@People intending to quit due to PTR

LoL, Ya I generally sneak things in as well. and I have been known to leach off other peoples internet when mine wasnt set up or down.

What would I cut out?? well...

1) buy cheaper brand foods (everyone has there preferences)

2) television

3) buy my dog cheaper dog food (atm he gets semi spoiled)
Gotta say after today even though I'm still kind of pissed at the lack of communication, I'm looking forward to the next patch a bit now. Just played my untwinked 19 mage that I keep around for fun, and had a few good games. He was useful, even if he did get two-shot. xD

As for budgeting and cutting unnecessary things...

Right now I live with my parents in a godawful small town. The downside is there is not much to do at all, the up side is I have nothing to spend my money on. Means I can save quite well to move and do my post-grad diploma next year.

While I was living out of home however there was a period where I was living on $150 a week. $100 of that was rent, $15 went towards bills, $10 was for buses and $20 was food. I'd try to keep $5 spare a week to cover any extra costs.

I learned a lot of tricks on how to pay as little as possible while I was doing that. If I needed to go somewhere I'd try to organise it so I had the time to walk instead of bus. All of my housemates were pretty strapped for cash though I was the worst, so we were all keen to find cheap places to get groceries - we'd go to vegetable stores, figure out the best times for things to be marked down etc etc...

We didn't buy snack foods, other than cheap plain biscuits. It was much cheaper to cook a batch of muffins or biscuits or whatever than buy them.

I didn't eat out. I didn't play WoW at the time. I couldn't even go to see a movie at the $5 cinema because chances were I'd need that money.

The worst thing about being that broke is it makes it hard to look for a job. Printing out resumes, travel costs etc...very difficult.

I'm kind of proud that I managed to keep on top of things though. Got a lot of life experience out of it that quite a few people my age wouldn't have. xD

Of course, if we hadnt' been splitting costs between us for groceries and bills I would have been screwed. It's way more expensive living in a share house where everyone pays for their own bits and pieces.
Megamann, maybe you live in a country with 2 dollar theathers, but here, they all closed downs. same goes for the arcades, yep all 3 of them, same goes for the bowlings the baseball teams and about all places i know where i used to have fun with friends.

you know the value of a dollar huh... good for you, doesn't take a physic education to know what it is to live barely. i've came down a lot in my life and i'm 28, still living, and still finding time for WoW. not to mention the only entertainement i can get around here. if i had choice in the matter, which i do... i'd cancel my telephone, my internet my wow account my car, my insurances and my computer ! i'd be able to live a little bit better if not at my best. but with all that, i still find time and money to pay for my bills even if it costes me a bit of my freedom each months.

as for you, it seems to me more like you don't want to then a necessity.

you said you had better things to do then pay for wow by climbing activities and all that outside stuff. so i doubt it to be anything about money, i'd say more like switching entertainement. i'd do the same if i had 1 half of what you described. unfortunetly i don't ! as for those free games, why do you think i'm coming back to WOW everytimes ?

none gets me that much fun. i've tryed about all games i could. but i'm still here on wow.

all in all, each region has its own economy, each cities have their own ways. we shouldn't speak of what we don't know of others. all that matters is that we do take the time to live our lives as we want it to.
I really want to reply to you seriously, but I'm guessing English isn't your first language, and really don't want to offend you.
.....Not sure how that applys but it really is diffrent.

Dallas vs Arlington vs Grapevine vs Justin, If you don't live in/near Texas you have no idea wtf im talking about so...lets make it overall.

Each city is pretty close, but they are very diffrent in there style, cost, people, etc.

Just because we all live in the country or even the same State, doesn't mean everything is similar which I believe his one of his main points.

What I got out of his third paragraph is, to him it seems more like you just don't want to pay for WoW any more and do some other form of entertainment, moreso than having to cut back to that point.

I didn't find his post that hard to read, mabye you were making a joke and I missed it, I dunno w/e the case hope this helps ;)
I appreciate the translation.

I definitely understand things are different city to city, state to state, country to country. I guess I don't really see his point however if the discussion is about quitting for economical reasons. Basically he is saying he plays WoW because there are zero forms of alternative entertainment (I find that really hard to believe, but I'll go with it) in the place his lives. Regardless of that fact if I were to live in one of those places and needed to cut back costs quitting WoW would save 15 bucks a month regardless of what other cheaper forms of entertainment may or may not be available.

From the sounds of it some of you guys are arguing that it's just 15 bucks a month and anyone can afford it if they bother to entertain themselves. My point being that there is almost always something you can do that is cheap or free entertainment. I'll will say WoW is cheap entertainment though which makes it a lot easier to justify paying the 15 bucks a month over a lot of other stuff.
Which just prooved what i was saying...

its not a necessity as "YOU THINK" there is better forms of entertainement.

thus between WoW and the other outdoor entertainement, you prefer to go outside !

not like i condonned that, i'd prefer to go outside myself and thats why when my friends do ask me to come out with them, i usually ditch wow right away ! but its all a question of opinion at that point !

i wasn't against you all along, i was just against the saying that you were forced to do that !

cause nobody is ever forced to that one thing !

even if you were in the street once.
Druiddroid said:
movement > phatnumberz

most burst abilities have cooldowns and are either instant melee or ranged and take cast time. awareness and movement skills can counter that.

also, at 49 there aren't ways of countering forms of burst already, at least in terms of rogues.


i had a twink 49 rogue, IMO....shammies shine in this bracket. shammies where able to survive the bursts and with less than 25% health comeback and turn the table on me. Palidans and warriors, where hard to deal with 1 vs 1, 60% of the time they won the fight. rare surv-spec hunters where extremely hard to deal with as rogue. i had 17000 kills when i left, my reason was the shammies. the number of shammies rolled in 49 BGs is like hunters in 19 and 29. there is a reason other than they can now DW weapons.
You guys sure do know how to derail threads. I was looking forward to 5 pages of discussion on this topic and half of it was about biscuits and movies.

But Blizzard is a money machine, and they are attacking this in the most straightforward way they can, by making the most powerful twink in any bracket, the twink with the most BOA items ONLY attainable through their latest expansion. Can you say money hungry!?s

Most people that play already have BC and LK. Some don't, most do. That's not Blizz being money hungry and making everyone buy LK to survive as twinks.

Twinking certainly will become cheaper in most brackets.

This is what I'm looking forward to.

I noticed, though, that nobody in this thread said anything about quitting once 3.1 launches. I remember in the polls that quite a few said they'd be leaving, but who? Are any of you going to head out after 3.1? If so, will you be leaving WoW or just twinking?
Velocemorte said:
I noticed, though, that nobody in this thread said anything about quitting once 3.1 launches. I remember in the polls that quite a few said they'd be leaving, but who? Are any of you going to head out after 3.1? If so, will you be leaving WoW or just twinking?

I won't quit immediately as there are still other things for me to do in WoW. But not being able to twink anymore (if that should happen by forced XP) will shorten my remaining WoW time by a large amount. If no XP should happen then there is still the issue with class balance. If it stays like it is now i.e. hunters dominating everything in a really obscene way then i will try to find my pvp fun somewhere else in WoW but i am not sure if i will find it. To make it short: i am pissed off right now because Blizz doesn't tell us where the twink train is heading to. I just want to know so i don't waste any more time. I just want a defined and secure PVP environment with set rules and a more or less static "best gear". That would make me a satisfied customer (like i was before).
shanker said:
i had a twink 49 rogue, IMO....shammies shine in this bracket. shammies where able to survive the bursts and with less than 25% health comeback and turn the table on me. Palidans and warriors, where hard to deal with 1 vs 1, 60% of the time they won the fight. rare surv-spec hunters where extremely hard to deal with as rogue. i had 17000 kills when i left, my reason was the shammies. the number of shammies rolled in 49 BGs is like hunters in 19 and 29. there is a reason other than they can now DW weapons.

i was just saying rogue because they are sometimes in stealth and you can't avoid their burst. sure, if you wear mail and can come back with lucky crits or wear plate you could beat a rogue, but otherwise you better have either lots of stamina or your trinket up.
Druiddroid said:
i was just saying rogue because they are sometimes in stealth and you can't avoid their burst. sure, if you wear mail and can come back with lucky crits or wear plate you could beat a rogue, but otherwise you better have either lots of stamina or your trinket up.

49 resto druid here. I can vouche for this. If I anticipate a rogue fight I can easily survive (and usually win 1v1s) by going into bear, FFing him, and nature's grasp. Once he sprint I can follow that up with a warstomp+roots+roots and by that time I can cat form / stealth, open on him. By the time I do my cat rotation, the DMR on roots has passed and I can reroot him.

If he gets the jump on me in caster or travel forms, though, I'll heavily rely on my CDs (Trinket, Barkskin, and sometimes Tidal Charm) to even have a chance.

There was an approximately one month period where I ran into nothing but enhancement shaman and one-GCD rogues. Many of them GY camped in our GY, not down below. This made me stop playing my druid for a while. I don't think I can ever quit him all together, though. And as far as the 3.1 changes go (mainly talent changes as I don't get a gigantic stam boost from leg kits as a healer and I libram for 150 mana on helm), I think most of them will help me. Living Seed working with over-healing is a great buff to the previously next to useless talent.

I await 3.1 with great anticipation :)
Velocemorte said:
I noticed, though, that nobody in this thread said anything about quitting once 3.1 launches. I remember in the polls that quite a few said they'd be leaving, but who? Are any of you going to head out after 3.1? If so, will you be leaving WoW or just twinking?

I won't quit. About the most drastic thing I might do is start a twink for the 29 bracket. My 49 warrior ain't goin' anywhere since he's already at the highest bracket I wanna play, overflow of DKs for the loss... which sucks because pre-Wrath I had the notion I'd eventually take him up to 60 for AV.

3.1 probably won't be any sort of deathblow to twinking. I'm waiting to see if the 49s become too bursty, but so far I think that bracket will weather the storm. If not, like I said I could start a 29 since that bracket looks to be pretty well balanced come 3.1.

I've also got an 80 Holy Priest that gets some occasional raiding done, so there's that to do too.
The 49 bracket in bloodlust was booming a little more than half a year ago...and was going on a 2 year streak of constant twink on twink battles. WoTLK came out and killed most of the twinking community with the imbalance of new and moved class talents. These changes in 3.1 will not effect the hardcore twinkers with endless guild resources;However, those with a little less than love for twinking will drop out.

Clothies may be taking a bigger hit from the HP reduction, but remember guys this is math here, they also took a great increase when shoulder enchants became possible....they are just going back to square one. The problem is, they are losing the leg chants and head librams which will place them below square one.

Blizzard has forced classes into certain specs for over 2 years now, slowly pushing alot of twinks out of the game...and now they are forcing entire classes to re-roll. No amount of forum posts are gonna change the fact that a mage with 2khp or less, is gonna get 1 shotted all over the place. The 49 bracket was fairly balanced about a year ago and Blizzard has caused a bracket meltdown.

I personally am thinking of moving to the 59 bracket....sure there are alot of DKs, but that's only because that's their first bracket....first taste of PVP...I hope to remind them during that first taste, how sour a warlock can be :)

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