can find it :p). Thanks.

Wineheals said:
adds to a spectacular finish...

LOL! I had a friend just the other day offer me a red (edit: turns out it was a blend of Cabernet, Merlot, and Zinfandel -- I had to look it up) with what he claimed was the "best finish ever". I was like, "a finish?" And I'll be daggone, he was right.

Back on topic, I think the "sitting out" thing would happen in larger brackets if they had started out small when the no-XP patch hit. One of the reasons you see it in the midbrackets is that players tend to twink multiple brackets there, and bring that standard with them. Last year, the 39 bracket grew to the point that its numbers rivaled that of the shrinking (at the time) 19 bracket, and the 39 bracket maintained its sit-out standard for the most part. 19s quickly regained their numbers after the No-XP patch, and by the time the 60 and 70 brackets got moved to XP-off, battlegroups were merging which in turn kept those populations up.

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