Honestly in my experience, just keep at it. I'm a little body dysmorphic from looking up to jacked bodybuilders that get paid to work out and are loaded up with tren, so I'm super sensitive when I notice my physique change. I'm 31 and like 175 right now, hate how I look. Been told by most folks my age that I still look really good though?? Been an avid lifter since college (oh fuck, its been over 10 years now )
Definitely notice shit sticking around longer and higher body fat percentage and just overall not burning as many calories a day due to having a desk job, responsibilities, etc.
I might post some pics but I don't really have before/afters because I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life lol Still feel really good for my age though, everything works well and feels good so I think I'm doing something right. I know the sauce isn't helping me out at all but who's going to turn down beers with the boys?