Perfect 39 BoA armories?

cologne said:
Im looking for perfect lvl39 armories with all BoA equipment.


Having all BOA gear isn't always the best for every class which is properly twinked at 39.
cologne said:
blood tinged armor with +6 stats

+6agi = 6agi

18str+6str = 24str

18sta+6sta = 24sta

polished breastplate of valor with +4 stats

+4agi = 4agi

14str+4str = 18str

14sta+4sta = 18sta

13 critrating = 1.56% crit

so basically you here trade 2agi, 6str, 6sta for +1.56% crit.

Or you could be alliance and get fkall because alliance does not get an awesome chest >.<
cologne said:
blood tinged armor with +6 stats

+6agi = 6agi

18str+6str = 24str

18sta+6sta = 24sta

polished breastplate of valor with +4 stats

+4agi = 4agi

14str+4str = 18str

14sta+4sta = 18sta

13 critrating = 1.56% crit

so basically you here trade 2agi, 6str, 6sta for +1.56% crit.

blood-tinged is 12 str 18 stam


6 agi

18 str

24 stam

vs boa chest with +3 stats (+4 is 30+ now)

+3agi = 3agi

14str+3str = 17str

14sta+3sta = 17sta

13 critrating = 1.56% crit

i trade 3 agi 1 str 7 stam for 13 crit rating. Imo, 1 point of crit rating = 1 point of stam or str. Agi is worth even less than those, so I would benefit from getting it.
Mortox said:
Or you could be alliance and get fkall because alliance does not get an awesome chest >.<

alliance is actually a better choice if youre making a warrior now w/ golden scale boots/racials/boa chest or robes of the lich
+100 health is player level > 30, I would imagine that +4 stats was changed to also be. So both should be applicable to the BOA chests, a player only gaining the bonus once they level to 30, 35 respectively. Never heard about the +4 stats change. Seems like a crappy bug, as that's also the level when +6 stats becomes available but for item level not player level, which is weird.

PS - if you put lich robes in a warrior guide as a valid slot piece you should at least mention Quillward Harness. Actually - just remove lich robes :/
Sockdolager said:
+100 health is player level > 30, I would imagine that +4 stats was changed to also be. So both should be applicable to the BOA chests, a player only gaining the bonus once they level to 30, 35 respectively. Never heard about the +4 stats change. Seems like a crappy bug, as that's also the level when +6 stats becomes available but for item level not player level, which is weird.

PS - if you put lich robes in a warrior guide as a valid slot piece you should at least mention Quillward Harness. Actually - just remove lich robes :/

BOA items can only receive enchants that lvl 1 items can get


64 armor

6 str

6 agi (.47% crit)

19 stam

14 crit rating (1.67% crit)


122 armor

12 str

4 stam

23 agi (1.8% crit)

ROTL - 15 stam, .34% crit

Quillward - 90 armor, 6 str, .58% dodge

Id still rather have rotl, especially since stacking health is the only way youre going to stay alive very long in a bg
Powerglove said:
did you take a break from wow? i havent seen you posting in a while

been relatively low on activity lately, moving, reallife and stuff. now im putting some energy into making my GF approve of the fact that i like playing wow. (she hates it because she thinks it makes everyone into nolifers). i gotta agree with one thing she says and that is im getting more aggressive while playing pvp in wow. funny to acknowledge. yeah its true, i dont want to be disturbed while playing pvp! i just block out everything right then.

this im writing while sitting out on the balcony drinking beer with her and some friends. and that would be enough of my personal life on forums for a while.. :p
cologne said:
Im looking for perfect lvl39 armories with all BoA equipment.

I'm sorry I did not mean to pose a question that would change the subject on your post so much. It seems some boa items are not best as of right now in some cases. Your welcome to look up my paladin if you like his names the same as the one I'm posting with he isn't finished but he uses boa's currently until he can get those last few items with the 0.1% drop rates.

In the future I think some specs will be gaining a descent buff from the introduction of more boa gear some of the others offer some nice benefits for other classes. True none of them may be absolute best in slot but they will make a nice substitute until you get that last drop.
cologne said:
been relatively low on activity lately, moving, reallife and stuff. now im putting some energy into making my GF approve of the fact that i like playing wow. (she hates it because she thinks it makes everyone into nolifers). i gotta agree with one thing she says and that is im getting more aggressive while playing pvp in wow. funny to acknowledge. yeah its true, i dont want to be disturbed while playing pvp! i just block out everything right then.

this im writing while sitting out on the balcony drinking beer with her and some friends. and that would be enough of my personal life on forums for a while.. :p

its understandable. pvp can be rage-inducing sometimes

I do have a goldminers helm and a 12/12 hat as well as a lot of other rings enchanted weapons and ranged
Powerglove said:

64 armor

6 str

6 agi (.47% crit)

19 stam

14 crit rating (1.67% crit)


168 armor

12 str

4 stam

23 agi (1.8% crit, 1.5% dodge)

ROTL - 15 stam, .34% crit

Quillward - 136 armor, 6 str, 1.05% dodge

Im not saying that Quillward is a great chest for warriors, but it is certainly better than the lich robes. I think it is absolutely nutters to presume to gear defensively by wearing cloth. Additionally it has zero AP.

cloth chest

no AP

1.67% crit

as a warrior. If you can justify that as proper gearing when SM chest Blood tinged armor exist than you can justify:


also - why can't this be used on BOA chests?
+100 health
Sockdolager said:
Im not saying that Quillward is a great chest for warriors, but it is certainly better than the lich robes. I think it is absolutely nutters to presume to gear defensively by wearing cloth. Additionally it has zero AP.

cloth chest

no AP

1.67% crit

as a warrior. If you can justify that as proper gearing when SM chest Blood tinged armor exist than you can justify:


also - why can't this be used on BOA chests?
+100 health

It doesn't matter than rotl dont have AP since you can itemize for more it elsewhere. The stat differences I listed for both items are what they are. Quillward has more agi (dodge) and armor, rotl has more crit and stam. Dodge and armor are useless vs half of the classes youre facing.

I can't justify using Glowing Eye of Mordresh over Medal of Courage because the stats aren't better. 11 crit rating is not better than 9 stam 20 AP

100 health can't be used on the boa chest because it requires 30+ and it's only a level 1 item.

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