Patch 5.3 (healers)

Right now only way to kill a restro druid involves a hand of justice stun and burning him down or shaman spamming purge. I approve of this change.

I don't feel the reason Resto Druids are hard to kill is because of their heals, its because they have EVERYTHING (almost).
They have too many instant spells, instant shifts etc. All a resto does really is spam HoTs, run away to LoS, heal then jump back in once fully healed. With ZERO down time.

They just have too many utilities. I'm not saying nerf druids ... I'm just saying healing atm isn't why restos don't die. Spamming Rejuv due to unlimited mana is one big issue here.
Im sure it doesn't as it is applied to yourself. I'm talking about things such as HoJ, Fear, roots etc.

Oh crap moments arent always about " oh no my HP is at 10". They could also include, "oh no, im FCing with full HP but am about to be surrounded by 5 attacking DPS, hope Psychic Scream/Frost Nova works".

So, im pretty nub, is that why it seems like im missing my stuns all the time then? The scaling to 24 is screwy?
So, im pretty nub, is that why it seems like im missing my stuns all the time then? The scaling to 24 is screwy?

No no, you aren't a nub because your stuns are missing. Its the Hit Bug that is causing people to miss more then they should.

True to Blizz fashion, they only seem to use PTR to test PvE content and never PvP. So when they implemented 5.2 Scaling they also didn't bother to test it thoroughly enough, or just didn't listen to the testers.

Sad to say but ever since 5.2 its leaning more towards Gear>Skill.
What use it a competent player if spells miss at critical moments ... You then have to stack Hit just to compensate.

Well its not THAT bad, but that simple fact of people not playing certain classes due to the Hit Bug is an issue that should be addressed.

But like i always say ... At least its free.
I still miss thorns, but maybe Feral will not suck again.
To be honest, feral does more damage with the correct rotation than boomy. And boomies hit hard. A lot of people underestimate ferals, but when you duel one if they know their rotation usually you're toast.
It seems not many people remember how resto Druids were in cata . They were perfect . Now the only difference will have just gained lil mobility and better aoe heals
*Cough* rejuv *cough*
To be honest, feral does more damage with the correct rotation than boomy. And boomies hit hard. A lot of people underestimate ferals, but when you duel one if they know their rotation usually you're toast.

Yea, I agree, I saw ur vid :D

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