@People intending to quit due to PTR

Druiddroid said:
either he can live with having to roll with the punches, or sacrafice some DPS for survivability.

it's not like mages can't blink and mana shield anyways xD

This is all very true. I'm not saying that I (or he) will be quitting or anything drastic, he's resigned to being a glass cannon. I was just illustrating the point that the loss of health in 3.1 hits cloth wearers more than anyone else.

He could sacrifice DPS to achieve my levels of health, but I get to have my health plus my DPS plus my armor plus my Prot mitigation (Def. Stance, Shield Block, et cetera). Frost Barrier and Mana Shield help, no doubt... but I'd still say he and other cloth wearers are drawing the short stick on this one.
I very much look forward to alot of the baddies of my battlegroup who twink just because they want to roll over lowbies and PuGs and /afk when they run into an actual challenge decide to drop out now that even green geared players stand a ghost of a chance of killing them.

Now, granted, caster classes definitely drew the short stick in alot of the brackets.
i completely agree with druid there...

its logical too...

they want to bring back vanilla PVP for 1-60

or so i think they are. its logical to make all things TBC and WOTLK go away !

the only explanation i have for the libram is that at the base they were there for high level content and they were required level 50 to begin with, but a 55+ could apply them. so they simply made them look for item level instead of your level !

but all in all, i think BGs are going to get more fun for everybody, might even bring us more twinks into the fray !
im only gonna quit prolly because im broke tho. 3.1 has a small amount to do with it.
I really don't think it's that weird to quit because of cost. Could be as simple of a decision as choosing between your netflix account or your wow account. WoW is a luxury and if you are trying to save some money you usually start cutting out luxuries first.
Megamann said:
I really don't think it's that weird to quit because of cost. Could be as simple of a decision as choosing between your netflix account or your wow account. WoW is a luxury and if you are trying to save some money you usually start cutting out luxuries first.

well i mean it costs 15 bucks a month to play for a good portion of time. unless you want to cut the luxuries of your internet provider and/or your computer, it doesn't make sense to cut off 20-100 hours of entertainment that costs 15 bucks.
I don't know what kind of income you have Druiddroid or what your expenses are like so I can't comment, but here in Arizona come summer time I pay almost 200-300 more in electricity bills because of constantly running the air conditioner. Sitting around in my house playing games, using up electricity only increases the cost. Instead I can actually turn off my A/C and go out somewhere else spend my money and actually spend less cause I'm not sitting at home running zillions of electronics.

I don't really try to judge how folks spend their money, but if I just said 'hey whats 15 bucks' everytime I felt like spending 15 dollars I'd be pretty broke.
true, i'd prefer to lose my TV cable then lose my internet.

i'd also go for a lower connection before losing my WoW account.

much can be done, but then again when everything is going mad and you are forced to cut off your internet, then of course wow is gonna leave too !
Megamann said:
I don't know what kind of income you have Druiddroid or what your expenses are like so I can't comment, but here in Arizona come summer time I pay almost 200-300 more in electricity bills because of constantly running the air conditioner. Sitting around in my house playing games, using up electricity only increases the cost. Instead I can actually turn off my A/C and go out somewhere else spend my money and actually spend less cause I'm not sitting at home running zillions of electronics.

well, there's something called a 'fan' which you can use :)

also, it costs much more for other forms of entertainment. what are you going to do for entertainment if you're not playing WoW? /shrug

also i'm not sure how a computer makes you use zillions of electronics.
Lol @ the fan comment. Have you ever lived in a desert? Are you really suggesting that a fan is going to keep me cool in 110 degree weather? I can't even tell if your being serious or not, but to give you an idea I have not one, but two air conditioning units hooked up to my house. You think I got two because I felt like spending 10,000 dollars on AC units because I don't want to use a fan. Seriously... I don't even know what to say.

As for what I'll do when not playing WoW if I were to go that direction? Well I got a bike that I like to ride, and a membership to a rock climbing gym. I'd happily spend my time doing either of those activities.
Megamann said:
Lol @ the fan comment. Have you ever lived in a desert? Are you really suggesting that a fan is going to keep me cool in 110 degree weather? I can't even tell if your being serious or not, but to give you an idea I have not one, but two air conditioning units hooked up to my house. You think I got two because I felt like spending 10,000 dollars on AC units because I don't want to use a fan. Seriously... I don't even know what to say.
nah i wasn't too serious about that :p

As for what I'll do when not playing WoW if I were to go that direction? Well I got a bike that I like to ride, and a membership to a rock climbing gym. I'd happily spend my time doing either of those activities.

well what are you going to do afterwards? people that play WoW usually can't find time to do stuff all the time, WoW is mainly a time filler for me personally, and hey if i can play for under a dollar per hour, that's pretty good efficiency :D

my point is..why quit for cost, when the cost for it is cheaper than pretty much all other forms of entertainment?
There is lots of entertainment that is less expensive (or even free) then WoW. I'm guessing you are 18 based off your forum signature and you've got a lot of the world to experience. Sometimes we have to sacrifice luxuries. Unforeseen expenses come up all the time and if you don't have savings you are often forced to cut back costs. Sometimes a monthly budget may not include any money for expenses. I was homeless for a few months and now I own my own home. Peoples expenses can vary drastically. I've had to live off of Ramen noodles and a good day for me was being able to get enough coin to buy a 99 cent burger at a fast food joint. Maybe I just appreciate the value of a dollar more as a result, but every dollar I spend is a dollar I can't spend on something else. I have limited budget and sometimes I have to sacrifice fun things for living expenses.

I'm happy I'm not in such a position at this point in my life, but I certainly understand what it is like to be put in a position where you have to make choices that aren't always fun.
While its true if you are barly making money for food you pretty much cut out everything but the basics.

but what I think druid is refering to is...15 per month is pretty cheap, going to the movies by your self cost..what 30 +gas? not to mention you generanlly go to movies with others. etc
I actually live next to a 2 dollar movie theater. I don't know what movies you are watching that costs 30 dollars either. If you are trying to save money you certainly don't take some else out for a movie either. And honestly if you have disposable income then you aren't worried about canceling your account to save money.

Is it really that hard to understand that if people have a limited amount of money they will cut costs on luxuries? WoW is a luxury and to me it makes perfect sense to cut out a video game before many other luxuries.

I was listening to the radio the other day and they had a really interesting segment where they had folks call up and list what things they would give up to save money, and what they wouldn't give up. I don't recall hearing anything about WoW, but one of the things I found interesting was many folks would rather give up their television or the internet before they gave up their coffee. I don't even drink coffee so the thought of giving up the internet to keep drinking coffee seems nutty to me, but I respect them for prioritizing what is most important to them and acting on it. So hey if you want to give up coffee or cable tv or whatever for WoW then more power to you, but to just brush folks off and say "hey its only 15 bucks" is just pretty closed minded.
2 dollars? lucky, all the theaters around here are 6-12 depending on time/movie/day. of course I added other things candy/drink/popcorn w/e.

Then most people (not all) mainly go to movies or things like it to hang out with friends/family, sure you go for the movie as well..but alot of the time friends/family are a big part of it.

Never have we said "o hey its only 15 bucks" we are stating its generally cheaper than other things you could be doing.

Personally the internet would be the last luxurie I would cut out...tv? watch all your shows on the web, movies? got them to. etc.
The 2 dollar theater is great. It gets movies right as they leave the regular theaters though so if you are into seeing something as soon as it hits theaters then it's really not your kind of movie theater. I've always been a sneak some candy in kind of person.

And I'll agree 15 bucks is a lot cheaper then plenty of other things.

I'm also an internet junkie and so I'd probably have a tough time cutting that out of my budget, but there are ways to use the internet for free whether you attend a college or just have wireless access points in your neighborhood. I remember when my dog ate through my ethernet cord in my apartment only to discover 3 open networks. I canceled my internet service and saved myself a nice chunk of change for a few months. I felt bad about stealing the internet access, but found out my neighbor was one of the people and he didn't mind me using the service.

I'm kind of curious what sort of luxuries you have right now that people would cut out. For me the first thing I'd probably get rid of is my marijuana. I don't really smoke that much anymore, but it would still save me quite a bit more per month then quiting wow.

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